Chapter 3

One sided love.. or two sided?
-Physical Education period-

Teacher: Lets play Captains Ball. I bet its a long time since all of u play right?

Everybody: Yeah.

Seohyun was in the same team as Kyuhyun. Yoona and Jessica was in another team.

Peep! The whistle was blown.

The ball was thrown high up, Yoona and Seohyun jumped to get it. Seohyun got it. She turned around and passed it to Ryeowook, as he was in her team. Wookie wanted to pass it to Kyuhyun, but Jessica blocked it and caught it. Jessica looked at Kyuhyun and winked at him, before sticking out her tongue at him.

Seohyun saw that , and suddenly feeling a blaze of fire inside her. Jessica procceeded to passing the ball to Donghae, Donghae was about to throw the ball to the goalkeeper, Seohyun dashed and jumped to get the ball. The next thing she knew, she turned around, and saw Kyuhyun waving to her. She looked, and stared. "I cant think for more thn 5secs, or i will be disqualified.."...So she throw the ball to Kyuhyun, Ran in front of him, wave, And Kyuhyun ran thrown the ball to her. Kyuhyun ran in front , got the ball, and throw it to the goalkeeper. They won! Seohyun's team cheered. Kyuhyun shouted and Seohyun screamed. The two of them ran to each other and clapped hands. Just then Seohyun rememebered about the decision. She stopped cheering, and just smiled. Just then, The Jung Girl came.

Sica: Kyuhyunn ah~ Why did u let me lose><

Kyu: Coz i support my team!

Sica: Grr wait till i kill u!xD

Kyu: I will catch you before u kill me!~

And the two of them began to chase each other around.

-After School-

Yoon: Seohyun ah, free today?

Seo: Ah no.. I have piano practice at sch today.

Yoon: Oh okie..see you tomorrow then!:)

-Piano Practice-

Seohyun was walking to the piano room alone. The hallway is silent, nobody was there.

Seo: Ah..I forgotten my piano notes.

Seohyun walks back to her locker, and she saw Kyuhyun.

Kyu: U still here?

Seo: Piano practice:D

Kyu: Oh ..

Seo: You?

Kyu: Just.. staying for fun.

Seohyun smiled and turned to her locker. "Maybe I should ask him about the party..."

Seo: Hey u remember the party about choosing a partner?

Kyu: Yeah why?

Seo: U have someone in mind? To kiss with u?

Kyuhyun stopped moving. He stare at his locker..

Kyu: Yeah. Im not sure if she wants..

Seohyun felt a gush of hopeness.

Seo: Ha! I wont ask who. Relaxx:)

Kyu: How about you?

Seohyun stared at him, and looked away

Seo: Haha me? How could it be i ask a man to partner with me? But i hope the person I want will choose me.But it seems like he has another girl he wants. Bye:)!

Seohyun closes her locker and walked ahead. She turned back, and shouted at Kyuhyun:

"Oppa! I know u wan to be with Jessica! Good luck!:D"

As she said that, she turned around and started to weep.

Kyu shouted back: "Aniya! ...."

Seohyun heard it, wipe her tears, and shouted back:

"Thn it must be Yoona then!"

Kyuhyun shouted back the same "Aniya!" Word.

It was hard to believe that two Aniyas.

Seohyun walked ahead and tried to smile..

-Piano room-

Seohyun was practicing the piano. It was the first lesson and she made new friends.




She was the best with Nicole. Nicole had used to take puano lessons and she knows how to play. She guides Seohyun along, together with Jiyeon and Maber, they learnt from Nicole.

-5Pm, after Piano lesson-

Nic: Hows tat lesson?

JY,Amber,Seo: Awesome!!

Nicole: You guys are awesome><

Jiyeon: Im frm class 4B Amber: 4C

Seo: 4A

Nic: 4D

(ps. Abcd does not mean 1st 2nd 3rd 4th classes.)

Nic: Im going home through this way, anyone same as me?

Amber: Hmm me:)

Seo: Im same as Jiyeon.

Together: Bye!

Jiyeon and Seohyun walked out of the school tgt.

Jiyeon: Seohyun ah.. U know Ryeowook?

Seo: Yeah he sits beside me:)

Jiyeon: Really?! Do u like him?

Seo: Nah..

Jiyeon: wooh..I like him:D

Seohyun was surprised, but happy at the same time. Wookie once told her that he likes Jiyeon frm class 4B.

Seo: would be great if He ask you to be his partner right?

Jiyeon: Not great.

Seo: Why?


The both of them began to giggle.

After chatting, Seohyun reached Home.

"If my case was the same as Jiyeon's..."
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kyuyeon14 #1
will they kissing ?
joycelee_1996 #2
O god kyuhyun is being too sweet to jessiics
chocolatys #3
@kyuseo23286 thanks sp much!

Thanks for subscribing! Im going to update tomorrow, so stay tuned:) thabks for the comments gv me some advice as its my first fanfic.. kamsa!'
Type <p> before the new line and then </p> to enter the line.
Repeat for each line.
Hope that help :)
seokykyu #5
I'm sorry, but I don;t know how to make it..

poor seo..
she likes kyu..
what about kyu??
update soon please..
chocolatys #6
Thank you, may i ask how do u make a new line using a mobile site? I used the enter button but when its published it shows all sticking tgt..
seokykyu #7
update soon please..