
Project VI: Children of God


Stroking his seaweed-like hair in one moment of vacancy, Jiyong sat down on the floor and sighed as he heard the sound of Yongguk’s car slowly moving away. He was unsure of what to do next since all the children had gone to school already and it would take Seunghyun quite a long time to get back from the girls’ school. Alone in the huge house, Jiyong began to let his mind wander to other places. He grieved at the loss of Taehwa; not very long ago she used to be home-schooled with Minki. Everytime Jiyong sat down on the floor like that she would leave her seat and stretch her slender fingers at him; her lips would curve into an angelic smile demanding the Guardian to stand up and continue with teaching her and Minki. Jiyong shifted his eyes to the dining table, hoping to see the young girl with long black hair and a ghost of a smile on her lips stretching her fingers at him; only to see nothing but empty seats. Slowly shaking his head to regain consciousness, Jiyong thought about the rest of the girls. Gayoon, younger than Yongguk just by a few months, always shows her sweet caring towards all of the younger, and sometimes even towards the three older males. There was also the pretty, smart but shy Sueji who likes to lock herself in Seunghyun’s office upstairs reading books. The two were at the girls’ private school while Jiyong sent them his concern and love; they must have been doing the student council’s work already. And the youngest of the three girls, also the youngest in the house, Minjun, who everybody addressed as ‘Min’; she was at school with Aaron and the boys already and Jiyong wondered to himself if she was just dozing off again like she always did when the older tried to teach her stuff back at home. Minjun was still the most unpredictable one in the house, no one knew her that well since it had just been around three months since Jiyong and Seunghyun found her outside of the house.

   Jiyong reminded himself about how shocked he was when he had seen a three-year-old girl sleeping peacefully in Minjun’s crib the morning after they had found her. Back then it had hit him; they’d found one more of them. Minjun started to grow, both physically and mentally, with a rapidly unpredictable speed; and only after three months’ time she had the look of a fifteen-year-old girl and may have even more profound changes in her mind. Jiyong then thought about how funny it was when he had randomly named her ‘Minjun’ – a combination of Minki and Junhong’s names – and she grew up being just like her two brothers. She was shy and calm like Minki; but when it came to times she was extremely smart and athletic, guess who did she take after? Only sometimes Minjun could go rebellious; and Jiyong hoped that she wouldn’t do such thing on her first day of school, her first day of interacting with strangers who she hadn’t ever seen once in her three-month life.


   Minutes later Jiyong found himself thinking about every of his children, praying that nothing would go wrong to them. He prayed to God that things would be settled down and that his side may win the battle; but as he knew it, God always liked to play with others’ will and emotions, and things would be alright to him as long as he keeps himself entertained. Jiyong chuckled at the thought, how funny for people like Seunghyun and him to work for too much of a joker like that.


   “I’m back.” The door creeked open again and Seunghyun walked in slowly, his eyes scanning every square inch of the room. His voice was strong and moving; the kind of voice that either would warm everything that it reaches or would scare everyone who hears it to death. He walked around the table to see Jiyong there, interrupted with his thoughts.


   “How many times have I told you not to sit on the floor like that, Jiyong? It’s cold.” Seunghyun frowned and reached his hand out; as Jiyong grabbed it and stand up in a blink of an eye.


   “I know, but I like it this way.” The younger laughed silently and placed a kiss on Seunghyun’s lips. “Welcome home, apoji.”








   Minki chose for himself a seat by the window, the closest to the teacher’s desk right at the moment he stepped into the classroom. He staggered a bit, almost ended up bumping into some girls nearby. As they gave him weird looks, he sighed and pretended to focus on something outside the window, assuming that it was really fascinating. Playing a random song in his head over and over again, Minki slowly built up an invisible wall that seperated his mind from the others, just in case that they were thinking something offensive. And just in case there was another one of them in the classroom that he didn’t know, Minki slowly drew fake thoughts on that wall, like the way Junhong and Yongguk drew graffiti on their bedroom walls. For a second it was like making a fantastic art when he drew thoughts of how excited he was to be able to go to school, and how he would love it if he could make new friends right at the beginning of the schoolyear. Though those fake thoughts weren’t exactly his, Minki kept a secret thought inside of those unbreakable walls, that maybe, just maybe, only a teeny-weeny bit of possibility, that he really did hope to have a great schoolyear. The first schoolyear he’s ever had.


