I Need Help?

I Need Help?

 “How do you see Jinki Lee?” Ms. Roberts, the therapist, asks me as she looks at me from above the frames of her glasses, with her pen in her right hand, continuously tapping it on the mahogany table, and the clipboard with countless sheets of paper clipped to it, in her left hand, her smooth legs crossed in her gray pencil skirt under the table.


“I love him.” I say in an indifferent voice, feeling extremely uncomfortable in the auburn red chair, and her emotionless stare.


She shakes her head and stops tapping the pen, I see her look down at the clipboard and check something off, then scribbling down most likely what I just told her.


“And why do you feel that way?” She asks, pushing her glasses up with her right middle finger.


“Because he loves me.” I answer in a doesn’t-everyone-know-that kind of tone, sighing heavily.


“How are you so sure he loves you?”


“He does. Are we done? You always ask the same questions, why? The answer will always be the same anyways so, why?” I ask as I get closer to her, my eyes bucking slightly, and I grip onto the leather chairs armrests, feeling the cuts that where left there from others that have been in here.


Why am I here? I don’t belong here. I’m completely fine, I’m normal. I thought as I waited for her to respond.


“I am the one who asks questions,” She points with her pen behind her still looking at me through her glasses, “See that? When you get one of those, then you can ask the questions.” I look at where she is pointing with the pen and I see a doctorate for psychology.


“I don’t need a psychiatrist though, I’m normal.” I answer looking at her, noticing she took off her glasses and began to massage the bridge of her nose.


“Look, you do,” she pauses trying to look for the right words, “you do need just a bit of help to be normal, that’s why you’re here.”


“Well, if I’m almost normal is that not good enough?” I then add, “I mean not everyone is completely normal, everyone has their problems, so doesn’t that mean you need help too? Since, you are not completely normal either.” “We’re done.” “But, I just-” she looks at me, clenching the clipboard in her left hand, I look at her hand and see the whites of her knuckles, and her fingertips turning pale, I look back up and see in her eyes, slight anger.


“We. Are. Done.”

“Yes, ma’am.” I get up from my chair still emotionless, and turn striding towards the door, opening it. I hear her mumble something from her desk and close the door behind me.


I smirk, and have two nurses in those sickening white dress, on each side of me, leading me back to the room to where I do not belong.

I get there, and the nurses leave me, I walk over to Key, noticing he was staring at his reflection on the window fixing his hair, and pulling his thin cheeks, I sit down next to him, and wave at him thorough the window, he looks at me through the window and turns to me, pouting.


Key is this guy that is so unbelievably skinny, but when he sees himself in the mirror he tends to only see himself as a huge butterball, and he doesn’t just look at himself for a couple of minutes, he stares at himself in the mirror for over an hour. He also, always fixes his hair, even when it’s perfect. Key is here because he has body dysmorphic disorder.


He got here because his family noticed he hasn’t been eating much, and that he has been staring at himself for too long. Then, when they caught him with a knife in his hand, trying to cut his ‘bad parts’ off his body, he got sent here.


“Why are my cheeks SO fat! Why’s my face so wide, and why those my hair look so horrible!?” “Key your cheeks are no-” “You know what? I’m not eating lunch today, I can’t, or I’ll get obese, I’m already fat, I don’t want to be obese.” “Key, you’re a skinny .” I sigh, rolling my eyes at him. “Taemin, are you blind? Don’t you see all this fat on me? I look like a god-forsaken donut hole.” Key looks at me with a don’t-you-lie-to-me face.


“Key, you know they’re not going to let you not eat. You have to eat your 3 meals-a-day.” “Fine, but I’ll just throw it up later anyways. Oh! I hung out with Jonghyun today, he was being an animal like always, I played catch with him and he almost humped me today, but a nurse came and she said I had to leave because Jonghyun was starting to act up, I didn’t want to, but I knew if I didn’t leave they would make me anyways.” “Well, we should check up on him to see that he isn’t too doped up on the meds they put in him to calm him down.”


Jonghyun is this really cool guy, the only problem with him is that sometimes he thinks he’s a dog and starts to pant, bark, play, whine, and basically act like one. I don’t really see a problem with him being like that though; he’d seem like someone who would know how to party. A real party animal, literally. Jonghyun is here because he has clinical lycanthropy.


The only way he got here was because someone hurt him and he ended up biting that person so hard, that his teeth broke skin and almost bit all the way through, until the cops came and shot with a needle that sent him to dreamland.


We were only a few feet away from getting to his room, then nurses came in front of us and told us, “Excuse me, but you can not go in there right now, the patient is not completely stable yet.” “So he wasn’t doped up enough.” I mumble under my breath. Key snickers and we just turn back around going back to where we were.


For the rest of the day I spent hour’s just hearing Key talk about how imperfect he is, I gave up trying to tell him over and over again, “You are the skinniest mofo I know.”



I walked into the room expecting to see Ms. Roberts, but instead see the back of a very tall man, he turns around and he looks like a model with his long legs and small face. He also looks much younger than Ms. Roberts. Much, much younger. No gray hairs, no caking of make-up, thinking it would take away all those wrinkles.


