The Fourth Note

The Eighth Note




I just wanted to be near her


But the reason for her to return was saddening for her


When she’s feeling low,


I’m feeling even more dejected


And I knew I had to make her happy


So she would forever be by my side



She’s back.


She’s finally back.


But all for the wrong reasons.


Her father running off with her money, her boyfriend breaking up with her, her career taking a plummet…


I never wanted those to be the reasons for her to come back.


I never wanted her to be sad.


Because it also breaks my heart.


But when I saw her on the airport this morning, she looked happy. Why wouldn’t she? She’s with her family now. She didn’t have to tell me but I knew she was terrified back then. And now…


“Ya! What are you doing here?!” She rushed to hug me and I embraced her back. “Don’t you have any schedules?”


I had, but I wasn’t going to tell her that. I just wanted to be the first person she sees when she steps out of the arrival area.


I wanted to let her know that I would always be there for her.


I wanted her to know that I would always by her side through thick and thin.


And I would do anything on my power to help her get back up on her feet.


“I really missed you, you know?” she whispered and only seconds has passed when I felt the familiar feel of her fingers pinching my cheek. She chuckled and said, “Aigoo! So grown-up now!”


We frolicked like little kids and it was only when I felt her family staring at us that we stopped. I was introduced to her family as her ‘closest’ friend.


I wished to be more.


I excused her from her mother and siblings and said, “You have to come with me.”


She raised her eyebrow and tilted her head to one side. She does that when she’s puzzled by something. “Why?” she asked nervously.


I grabbed her wrist and smiled as I said, “You’ll see.”

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Marymaebuendia2006 12 streak #1
Chapter 10: Update pls 🙏 authornim ❤️❤️❤️
ingkisslove #2
22 streak #3
Chapter 10: Please make dara's part please?
PamelaGumamela #4
Chapter 10: OMG!! Can't believe that I just read this now. This is so awesome. Very well written and very detailed. I really love this story seems like it's true :)
Chapter 10: OMGG!!! This seems so real! All the events you mention really fits well with the book! I wonder why she chose TOP instead of Jiyong? Is there another sequel for this? Love this whole series so much!
shabrputrii #6
Chapter 10: Sequel please!!! I want to know about dara's diary. You're story so cool!!!
Chapter 10: omg so dara ended up with seunghyun... T.T
so sad for jiyong... huhuu
another great story from u... cant wait to read the sequel ...
Rhavege #8
Chapter 10: Love this!!!can't wait to read the sequels!!!^_^
bubblyvan #9
Chapter 10: That's it! Its final! Im so inlove with you!!!! :D:D:D its beautiful that it hurts!!!
Chapter 10: sequel