chapter one

lovely : newest girl group!

chapter onedebut    Miyoung mumbled a distaste when the music replayed. Speaking truthfully their debut song 'Mister' was getting really annoying. They had practiced it for months already and just hearing it made her cringe. Their choreographer, Greg Hwang, paused the music and he didn't look happy. "Jang, EunHee!" He yelled out, scaring the crap out of her. Nicolette smiled nervously wondering what she had done this time. Usually if he was mad at her then he would scream out her korean name.

"You keep dancing faster then the others. You have to be synchronized with the rest of the members." She puffed out her cheeks. Luckily she hadn't gotten into to much trouble.

Jinkyo wipped the sweat off her forehead when she found him staring at her. She could already guess that it was her time to get in trouble.

"Jinkyo you have no charisma or stage presence! You're too shy and quiet. Do you really think that you'll be noticed? I'm saying this out of kindness but you'll leave a vulnerable impression to netizens if you debut like this! You'll be the black-hole in this group!"

   She automatically pushed a strand of hair behind her ear without noticing. Jinkyo felt pained hearing this. She could feel the members stare at her with pity and she didn't want that. Jinkyo rubbed her sore eyes and apologized to the choreographer who seemed to get more angry hearing her. "That's the thing you always apologize! You act too weak and you need to be stronger okay! Have some pride and stick up for yourself. You'll just be the member who's just there."

She noticed Suhyun slightly smirking as if this was amusing to her. Jinkyo felt bad enough being criticized but she felt worse when it was infront of her members. "Sunbae (a term of respect)." Suhyun spoke out with a gentle voice as if she was talking to a bunch of kids. "You should take it easy on Jinkyo... I mean she is still a kid." Was it only her that noticed the sarcastic way she said that? Greg seemed taken back and he announced a 5 minute break.

 Nicolette pranced in front of the large mirror covering the walls. Now that their profiles were announced, netizens would notice her and she sure as hell wouldn't want to look ugly. Afterall she took pride in her appearance. It wasn't her fault that she was so beautiful. "Wahh Mom why did you have to make such a beautiful daughter." She asked herself. Fixing her eyeliner, she gave a quick smile to herself before turning back to her members.

 Mikyoung knew she was still rusty in her korean but she didn't think it was fair that she basically only got a few lines in the entire song.

[Mikyoung] La la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Do it)
[All] La la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la la la

Yes that tiny portion was her song. Mikyoung didn't train for 4 years just to get 'la la la la la 1 2 3 4 5 6 do it'. Infact she had already argued with their manager, Park Taejun about the song but he didn't really care. "You've only been in korea for like one year! The boss ain't going to change the song, so you can have more lines. Think about it... Nichkhun from 2pm when they first came out he barley had lines but now that his korean improved, he has way more singing time." She didn't really care for his lecturing and walked away. "Just watch my korean's going to be awesome!" Mikyoung pulled out a small notebook from his pocket and began to flip through the pages.

 Jinkyo looked around and the other members were doing their own thing. Nicolette was fixing her hair, Mikyoung was learning korean words in her trusty notebook, Miyoung was taking a nap before Nicolette decided to wake her up by sitting on her. Would they really make it in the entertainment industry?

 Suddenly a can of coffee was tossed onto her lap. Their leader with a can as well sat down next to her. "Let's be friend's ,maknae (youngest of the group)." Despite not really drinking coffee, Jinkyo accepted it. Looking at the elder, she didn't think Suhyun would be as nice as people said she was. Infact she didn't seem all rainbows and unicorns. There had to be a reason why she was acting so friendly...

 m a y 19  - debut day

 "Why is this so short?" Mikyoung asked attempting to pull down to shirt but failing. Miyoung shrugged saying nonchalantly,"It's a crop top I guess. Just get used to it for the next month."

Jinkyo looked in the mirror and felt shy seeing herself in this. She looked around at her other members. They looked better in them with their slim waists and long legs which made the baggy pants look great on them. Jinkyo told Tae Jun she would go to the bathroom. She needed sometime to compose herself before going on. They would perform on Inkigayo where their sunbaes: TaeTiSeo, Dalmatian, Exo, Infinite, and the debuting girl GangKidz.

