Singing is not her thing.

It's Chanyeol, not Chansik!

- After school. 1C classroom.

Jinee and Myungsoo were sitting across each other not saying a single word. This guy gives off this strange aura. Jinee thought as she looked at Myungsoo who has his head resting on his crossed arms on top of the table. Miss Im, please come already.. Jinee begged mentally.

After a while, Miss Im entered the classroom. Jinee immediately stood up and brisk walked to her form teacher.

"You're late!" Jinee screamed as she pointed at her teacher who was making funny and weird faces at her. Myungsoo had also woke up from his nap and looked at the two sleepily. "Gosh teacher, you act like a student."

Miss Im laughed ignoring Myungsoo's comment. "Psh, everyone is not that punctual." she retorded as she walked past Jinee.

She went to her table and placed the papers and files required for profiling. She sorted out the necessary papers and ushered Jinee and Myungsoo.

There were 4 stacks of papers on the center of the teacher's table.

"Okay, so I've been interviewing your classmates and you throughtout the 2 months, right? The papers from the interview are here." Miss Im pointed the neatly stacked papers on the left.

Then, Miss Im tapped the two middle stack of papers. "While these 2 stacks contain the 2 important surveys that you took on each of the ending of a month."

She pointed the last stack papers. "Now lastly, these papers are printed with the names of you and your classmates. One paper, one student. It's basically like a student profile sheet"

Jinee and Myungsoo nodded when their teacher made eye contact with them.

"What I want you to do is copy down the the important things from the interview papers and surveys to each student's profile sheet. I know that the two of you have neat handwriting so I expect all the student profile sheets to be as neat as possible." Miss Im explained clearly.

Miss Im eyed the two of them, "Understand?"

"Understand," the two answered. Myungsoo actually did not get any of it. Well, it's not like he'll help anyway. 

While walking out the class, Miss Im shouted, "Don't worry! All of those are arranged alphabetically. Put it on top of my dest in the teacher's office by 5pm!"

Jinee and Myungsoo were left together in the classroom again. "Aren't you going now?" Jinee asked Myungsoo as she took each stack to her table one by one. "Mmhm." Myungsoo mumbled but Jinee still heard it since it was so quiet.

"Okay bye. Good luck!" Jinee smiled as she waved Myungsoo goodbye. Myungsoo just smiled back saying a simple "bye".

Jinee was now alone inside the silent class. She put on her earphones as she listened to her favorite songs. She had a lot of songs in her phone but she listened to her favorites most of the time.

She put the playlist on shuffle mode. As she did the task, she began to sing along. 

- After school. 3rd floor. Music room.

"...I'm good."

And with that, Chanyeol ended his rap. Baekhyun and Kai clapped as they said, "DAEBAK!" Chanyeol smirked, "I know right."

Forever cocky. Baekhyun and Kai thought.

The three were just usually chilling in the music room. They had always stayed there most of the days after school. It is where Chanyeol can rap as much as he want, Baekhyun can sing as loud as he can and Kai would dance as freely as he would. Yes the trio were really talented.

"I'm bored." Kai moaned as he rolled on the floor. The other two agreed with him. "Wanna eat outside?" Baekhyun offered. "Nah, I'm broke," Chanyeol sighed, "let's just go home guys."

"Kay," the two lazily replied as they got up and took their bags. "Oh wait. SHOOT. When I was taking my  a while ago, I remember about my homework and apparently, I forgot to take our homework from below my table. Aish, I'm too lazy to take it now. I won't do it then," Chanyeol groaned. "Dude, just take it when we walk down to 2nd floor," Baekhyun told him. "But our class is so far from the stairs!" Chanyeol complained.

"Don't be a lazyass, kid. Mr Yoon is gonna kill you if you don't hand in the homework tomorrow," Baekhyun warned.

Jinee was finished with about the two-third of the papers and she was getting sleepy since most of the songs in her playlist were relaxing. That changed when Orange Caramel's Funny Hunny played. She got shocked at the sudden loud sound but got used to it as the song continued playing.

"My funny hunny! I love youuuuuu~ nan jeongmal neoppuniya- ah!" she sang along shamelessly. Let's get the facts straight. Jinee is not the best singer out there, she's one of the worst actually. The truth hurts.

