How it all started

Birthday Gift


 [Everyone, this cutiepie is...KAIDEN!!! WHooooooo!]

 (One and a half month before Charlie’s Birthday)


How it all started (One and a half month before Charlie’s Birthday)


It was quiet in the Park household. Everyone was gone, save for Charlotte Park, her little brother; Kaiden and the two ninja paparazzi prowling around her house…


“Jae!?!?!” Kailynn whispered harshly.


“What?” Jaemi answered with the same amount of attitude.


“Got the camera?” Kailynn questioned.




“Is it on?”


“Yea, wait, no- Now it is.” Jaemi said cutting the camera on “Okay, why’d I have to bring this again?” Jaemi asked her friend innocently, point the camera in Kailynn’s direction.


“It is simple my dear Jae” Kailynn replied, patting Jaemi’s head teasingly, “oo hates when we burst in on her. So we might need to document the events leading up to our deaths.” Kailynn ended with a smirk.


“Wow, that’s so reassuring…” Jaemi groaned sarcastically.


“Never mind that, come on. We need to see what she wants for her birthday and since Kaiden’s with her, she probably won’t tell us off…too badly.”


The two girls crept down a hallway, getting closer and closer to a room with a light peeking out from behind the edges of a closed door. As they approached the door, Jaemi stuck her arm out in front of Kailynn and spoke out in a trembling voice,


“Hey, Lynn?”


“Yes Jae?”


“I thought that you’re supposed to run away from the light at the end of a tunnel.” Jaemi joked


Kailynn chuckled, softly swatting her friend’s arm, “Oh shush you! We’ll go in on three. One, Two, Thr-“


“Wait! Shouldn’t we have written wills first?”


“Oh gosh, Jae! Three!”


They burst in the door, only to see Charlotte bent over the side of a huge tub, carefully washing her brother’s hair.


Annoyed, Charlie said “Guys why’d you come in here? Cant you see I’m busy?”


Lynn replied humorously, “Hunn, were your best friends. We don’t consider you giving little man a bath as being busy. Besides we’ve changed his toxic diapers before so we’ve seen it all.”


“Ugh fine! So what do you want?” Charlotte said getting more and more irritated with her friends as she continued to busy herself with her little brother’s hair. He had gotten into a bottle of honey and the outcome wasn’t pretty, it was pretty darn cute, but still not pretty.


Kailynn took a deep breath before saying “We have a life altering question to ask you. It could very much change your whole life…” dramatic pause


“Well?” Charlotte pushed, getting excited as her eyes flicked between Lynn, Jae  and the video camera in Jae’s hands.


“oo.” Lynn continued


“Yes?” the excitement kept building, pushing at Charlotte’s insides aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand…


“What do you want for your birthday?” Jae said dryly




“That was the life altering question you had for me? Oye…” She turned back to Kaiden whom had been busying himself with the bubbles in the tub.


“Just answer the question and stop being difficult woman!” Jaemi urged. She just wanted to get Charlie something simple that they could enjoy together, like concert tickets or something, but now Kailynn was bent on getting Charlie exactly what she wanted for her birthday.


“If I answer, you guys will get out right? I mean, not that I don’t love you, but if I drag this bath out any longer, Kaiden is gonna turn into a prune.” Charlie said, scowling a little at the sight of her brother’s already slightly wrinkled fingertips.


“Yea, fine fine whatever, just look into the camera and answer clearly, okay chica?” Lynn rushed, clearly happy that she was gonna get a response of some sort.


“Alright then” Charlotte turned her body to face the camera and said, “Ummm get me an iPod” before swiftly turning around to rinse the suds off of Kailynn.


“You’ve got one already. In fact it’s playing right now.” Jaemi piped a-matter-of-factly


That was true though; Charlie’s iPod had been playing music since she had entered the bathroom.


“Ugh then get me a laptop” she said dejectedly.


“You have one, remember? The Mac?”


“Yea yea I know what it is” Charlie replied swatting at the air playfully “fine, A new guitar?”


“You’ve got three electrics, two acoustics and a ukulele”


“Okay, Skateboard?”




“A book?”


“You already have four book shelves full”


“A hoodie?”


“Oh come one. Do I really need to refer you to the museum of hoodies in your closet?”


“When did picking a gift get so hard?!” She threw her arms in the air in defeat.


“When you decided to get in to Lynn’s little trap. It’s okay; I’ve been stuck in that dungeon for a while. It’s cold and wet and doesn’t have adequate plumbing.” Jaemi joked, earning herself a punch in the arm.


Fine fine fine. I want…” Charlie paused but a voice singing on her iPod gave her an idea, *Kailynn will never give up* she thought. “Lee Taemin” Charlie shouted, blurting the out the name belonging to the voice on her iPod.


“What?” her friends chorused.


“Yea you heard me. Lee Taemin of SHINee. That is what…or who I want for my birthday. Now out, out, out. This is over. Poor Kaiden, his bum is starting to wrinkle.” She scrunched her face and lightly nudged her friends out of the bathroom.


“Well well well. Now that I know what she wants, it’s time to think up a plan.” Kailynn said, tapping her fingers together.


“Oh no. You’re not taking her seriously right?”


“Oh of course I am.” Kailynn answered Jaemi honestly. “Now let’s go. I have an idea.” She said dragging Jaemi down the hall by the back of her shirt.


“How do I always end up in these messes with you???” Jaemi cried, before cutting the camera off.



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Little_M #1
Waahh! Nice chapter! I want Taemin too :"> But I wont have him :(<br />
Update soon >:D<
ShyMin #2
intresting intresting!<br />
Update soon<br />
When I first read the description I was like...<br />
I asked for Taemin as a birthday present too!<br />
My friends said okaay~! XD<br />
But seriously they're going to Korea in 3 years time and they're taking me with them, they will also try to find Taemin for me! O.O<br />
Update soon!! <3
OMG LIghtening birthmarks ^^ (I thoiugh Harry Potter >_< I'm sorry.) Most of the time the character descpitions are in the foreword. But guyess your special.<br />
Oh btw. Your sn is the same one of the main characters in my story ^0^. LOL had to point that out :D. No pressure to update soon xD.
D:< WHOA KEY'S PROFILE LOOKS WEIRD O_O! Oh btw. You have some spelling and grammar mistake in the foreword ^^
Little_M #5
Uh.. I want you to update!!<br />
I'm dying here!! It is gonna be interesting :))