Jinkyo stared at the tv screen in the hallway. The rookie group NU'EST was performing and then it would be Lovely's turn. One male caught her attention. The blonde one with the androgynous image. He had so much confidence the way he sang on stage. She had heard about him already and how people disliked the image but she thought it was... interesting. They ended with a lot of fans screaming and applauding. Jinkyo seemed to into the performance that she hadn't even realized when NU'EST passed by her.

Ren seemed to have noticed her as well. He didn't know who she was but considering her outfit, she was probably in a girlgroup. Ren didn't know why but there was something that intrigued him about her.

 at home

 "Well that ." Nicolette mumbled sadly. Their performance had gone okay but the ending was the whole problem. No one seemed to be clapping just staring with annoyed expressions. Only a few Sone's clapped because of the fact that Tiffany's sister was in the group. One fangirl even shouted,"Bring NU'EST Back!" Lovely had awkwardly bowed then ran backstage.

TaeTiSeo congratulated them on their debut and complimented them but the feeling had gone bad. "We're still rookies." Mikyoung said trying to brighten up the mood. Suhyun plopped onto the couch looking extremely pissed off. "I told him I wanted to go solo." She muttered under her breath only loud enough that Jinkyo seemed to hear it.




author's note: sorry for small chapter ): i had a longer one written but it looked stupid so i cut most of it out.


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xaverri #1
first of all, sorry for being mia for so long! exams.
I found the charas' thoughts and reactions realistic, and I liked that the scenes were often seen through their eyes.
I think Jinkyo featured more in this chapter and she was just how I imagined her. c: in the way she felt about her problems in the practice room. the other members’ problems, like having a few seconds’ worth of lines and their outfits, and the ending of their first performance were like having a look inside of a real group’s debut too.
suhyun’s behaviour is mysterious but it looks like something really is brewing under the surface… which is suspenseful indeed…
miyoung and mikyoung are like twins in the way that their names are so similar XD miyoung’s the one I still can’t tell much about. I wonder what the managers are like too c:
I noticed jinkyo’s habits that were incorporated in ^o and loved her and ren’s almost-meeting/first encounter.
their performance ending was kind of funny with that fangirl’s callout. it's sad that they were upset by it even though they performed well. I wonder when things will start to get better for them. up till now though, I like the way everything has been written a lot.
Aww, Lovely.. ): Reminds me of Stellar's debut stage where the audience was completely silent... Hopefully the girls will end up loving Lovely and give them their support!
Guuurl, I have this huge feeling that Suhyun is going to do something really, really bad later in the story... Unless she wholeheartedly likes Jinkyo.. Then...
Ehe, can't wait for the next update! ^^
_mrsmjjeje #3
Awww! Poor Lovely! Can't believe they didn't get a lot of claps from the fans! D: and I see what happened between Ren and Jinkyo ;) hoho! Nonetheless, Lovely, 아자 아자 화이팅! 힘내!
I feel bad for the girls. A bad audience reacion will ruin your tage performance. But I loved the beginning when Nicolette stopped to check her hair and make-up. Although I must admit I was expecting a bigger reaction frm Suhyun.

-Grammar Nazi COrner-
"You're to shy..." and "you act to weak..."
Because you're using it to mean more than what it should be you should use 'too'.
"You're too shy...." and "You're too weak..."

"Their choreographer, Greg Hwang..."
There shoud have been a second coma after Hwang.
Their choreographer, Greg Hwang,..."
I knew I wouldn't get chosen lol. I'm just gonna stop applying for these things cause I never get chosen XD. Anyway congrats to the members and I'm excited to see how the story goes.
_mrsmjjeje #6
Whoa! Can't believe my Mikyoung got chosen! Thanks for choosing her! And congratulations to the rest of the chosen girls! :-) definitely can't wait to see the girls' progresses and how you portray them!
xaverri #7
thank you for choosing Jinkyo! ^o^
ooh, their managers made a return...
looks great so far - their album is gorgeous, and I'm looking forward to seeing the girls interact and everything. cccc; xx
Wow, thank you for choosing my character! ^^
Congrats to the others as well~
I can't wait for the story to officially start~ Good luck! <3
Thank you so much for choosing Eun Hee!

Also congratulations to the other chosen ones!