Yoona + Taecyeon = ?

I Want to Hate You (Hiatus)

Yoona's P.O.V

I watched as Mrs.Hyun lecture us on the topic of Algebra, although no one was listening. Taecyeon, sitting beside me,

kept clicking on his pen as he hummed away to the song of Badboy. Click, click, click...

"Aish! Stop that will you!" I hissed.

Taecyeon stopped and looked at me, trying for an innocent face. My thoughts instantly went to Suzy, sitting at the back of the class

behind Donghae. She must be having a whale of a time now looking at the back of his head


I giggled as Taecyeon pouted his lips. He have been friends for almost two years now, and he is one of the kindest guys I know.

I motioned for him to stop while I started taking notes on the topic.


Taecyeon P.O.V

Yoona put a finger to her lips, asking me to keep quiet. I sighed and too, began to write the notes. Why won't she notice me?

For two years I have been trying again and again to impress her but to no avail. I've been 'friend-zoned', I think. I can't confess,

she has no romantic feelings for me. My confession would only bring an end to our beautiful friendship. I soon became aware of

Yoona clicking her fingers in front of my face.

 "Hello? Hello... Earth to Tae-Tae! Class is over.." She said.

Tae-Tae? Not again... her terrible nickname of me reminds me that its a wonderful nickname for a dog, not a wonderful

handsome creature like me!

"Dont call me Tae-Tae."

She stuck out her tongue and ran out the door, before I could chase her... just like the situation I am in now. Whenever

I think she might like me, she's gone the next moment. What is a guy to do?


Can? Yup, this chapter is all about Yoona & Taecyeon! Should my chapters be longer though? Well, stay tuned!


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More YoonHae Please!! ^^ Update soon!Update with longer stories!
Oh and IDC who ends up with who, just don't let Suzy be alone, please?!?! She's my baby giiiirlll :D
Oh this is so cute. I rarely read Yoona fics. In fact the very reason I went here is because of Suzy. But I really like this, Yoona so cute!!!
lol annoying brat
AliceB #5
You are creating a good story! Relax and enjoy! Fighting! :)
LeeNicole #6
Yoonhae please!!
Update ~~~
Yoonhae please!
Nice one! And Yoonhae pls...