Sunflower forever

Sunflower love


7 am and I need to go to a variety show. I stretched my arms and reached out for my bag in the couch. "IU!!!" my manager oppa's voice was heard from outside my door. "Ne. I'm coming~" I shouted and hurrid to the door.
"Is that mine?" I asked as I found a box in his hands. "Think so. I got it in front of your door." He said. "Maybe it's from a fan." I told him and took the box as we walked towards the van. "We need to hurry. We're almost late." manager reminded me so I hopped in the van and we drove off.
Being the curious girl that I am, I immediately opened the box and found a fluffy medium-sized teddy bear inside. There was also a letter so I opened it.
Dear IU,
Your bithday is just a few  days away
so I want you to accept this as a simple gift from me.
I named him if you don't mind.
I'm not as squishy as this bear, to be honest.
Hehehehe. I hope you'll take care of him and 
give him lots of cuddles.
I took out the bear from the box. He was wearing a yellow shirt with words printed on it. "Banana milk?" I read outloud. "What about banana milk?" manager oppa asked. "The bear's name is banana milk." I said as I hugged it so tight.
"Who would even name a bear, banana milk?" he asked me. I just shrugged and got pleased with the toy that I got. Peach? Who could you be? Perhaps a fan. Mothers would usually give names to their kids from fruits.
"We're here." My manager announced and so I went down and entered the said building. I was still hugging the bear in my arms as I walked inside the lobby. Then I saw SHINee walking towards.
Ottoke? Should I go back to our van? I might stutter. I was frozen for a second. I was about to turn around and go back when Key called out my name. "IU!!" he said. Uggh. Too late. "Err... Hi!" I greeted them awkwardly. 
"How are you?" Taemin smiled at me. He's extremely handsome right now. His eyes are like glistening stars. I can't keep calm whenever I look at him or when I hear his sweet voice. "I-I'm good." I stuttered and smiled at him. 
"Oh. From a fan?" Jonghyun oppa asked and pointed at the teddy bear in my arms. I nodded. "Banana milk?" Minho oppa asked when he saw the name on the bear's shirt. "It's his name." I chuckled. "Who would even name a bear, banana milk?" Onew oppa asked. I shrugged as I watched SHINee chuckled.
"Let's go now, guys." Onew said and patted the others' backs. "See you around." Taemin told me and I bowed to them as they went off. Stupid me. How I wish I have the courage to say 'hi' without stuttering.
"Of all the names on Earth, why banana milk?!" Jonghyun shouted at me when we got in the van. "Shut up, Jjong. IU seems to like it anyway." Key said. I sighed. Is that name not cute enough? I pouted and took my phone from my pocket.
"Who's IU's favorite cartoon character?" I texted Luna. "Why do you keep on asking? I should get paid for this. Mickey Mouse." she replied. Jinja?! I like Mickey too. "Ne. I will treat you when we meet. Gomawo!" I answered back.
So it's Mickey Mouse then. I searched the net on Mickey Mouse stuffs and something caught my eye. I hope she'll like it.
At last!!! Free day! And I got a date with Jiyeon and Luna. I hopped in outside my dorm when I found a small box just in front of the door. I took it and opened it. My jaw dropped in amusement when I saw a Mickey Mouse watch inside. Is this really mine?
There was a letter inside the box and so I took it out.
Hi, IU!
It's me again. It's seems that
you really are taking care of banana milk.
I saw you hugging it one time and you looked so cute.
This watch is for you.
I heard that you like Mickey Mouse. Hehehe.
I have an exactly the same watch.
I hope you don't mind.
Omo. It's from Peach again. I wonder who peach is. This fan doesn't really need to give such things to me. But this watch is really pretty. I wore it and headed to Luna's dorm where the three of us will hang out.
"Oh. Mickey Mouse." Luna said as she noticed the watch on my wrist. "From a fan?" Jiyeon asked. I nodded and handed them the letter. I heard Luna chuckled. "It seems that you have a secret admirer." Jiyeon said. "Some guys are really so childish." Luna blurted out.
"Guy? You think Peach is a guy?" I asked him. She nodded. "Do you know him?" I asked. "Maybe." she laughed. I looked at her weirdly. "Pabo. Wanna join us?" I heard a very familiar male voice. I turned around to see Taemin talking with Krystal.
"Can I?" Krystal asked him. He nodded happily. My heart suddenly dropped seeing him so delighted with Krystal. Would you be that happy too if you're with me? "Lu-" he tried to call out but then he stopped when he saw me and Jiyeon.
