The Switch

Two Weeks and A Deal
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I'm really sorry for not updating this sooner. ;_; I was lacking inspiration these past few days but I guess I've fully recovered now. Thanks to SuJu's 3rd album.heehee.(omg, Yesung why is your voice so perfect?) Is anyone still reading this? I hope so. Anyway, please enjoy my latest update though I think it's kind of corny. Heh. Comments are loved! <3



It was the longest thirty minutes of Heeyoung's entire life. Seating beside this stranger, she had never felt so...conscious about herself. If only the plane could go any faster. She scrambled in her seat, feeling as uncomfortable as ever. Of all the seats in this plane, why should I be placed right beside him?   Jaejoong has been throwing her sharp glances sincce the plane took off. Can't she even stay still for like, five minutes? I'm trying to take some rest here!    He grunted as she shuffled in her seat again. When will he ever have a normal and peaceful vacation for once? The last time he got one with the rest of the members, they had to go home earlier because fans were overflowing outside the hotel. And now that he has finally gotten his much needed rest in a place where he doesn't expect a lot of people to know him, he encounters a person like her? Such a perfect life he has.   A voice echoed through the speakers again. The plane's touching down in a few. Both Jaejoong and Heeyoung heaved sighs of relief. Finally they are going to get free from all this hassle.   As soon as the cabin crew were allowing passengers to come down, Jaejoong rushed his way out. He can't wait to get to the villa he rented. All these traveling and annoyance wore him down easily. I just want to get to my room, hop on my bed and sleep.   Heeyoung stepped out of the plane a few minutes after Jaejoong. She noticed by the sharp looks he gave her that Jaejoong was annoyed and she didn't want to add more fuel to the fire. She sluggishly walked towards the (the place where you get your luggages) to get her suitcase. She waited for a while until a black suitcase came out with a red tag and as soon as she saw the name KIM written on it, Heeyoung grabbed it and made her way out of the terminal.   ------------------------   Jaejoong collapsed on his bed as soon as he got inside the cozy little room. His eyes shining brightly as he scanned the surroundings. It didn't last though, as thought of her came flooding in again.
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Updated this story since I'm in the mood for correcting some mistakes :) Still on hiatus though but I'm trying to regain inspiration for this one :)


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Okay,I promise I would write an update ASAP. <3
weeeeeeeeeee more!! update pwese D: i'm so mean asking and begging you for it lol
thanks Fiona! :3
@NIX-kaya kita love eh! haha! saranghaeyoooo <3<br />
but srsly,thank you. :3 i dunno why i doubt myself, i just do.maybe because i've been seeing way better fics than mine. :O but thanks for the support. :)<br />
and nooooo,your vocabulary is fine dude! D:<br />
now where's our little Chullie now? he's not fulfilling his job of giving us inspiration. XD
Awww so chapter 5 is an author's note. >.><br />
uwaaah. YAH, NIX!! dont doubt your capabilities caz srsly, this story is very nicely written. Ohh and ive more limited words in my vocabulary than you ykno? *sighs*<br />
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but im going through the same situation as yu..<br />
-> inspiration-less! :|<br />
let's inspire each other nlng. HAHA. lol saranghaeeee<3
ZOMG! I'm two chapters late. =.=''<br />
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uwaaaah! the switch!! YAAAAYY! hmm. i wonder who's that girl jj is talking abt?? =.= -ch4
@dallasgirl7- wow thanks for that. :) i've always doubted my works and hearing these kind of things helps me feel at ease. :3<br />
@BambiJiBin- why do people "yell" at you for not updating? D: anyway, i hope you get the inspiration you need too and thank you. :3
Take your time :D "Inspiration" is hard to achieve *I would know cause lately I've been "yelled" at for not updating my stories XDDD*
dallasgirl7 #9
I think you've done great so far but I totally get the whole writer's block and lack of motivation. Sometimes things just get... BLAH. Hang in there and looking forward to your great ideas when you get back in the swing of things :)