A Walk with SHINee

Birthday Gift



Two days before Charlie’s birthday (Jonghyun’s P.O.V)

At the Airport


                Today, me and the rest of SHINee, were walking in between a group of security making our way through the door of Seoul International Airport.  Although we love our fans, their so ridiculous sometimes.  We were just trying to get on our plane on time but they were making it so difficult.  One girl was so crazed she actually got through the security and knocked poor Taemin to the ground, begging him to marry her. Our poor maknae, by the time security got her off him, he was already red faced and sniffling as if he was about to burst out in tears.  Luckily for us, big brother at Minho was on the scene and got him to calm down before his crying got out of hand.


Now, we’re almost to the airport security. Onew’s chatting animatedly with a manager about something.  Key and Minho look like their either playing a game or having a play fight, you can never tell with those two.  I’m just waving and smiling to fans right now but Taemin, he’s staring off into space blankly with his headphones on although I’m pretty sure nothing is playing.


As we got to the Airport Security, I noticed something…  well rather someone…s. Two girls who were ahead of us on the line. One looked Asian but the other looked like she was mixed or Hispanic but something I noticed for sure, was that they were HAWT! Then the Asian one turned around and was rubbing her eyes with tears coming down her face.  She was wearing a white sleeveless vest, a gray sleeveless shirt with a black one underneath, white skinny jeans with white fingerless gloves, a skinny black tie and white Nike high tops. Her long, black hair was pulled into a ponytail with her bangs framing her face.


The other girl had a sort of hip hop fashion.  Her long, wavy dark brown hair was loose and she had a cap on her head.  She wore a long sleeved white shirt underneath a short sleeved black graphic tee, a pair of knee length cargo pants and black and red Airwalks. Even though her outfit was kind of tomboyish, NO ONE in their right mind could mistake her for a boy, not with those curves. Not even if she shaved her head.


The Hispanic one was trying to help the other girl, who seemed to be having some eye problems.


Being the “gentleman” that I am, I pulled Minho from his chat with Key, and Taemin from his corner of sorrow and started to approach the girls.


Taemin need something to get his mind off of today’s…eh hem, incident and Minho, hmm I don’t know why but I just grabbed him anyway.


“Hello” I said smoothly when we reached the girls, “What’s wrong?” The Hispanic girl turned, revealing a pair of beautiful hazel eyes, answering “Oh her contact fell out and she’s just being a big baby about it. Right Jaemi?”…in English. Only problem is my English .


“Umm d-do you speak K-Ko-ee-ahn?” I managed to choke out.


Minho and Taemin laughed at my bad pronunciation. “Real smooth hyung!”


Ugh Taemin, right now I liked him better when he was crying…


“Ugh, shut up” I grumbled, my face reddening


The girls giggled “Don’t worry, my Korean bad too,” the girl replied in Korean “but not her, Jae” she said, not so softly pushing her friend into my chest and by reflex I wrapped my arms around her small waist. I also couldn’t help but notice how short she was, cute.


“What happened to you? Why the tears? I asked again, as she pulled herself from my arms “and if she speaks English, how did she know what I asked?


“Im not crying, my contact fell out and my eye hurts, im okay though and her-“ she pointed to the other girl who was digging in her bag for something “understands Korean but she isn’t too good at speaking it. By the way, i’m Jaemi and that’s Kailynn but you can call us Jae and her Lynn, that’s easier to say. You?


I was slightly shocked that she didn’t know who we were but I answered anyway, “im Jonghyun, that’s Taemin and the tall guy is Minho.” I said pointing to the respective people “Oh and those two over there are Key and Onew.”


She giggled again, and I swear that sound is like music to my ears, ”Key and Onew? Those are silly names. “


“Hey Jae” Kailynn said finally looking up from her bag. “You want anything to drink?”

“No thanks, but can I have my glasses and the contact case?” she said in English then turned and said “Any of you guys thirsty?  We have juice, milk, soda, water…” in Korean.


Dang listening to her switch between the two was giving me a headache.


After asking the guys, Taemin wanted banana milk and Minho wanted some water. I’m sure I saw her wink to Lynn when Taemin said banana milk, but that could just be their HAWTness distracting me.


While the other girl, I mean Kailynn was getting the drinks, Jaemi suddenly got a phone call. All I heard was “Yoboseyo”, “We’re still at the security gate” and “Yeah, Kailynn is with me too”. Even if I heard more she was speaking in English so I couldn’t really understand much. After she finished talking Jae said that she and Kailynn had to leave. By then Kailynn had already given out the drinks and they went through the security gate, waved to us and turned through the hall, the opposite way from where we were going to head. At that point, Taemin started to get a little jittery.


After we all cleared the gate, Taemin was looking a little…weird.


“Hey, little man. What’s your problem now?” I asked genuinely concerned. He looked like he was right about to have a breakdown but to anyone else they might have thought he was dancing since he still had the headphones firmly in his ears but I’m still sure that music is off.


