Please open your heart

Sunflower love


I stared at the calendar on my room's door.  May 7, 2012. It's been a month since I had a duet with IU. And up to now, I can't help but to smile and giggle childishly as I watch the fancams. I remember the times when I practiced so hard just thinking about our special stage.
I am so afraid to do something wrong in front of you. I bet that was the first time I exerted too much effort on something. I won't wonder if I even get to practice 'Juliette' and 'Hello' a thousand times. SHINee hyungs got pissed off, to be honest. "You sing nothing but 'Juliette' and 'Hello'. I'm hating our own songs because of you." I remember Key complained to me.
I was so nervous when I took a seat on the piano bench as I watched you walk towards me. Your hair was flowing neatly. Your innocent face giving a lovely smile to your fans. No wonder every guy likes you. I used to envy my SHINee hyungs for having the chance to have a collaboration with you. Now, it's my turn. I hope you'll notice me.
Oh I feel so embarrassed
I can't look at you
I feel shy because I've fallen in love
Baby Baby Baby Gee Gee Gee
Is that the reason why you won't look at me even for a second? I tried to glance but you didn't look back. Do you not like me? Or are you really just shy to talk to me? Is that song for me? I can't help but to feel nervous now that you're so close. It's like you're singing it for me in front of everyone and telling them how much you like me. Or am I just dreaming?
I let my fingers do the magic. I started playing the piano. I wanted this song to be for you. Just for you. I looked at you but then my heart started thumping fast. I might forget the lyrics. I might get out of tune. I tried to look at the audience to keep calm.
Please give me a chance
When you look at me with those eyes
I want to hold you in my arms
I tried to look again at her and saw her singing as well. Oh how perfect you can be. Can you hear my song? I'm singing it just for you, IU. Please give me a chance. Accept my heart. Look at me even once. Do you feel my love?
Hello Hello, I might stutter a little though
Who knows we might actually be together
Finally, she looked back at me. I could tell how happy I was that moment. I thought my heart stopped for a minute or two but I didn't care. You looked back and smiled at me. Playing the piano here is so much worth it.
"I-IU-ssi" i stuttered as I called out her name when we get back stage. She looked back with that adorable smile of hers. "You did great." I told her. "You too." she chuckled. "Uhmm.. C-can we go out some time?" I asked her. She nodded and we exchanged numbers. "Just call me Jieun. We're the same age, anyway." she said. "Taemin." I told her and I pointed at myself.
"Jieun, we need to go for the radio show!" I heard her manager call. "Oh. I guess you need to go." I said. "Ne. I need to go to a schedule. Nice working with you. I had fun." She told me and hurried off.
That was a month ago and it still gives me butterflies on my stomach. For one month, I didn't get to see her due to our busy schedules. Oh. Well. Aside from that time in Inkigayo when she gave me flowers because SHINee won. She didn't reply when I text her. She wouldn't answer my calls as well. Uggh. I really want to be close to you.
I looked back at the calendar. "And it's your birthday on the 16th." I sighed. I want to give something to you. I at these things but I will try my best. Maybe my hyungs would be a big help. I went downstairs to find then playing some video games and I sat lazily on the couch.
"What does a girl wants on her birthday?" I asked them. Everyone fell silent. "Are you in love?" Key asked all of a sudden. I looked back at him and nodded. Before I even know, the hyungs have turned off their game and had a pen and paper ready. "Take down notes, bish." Jonghyun hyung said and handed them to me.
"Who is this lucky girl that our maknae loves?" Onew hyung asked. "Are you dumb or are you just dumb? It's IU-ssi, obviously." Minho said. "Is it?" Jonghyun tried to confirm from me. "Another dumb." Key facepalmed. "Can you just tell me what to do?" I asked them. I am getting frustrated.
"Don't make it the usual oh-here's-my-gift-accept-it-please. Make it thrilling. Girls love surprises and a little bit of adventure." Jonghyun hyung said. "Some kind of amazing race? You know, clues. Sherlock." Minho tried to say. "Pabo. Do you want IU to do an amazing race in entire Seoul?" Key said. "That sounds fun." Minho answered. "But why would she exert to much effort on that when she doesn't even need to if she doesn't really care." I told them. 
"Well. Then dinner date." Onew suggested. "Normal." Jonghyun, Key and Minho hyung replied in chorus. "Just send her gifts and hand written love letters everyday. she'll appreciate that." Key said. The others nodded. "That's the best you can do." Minho said and they went back to playing.
Gifts. Everyday. Love letters. That's sounds fine to me. But I don't have the courage to give it to her directly. "Girls love surprises and a little bit of adventure." I took out my phone and called Luna. "Luna, do you know where IU's dorm is?" I asked and jotted down the address that she gave to me.
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marshmallow4897 #1
Chapter 2: I loved it.So cute.
Chapter 2: Shkashkwhdkweiemdidsksbdksnd TAEU FEELS I KENNOT
irenerose #3
Chapter 2: Cute cute cute, really attractive fanfic love it one of the cutest TAEU love love love love love love love just love it...^_^
OMG IT'S SO CUTE T.T please write more abt this couple!
OMG SO CUTE ♥ I loved that he named the teddy bear, ''Banana Milk'' thats SO like Taemin. xD Wahhhhh i love the IUxTaemin couple~!!! ;D
cute one-shot..oho ho i really like IU/taemin><
stayuptonight #7
ahhhh cuuuteeeee! *_________________*
Omo! I enjoyed reading this because IU and Taemin are my biases!
They would really make an adorable couple in real life. <333
Happy birthday, IU! :D
stayuptonight #10
noooo, update pleaaase, don't leave me curious like this, pleaase doon't xDD