He walked over to me, and looks down at me, clears his throat and says, “My name is Minho, I will be your new psychiatrist.”


Minho? Nice name, but Jinki is a better name. I thought as I asked him, “What happened to Ms. Roberts? I just started to like her too. Bummer.” “I think you know why, um, Taemin, right?” Minho sighs. “Oh, so you already read my profile? Did it say anything interesting?” I ask hoping he’d tell me why I’m here.


“Well, I read that you are a very-” Minho caught himself before he said anything else and smirked at me, “Nice try, we should begin before losing anymore time.” He walks back to sit behind the mahogany table crossing his long legs and slipping on his glasses; I go and sit down in the auburn chair.


“So, who is Jinki Lee?” Minho asks me while staring at the clipboard with his pen already on the paper ready to jot down what I’m about to say.


“Jinki, is the man I love, and he loves me, he is a very kind and caring man, he has me feel warm and he is mine.” I answer, calmly.


“Ok, and how do you see Jinki Lee?”


“I just told you, I love him.” I state a bit aggravated, he probably just got his degree.


“Oh, sorry.” His cheeks are quickly tinted a light pink and just as quickly disappeared.


“Well, why do y-” “Why do I feel that way? Because I know he loves me, and how do I know? Because I just do. Are you going to ask me the same questions as she did, every single time?”


He checked something off of the clipboard, then put down the clipboard and pen, taking off his glasses he massages the bridge of his nose and sighs heavily. “Ok, fine, I’ll do something else then. Taemin, why can it only be Jinki Lee?”




 “Be more in depth, please.”


 “Jinki, he understands me, I mean he may be older but he does understand me, he has gone through the things I am going through right now.”


 “And what are you going through?”


“Well, I sometimes don’t even want to get out of bed and deal with my miserable life, I only smile because if I don’t people would think something was wrong, I always have to go home to a house where someone is always drunk, or screaming, I sometimes just don’t want to wake up, thinking if I never wake up I never have to deal with any of that. Then, I met Jinki, he, at first was a friend to me, then he became my best friend, and I told him everything, he knew exactly what I was going through and even told me he loved me, so I realized I love him too, after that we got together and I didn’t feel like not wanting to wake up so much after that, because he was the only thing I look forward too, and still do, because I know he loves me, and he will come for me one day.” By now I am gripping onto the armrest tracing over the cuts in it with my fingers and my voice is slightly shaken.


“What if I were to tell you that Jinki doesn’t-” I cut him off harshly, “DON’T, DON’T say that, he would never do that, not after what we have been through. I don’t want to talk with you anymore, I don’t want to be here not now, not ever.” I get up from the uncomfortable auburn couch and open the door, “Wait, your session isn’t done yet.” I hear his chair being pushed back behind me, so I guessed he stood up by now. “It is, for me.” He sighs and I can tell he tells the nurses to just let me be, because their looks go from do-we-need-to-restrain-you to come-follow-us-to-your-hell-hole.



I walk towards Key and notice Jonghyun is sitting on his chair with him squatting on it with his arms in between his legs, he is staring at key, and I swear I can see a tail happily swinging from side to side.


Jonghyun is the first one that notices me, he jumps up and off the chair, he leaps towards me and we tumble to the floor, he looks at me in the eyes and smiles, I smile back up at him, then quickly tell him to get up because the nurses can think he was attacking me and take him back to his room, which he rarely leaves, not because he wants to, but because he is forced to stay in there.


He listens and goes to sit back into the chair the same way as before, and I turn to look at Key who is just staring at himself in the window.


He finally notices me, after an hour, “Hey! When did you get here?!” “I’ve been here, waiting for you to stop staring at yourself.” While Key continues to talk to me about his appearance, Jonghyun looks at both of us while talking and he just sits there smiling with his tongue out, his imaginary tail happily wagging from side to side.


 Minho's P.O.V.

I walk up to an apartment, and knock on the door hoping I didn’t get the wrong number from the land lord.




The door opens to reveal a man, with light brown hair, fair skin, and small eyes.


“Yes?” He asks.


“Are you, by any chance, Jinki Lee?”


“Oh, yes I am, how may I help you?”


 “I have questions to ask you.”


“And you are?”


“Minho, Minho Choi, I am the psychiatrist at the hospital Taemin is in.”


“Where are my manners? Please, come in.” Jinki moves to the side, opening his door wider, enough room for me to pass.


“Nice place.”


“Thank you, would you like something to drink? Tea? Coffee? Water?”


“Water is fine, thank you.”


He comes back with the water setting it down in front of me on the table in between two couches. He sits on the couch on the other side.


“So, how’s Taemin? Is he ok? Is he feeling better? Wait, you can’t say can you? I wish I knew. I don’t want him to be mad or sad at me, you know I do love him, and I did tell him, but I also told him I loved him as a brother, I guess he ignored that part.” Jinki says as soon as I take my first sip.


“That is what I came to ask of you. Would you like to visit him, and straighten things out? Hopefully to stop his fascination with you?” I ask, not so sure if he will stop fascinating over him, and hoping Jinki would say yes anyways, even if the outcome of it working is small.