Anyways, the point being, the boy was trembling like he was on drugs, “Yah! Taemin-ah! You still didn’t answer me. Are you okay?” I asked again, slightly irritated this time.

“Neh, hyung.” He answered with a little nod. “It’s just I-I-I ah!”


He dropped to his knees bending over clutching his stomach with a pained look on his face. By now, Key Onew and Minho had stopped and were looking back at us.


“What’s wrong with Minnie?” Minho asked, being the first of the three to say something.


“I don’t know! He just grabbed his stomach and started groaning!” I ran to said boy, who was still on his knees but now had his forehead touching the floor.


I tried to get him to talk to me but he just began to groan louder. By now all the SHINee members and our manager was surrounding our maknae. The fans started to scream and push each other from behind the barriers, their precious baby Taemin looked like he wanted to sink into the ground and die. He had tears streaming down his face in little waterfalls and he was pulling at the cloth around his stomach. I guess that stirred something inside Key because after looking at his “son” he was knocked straight into Umma mode.


Key gently pushed me out of the way and sat on the floor behind Taemin, pulling the crying boy’s upper body into his lap. He soothingly rubbed Taemin’s stomach (just like a mom, let me just say) and cooed things to him, I guess Key has some magical powers because Taemin began to calm down although he still had a pained look on his face. I’m pretty sure that scene of Key comforting Taemin is going to be on a few million fan sites by tomorrow.


“Now,” Key started, still slowly rubbing Taemin’s stomach. “What’s wrong? Where does it hurt?” Key asked although we all knew it had something to do with his stomach.


“My…tummy” Taemin mumbled gruffly through clenched teeth. This kid is just too cute. He’s having…extreme intestinal discomfort and yet he says tummy.


“What about your tummy?” Key pushed


“I feel like, like water…” he trailed off before hiccupping.


Darn, now on top of his pain, he’s nervous.


(Hello baby insider, Taemin hiccups when he’s nervous)


“You feel like water?” Key asked incredulously


“No, I feel like-” he hiccupped “water’s in my tummy” and yet another hiccup “it’s moving!”


Key’s eyes got really wide at that. He pushed Taemin away from his body and held him an arms length away.


“Taemin! What’s moving? Are you pregnant? Because if you are I’m a little bit confused. I mean you do look a little girly sometimes but-” Key rambled on for no reason. We had three showers in our bathroom and had all confirmed Taemin’s masculinity at one point or another.


“NO! Heck no hyung!” Taemin screamed. He looked like Key’s unintentional insult temporarily distracted him from the pain. “I mean, I know my hair is long but jeeze hyung!”


“Sorry but-“ Key started but got cut off my another one of Taemin’s loud groans.


“Okay guys, I’m back!” Onew yelled running towards the group with a big brown bag in his arms.


Honestly, I hadn’t even noticed when he left.


“Here” He said handing the bag to Key.

“Did you buy medicine?” I questioned


“No, I bought-”


“Chicken! ONEW! The boy could be hurt badly and all you could think about is chicken? Ugh! Your unbelievable! Gosh you-” Key started.


“No, Key! Listen! I thought he might have been hungry. He didn’t eat dinner last night or breakfast. He may just be having hunger pains.” Onew reasoned.


“Well” Minho said “Onew hyung is right. Taemin fell asleep before dinner and he only drank  a lot of water this morning. But you should probably give him a little more water first, so he doesn’t get sick from eating after so long.”


Ah, Minho. Always the voice of reason.


So we gave Taemin some water that the manager had.


“Feel any better?” I asked softly. I mean we’re all family so I was really concerned about our baby.


“Yea, I’m oka-aaaaaaaaahhhh!” He jumped up off Key’s lap and ran around a corner.


“Taemin!” We yelled after him but didn’t move. He was running towards a bathroom so we knew he’d be back. 

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Little_M #1
Waahh! Nice chapter! I want Taemin too :"> But I wont have him :(<br />
Update soon >:D<
ShyMin #2
intresting intresting!<br />
Update soon<br />
When I first read the description I was like...<br />
I asked for Taemin as a birthday present too!<br />
My friends said okaay~! XD<br />
But seriously they're going to Korea in 3 years time and they're taking me with them, they will also try to find Taemin for me! O.O<br />
Update soon!! <3
OMG LIghtening birthmarks ^^ (I thoiugh Harry Potter >_< I'm sorry.) Most of the time the character descpitions are in the foreword. But guyess your special.<br />
Oh btw. Your sn is the same one of the main characters in my story ^0^. LOL had to point that out :D. No pressure to update soon xD.
D:< WHOA KEY'S PROFILE LOOKS WEIRD O_O! Oh btw. You have some spelling and grammar mistake in the foreword ^^
Little_M #5
Uh.. I want you to update!!<br />
I'm dying here!! It is gonna be interesting :))