   Junhong shuffled slowly behind Minki and quickly had a seat behind the older’s back. The seat in the far right of the room overlooking the narrow backyard with a row of shady trees was a perfect place for students to keep their mind wandering somewhere outside of the class, and a perfect place for Junhong to do anything he wanted; since he had been reading his textbooks right after Jiyong brought them home, more like devouring them; so now he thought to himself that there was no need for him to pay attention. He could recall all of the knowledge in just a blink of an eye, and that meant far before any of his classmates could even crack their books open.


   Minjun was the last to approach the classroom’s door. Eyebrows furrowed in confusion, she clenched her hand which was holding onto her backpack, lowered her head and stepped quickly into the room. Most of the seats were taken, including those near Minki and Junhong. The whispers soon died out when the footsteps of the teachers on the corridor were heard; and Minjun knew that she didn’t have much time and even less choices left. Sliding into a random seat closest to her, she only had the chance to settle down before the teacher got in. He was young, maybe in the late beginning of his twenties with blond hair and a shiny smile plastered on his lips. Nearly invisible little red threats hanging down from his fingertips joined together about an inch away from his middle fingers, from which they created a thick, red twisting line crawling back to his wrist, forming an odd-looking red bracelet and dropping back down to the floor, where the thick thread met dozens and dozens of its relatives – those threads of the students.


   “Good morning, students.” The teacher cleared his throat and said. “I can see that there are many faces here waiting eagerly for an exciting schoolyear to start; old faces we’ve already known and also brand new friends that we might find interesting to socialize with. These two periods are the first of ours this year, so we will just spend these getting to know each other and enjoying the last moments of freedom before the quality tests begin next week. I’ll give you guys a brief introduction of mine and then probably just let you do whatever you want, okay?”


   A wave of whispers rose up among the students, most of them were grinning at the teacher with satisfaction. The rest of them were busily shoving their books and notes back to their bags, impatient for the time to run off. Minjun turned around trying to have a look at Junhong but only ended up meeting the sharp eyes with a stranger. He looked mature for his age, with cold and seemingly merciless gazes. She couldn’t help but feeling hypnotized as she stared those eyes hiding behind his wavy, reddish-brown bangs and he also looked back at her. A few seconds felt like a thousand years as they stared each other down, until the teacher tapped his desk and interrupted them. Minjun was startled and quickly turned back to face the teacher. He smiled at his students again, and began his introduction:


   “My name is Kang Daesung, but you guys can call me Kang-nim, or Daesung-nim or just Daesung, it’s your free choice. I’m twenty-four and I like Doraemon. I will be teaching you Korean from now on, and I hope we would get along well. Now I’m probably going to slack off and leave you guys alone, do whatever you want and find me in the teacher’s office if you need me. And by the way Ms.Jung, your History teacher, is absent today so just enjoy your morning and then get back to class in the afternoon, alright? Goodbye everyone, and remember to behave!”


   He quickly took off, and soon after that the class followed him, leaving the three siblings there in deep silence. The stranger with hypnotizing eyes was also there, but he soon disappeared behind the closed door while talking on the phone with someone else. Minjun looked around again and sighed at the sight of notes flying everywhere and pens rolling on the floor. Some people even left their jackets and caps back. What they call ‘summer’ surely had a huge effect on people’s mind; but Minjun was an exception. She knew nothing.


   It seemed like none of her older brothers wanted to leave the classroom. Minki slowly lowered his chin and supported it with his hands, his eyes fixed to an unknown spot outside of the window. Junhong vaguely pulled his mask up and breathed calmly; his hands rummaged for his earphones and plugged them in after a matter of seconds. Minjun closed her eyes and rested her head on the desk and soon fell into a dreamy state, where she was aware of what was happening in the real world, but just couldn’t seem to open her eyes properly and observe things like she does in her conscious state.


   Instead, those eyes haunted her. Cold and merciless, yet hiding something insecure. Along with that were tattered black feathers, being blown away by invisible gusts of wind.





Author's words: Hey it's me again. I told you it was a 3-chapter update but now I've just remembered that I wrote another one last night so here it goes keke~ And YES IT'S A TINY BIT OF G-T.O.P I JUST CAN'T HELP IT <3<3<3 And I also have to tell you that their ages got messed up a little :D

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lemonkpoplover #1
More more!!'s really interesting!!
All of my OTP's in one fic!? I must be in heaven.
lemonkpoplover #3
Wow!! Your writing skills are awesome!! I like how you made the characters! Mainly Minki and Zelo!! ^^