“It won’t hurt him, bad, right?” Jinki asks looking at me in the eyes.


“If you say it right, it shouldn’t.” I answer.


“Then, I guess, since there isn’t much of a choice.”


I smile at him, and for the first time he smiles at me, big, showing his teeth, and his eyes squinting, as he does.


 Taemin's P.O.V.

I’ve had 3 whole weeks with these sessions with Minho Choi. I walk into the room and as usual I sit down in the hideous auburn couch.


“Taemin, today, we are doing something else. We have a visitor coming in a few minutes, and you are going to speak with them.” Minho says, and then adds, “Alright, go, the nurses should lead you to the room you will meet them in.”


I walk out, slightly confused, and follow the nurses into a room I never knew existed. I didn’t even know we could get visitors. I thought this place was much worser than a prison, I guess I was wrong, it’s just as bad.


I wait sitting down at a long table that has these walls with a thin plastic in the middle of them, and in each space, in the middle of the plastic there are wholes in the plastic, on the walls that make the sections there area phones hanging on each side of the glass.


I immediately lose all ability to breath, and the only thing I am thinking of non-stop is Jinki.


He sits down in the chair on the other side of the glass and grabs the phone that was hanging off of the wall of our section, then he motions for me to get mine.


I snap out of my daze and pick up the phone.


“Hey, long time no see, Taemin.”


That voice, I miss that voice so much. I think as I tear up at the sound of his voice, he begins to panic, saying “it’s ok, don’t cry”, and anything else, trying to make me laugh.


I stop crying and smile at him. He stops talking and gives me his smile, I almost faint from the bright, warming smile.


“Hi, Jinki.”


“Taemin, look I have to tell you something, it’s important.”


“Yes, tell me anything. I’m all ears.” I say anticipating what he’s going to tell me.


“Taemin, I love you b-” “I already know you love me, and I love you too, it’s just these stupid people don’t seem to kn-” “Let me finish, I love you, but as a brother, I never held romantic feelings for you. Taemin, you are beautiful, but I do not see you in that way. I do want to protect you, but as an older brother.”


“No, no, no, no. Jinki STOP lying to me, you do love me, I know you love me, don’t you dare lie to me, I know you are, I know you ARE! YOU LOVE ME! I know you do, I love you too. You will always be mine always, ALWAYS!” by now Jinki was forced to leave, the nurses have me pinned down, and inject me with a needle and sedate me, I then begin to black out.


I wake up in my room; there are nurses next to me, cautiously looking at me,

 making sure I don’t do anything suspicious.


When they notice I’m not thinking of doing anything rash they tell me I have a session with Minho. I get up and follow them towards his office.


 Minho's P.O.V.

I see Taemin sit down in the couch legs closed tightly together, hands on the armrests, tracing over the cuts on the couch, continuously.


“How do you see Jinki Lee?” I ask again.


“I love him and if I can’t have him then no one else can, he is mine and mine alone, I loved him first, I get him, no one else those.”


I sigh and check off the same box.


“Why do you feel that way?”


“Because he told me he loves me, he kissed me, he hugs me, and keeps me happy, he cares for me. He belongs to me.”


“Yes, he those love you, but as a brother, and you kissed him, he only likes to keep you happy because you remind him of himself when he was younger.”


“He’s mine.”


No One's P.O.V.

Taemin walks over to Key and Jonghyun, he sits down in his chair brings his legs to his chest and crosses his arms over them, he begins to babble continuously to an ignoring Key that stares at himself in the window, and to a happy Jonghyun, swaying his imaginary tail form side to side.

He keeps saying, “Jinki’s mine, and mine alone.”



He suffers slight schizophrenia, and slight depression.


Should be taken care of immediately, as more symptoms begin to show rather quickly.

Alright, so I stayed extra late to write this just for yall so i'm atleast here, i am thinking about the chaptered one im writing though while i'm doing one essay now and doing a movie on children's crusade.

this isn't that oneshot i was talking about that one's almost done, almost. i wrote this one today, on a spur of the moment.

comment please!

i love to know what people think about it

longest oneshot ive written!

woot woot!

i learned a new word

acromophilia it means when someone is attracted to an other ually because of their amputated limbs.

kind of freaky to me.


bye bye


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alright not today, cus my dad wants to go to one of my sister's houses to 'spend time with' like we dont do enough of it already


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This is very well written. I liked it.
@Syasya_Celina yeah I think there is something missing but I don't know what it is, but thanks for reading!:)

@Koalaber thank you and that's really sweet of you to say. thanks for reading! :)

@XxBlowingxBubblesxX I probably will, but not now though, and thats too much a 5 star story? but thanks for that anyways, tankhs for reading! :)
You really should write a sequel to this!!! It would be great to see what ends up happening , and if TaeMin and Onew actualle get together when it's finished. Nice story! 샤이니 Forever!

This is a masterpiece! I'm in love at your stories :)
Well..at first i really thought that taemin would end up with minho..you know since i believe 2min is more stronger than OnTae..but nevermind, i respect your effort..^_^..and i'm sure it's very hard to do a story like this..moreover you have to be familiar with all those illness..
P/s: i think you can do better..^_~v