She sang as she thought there was no one around and since the class was far from the other classes for some unknown reason. But unfortunately, Jinee was not alone in the class. Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Kai entered the class so that Chanyeol can take his forgotten homework. "My funny hunny! I need youuuuu~ neon jeongmal gatgo sipeo!" she continued singing, oblivious of the trio who were looking at her with an amused expression.

"Oh my god," Kai began.

"This is shocking," Beakhyun continued.

"Singing is definitely not her thing." Chanyeol ended.

Suddenly, Chanyeol thought of a plan. An evil plan. He walked to Jinee who was still unaware of the three's presence and was still singing. He stood behind her seat, leaned down and took off Jinee's earpiece. 

"Funny hunny~ naegawa baby come- WHAT THE?!" Jinee exclaimed.  Jinee looked at Chanyeol whose face was just beside her right ear. 

Jinee's POV.

I looked at Chanyeol. He had that stupid smirk plastered on his pathetic face. Did he.. possibly.. hear me?

I laughed sheepishly at him and stuttered, "Err.. y-you.. didn't h-hear anything.."

Chanyeol stood up properly and pointed behind him. Baekhyun and some other guy were standing there, ready to just laugh out loud anytime.

"We did actually."

"No you didn't."

"Yes we did, right guys?" he asked his friends as he glanced at them. The two just nodded at him then laughed loudly. So did Chanyeol.

Aish, what did I do in my past life to have this bad luck?! I faced the papers again and continued my work, completely ignoring those three. I tried to focus but these three are still here since I can still hear their laughs even if it's not that loud anymore. Out of the blue, these three took 3 seats and sat in front of me, I mean my desk. I ignored them once again.

But minutes passed and they were still there.

I slammed my pen on the table and eyed the three. They were strangely staring at me. So annoying. "Go away! I have to finish this!" I snapped and glared at them. Then, this unknown guy smiled at me and offered to help me. "And who are you?" I questioned the guy while raising an eyebrow at him.

"Oh! I'm Kim Jong In but please call me Kai~" he introduced himself with a warm smile. "Oh hello Kai. I'm Jinee. But I can do this by myself. I just want you three to you know.. go away?" I swear, I did not know how to shoo these annoying lads.

I checked my light pink and gold Guess watch. It was freakin' 4:32pm. OH MY GOD. "Please guys! Don't disturb me! I have to hand this in by 5pm!" I pleaded them as I wrote fastly but tried to make my handwriting still neat.

"NO," Chanyeol stuck his tongue out at me.

"Argh, disturb me all you want tomorrow just go away today!"

"So we can disturb you all we want?" Chanyeol asked emphasizing 'all we want'.

"Yes yes," I shooed them. And with that they stood up, put the chairs back to their original places and walked out of the class.



End of Jinee's POV.

- 9pm. Chanyeol's house.

"Aish, time to do my homework." Chanyeol walked over to his bag which was on the floor. He opened his bag and looked for his Science worksheets. 3 minutes later, he still had not find his homework. He began panicking and removed all the things inside his bag. He shook his bag as he turned it upside down hoping that somehow, the worksheets will magically appear. But no, the worksheets were nowhere to be found.

He remembered walking out of the class after Jinee told them to go away without even taking his homework. And to think that his purpose to go back to the class was because he must take his homework...

"," he grunted, "I'll be in deep if Mr Yoon finds out I didn't do my homework!"

[29 MAY 2012] WEEEEEE~ do you guys like it? ;D

fab chanyeol.

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Okay guys, I'll either update this today or tomorrow. I'm just excited for this fic, yknow?


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Mustard #1
Chapter 2: LOL, JINHEE! So embarrassing >_______<

Update soon author-nim, FIGHTING!
Chapter 2: LOL. He didn't even take his work xD
x-seoulmate #3
i just love jinee's character. orz.
x-seoulmate #4
subscribed bro. ♡
LOL. update soon :D
Ho shoot Chanyeol's in trouble :O
oh-raindrop #6
supporting! <3
wub this c:
Update soon! I like it :D
I can't wait! Lol I love jineee's character x3