"Annyeong!" he greeted. "Wae, Taem?" Luna asked him. "I promised to treat you, right? Because of... err... you know." he chuckled. "Ahhh~ Ne. But I got visitors, can't you see? Wanna come play with us?" Luna asked him.
I just stared at them blankly. I'm too nervous to even say something. "Ani. I might ruin your girl time. I'll just go treat Krys." he said and went off. 
SHE WAS WEARING THE WATCH. SHE'S WEARING IT!!!! "Oppa, why are you chuckling by yourself? Are you stupid?" Krystal asked me as we ate some ice cream on a nearby ice cream parlor. "Because I'm happy. Bahahaha~" I replied and left her there as I hopped happily back to my dorm.
I looked at my calendar. It's May 15 already and as of now, I've got loads of gifts from Peach -teddy bear, watch, shoes, cute colored pens, a silver bracelet, a branded headband and a pink dress. Omo. Wae? I stared at all the gifts. 
This is getting creepy to be honest. I stood up and opened the door. On my surprise, I didn't found a gift but instead a letter. 
I guess you'll getting scared of me now.
I'm not a stalker. I'm an admirer. Since you debuted, 
I have cheered you from the crowd. You may not see me but I'm always there.
When people called names at you, I was hurt. They didn't understand what beauty means.
I waited til you came back. I spazzed when I saw you in Good day.
My heart drops everytime I see you perform with some guy idol.
How I wish I could sing to you everyday. I'll make you feel special.
I would even make an album just for you, if I'm given a chance.
These gifts are nothing to what I want to tell you.
I could never tell how much I love you.
I love you, IU.
And I don't know any more if what I'm doing is right or wrong.
But I think I've gained enough courage.
I will wait for you tomorrow. 7pm. On Namsan Tower.
Please give me a chance.
Should I go? Or not? Should I? I messed my hair? Would it be too dangerous to go? It won't hurt, right? Or maybe it will.
7pm. And I'm on top of Namsan Tower. I sat on a bench as I wait for IU to come. Will she come? I played with my hands as I waited nervously. What if she doesn't come? I'm such a loser.
I called Luna. "Will IU come?" I asked her. "Where?" she answered back. "She didn't say anything?" I asked her. "Ok. Bye, Luna." I said and hung up. "P-peach?"a sweet voice rang in my head. Am I dreaming? I turned around to find IU staring back at me. "Luna is the one helping you?" she asked.
"Y-you came." I said blankly. "You're peach?" she asked. I nodded. Pleasedon'thatemepleasedon'tplease. "Y-you like me?" she asked me. I looked at her eyes deeply and said "I love you."
"What about Krystal?" I asked. "She's just a little sister to me." I told her. "You had a date that one time I was in your dorm, right?" she asked again. "I took her out as an older brother. I was supposed to treat Luna for helping me out but then you were there." I told her.
Then all of a sudden, she started to cry. Oh. Wae? What did I do? Did I say something wrong? "You stupid!!! You should have said it earlier." she sobbed. "W-what do you mean?" I asked. "I l-love you too." she stuttered and started sobbing.
I chuckled and patted her back. "Can I hug you?" I asked. She nodded and so I wrapped my arms around her. Please. If I'm just dreaming, don't wake me up any more. "Want to be my sunflower?" I whispered. "I am a sunflower who will only look at my sun. You are my sun." she replied and hugged me back tightly. "Happy birthday." I whispered to her. "You're the best gift that I had." she said.
A/N: I got pissed off while writing this, to be honest. This morning, I was writing it already. I was in the mickey mouse part when I accidentally hit the refresh button. Uggh. Stupid me. Anyways, Happy birthday to me one and only female bias, Lee Jieun!!! I hope you enjoyed this twoshot. XD
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marshmallow4897 #1
Chapter 2: I loved it.So cute.
Chapter 2: Shkashkwhdkweiemdidsksbdksnd TAEU FEELS I KENNOT
irenerose #3
Chapter 2: Cute cute cute, really attractive fanfic love it one of the cutest TAEU love love love love love love love just love it...^_^
OMG IT'S SO CUTE T.T please write more abt this couple!
OMG SO CUTE ♥ I loved that he named the teddy bear, ''Banana Milk'' thats SO like Taemin. xD Wahhhhh i love the IUxTaemin couple~!!! ;D
cute one-shot..oho ho i really like IU/taemin><
stayuptonight #7
ahhhh cuuuteeeee! *_________________*
Omo! I enjoyed reading this because IU and Taemin are my biases!
They would really make an adorable couple in real life. <333
Happy birthday, IU! :D
stayuptonight #10
noooo, update pleaaase, don't leave me curious like this, pleaase doon't xDD