SuperHeroZ - The Assassin

SuperHeroZ: TVXQ and SUJU version


“I’m here, master…” said the person. The man was kneeling and stood up slowly as he was revealing his true self to the other guy.


Yunho was still shocked by his sudden arrival. He couldn’t even tell whether he was dreaming or not. But still, he’s hardly blinked with his own eye. He observed the other man carefully from toe to head. He was wearing a sleeveless HALF-shirt which revealing his umbilical cord, an army-like-pants, and boots. He carried a long katana sword on his back. His hair was black in color and looks a bit stylish. The guy was also staring at him blankly and their eyes met as time was freeze at the moment.


“Hyung~ Are you okay up there?” Changmin said out loud from downstairs and had brought Yunho back to reality. He stood up immediately and closed the door before anyone could interrupt him.


Yunho look again at the guy. He seems pretty quiet and only showed a blank expression. Yunho don’t know how to react but sighed. The last word came from that guy’s mouth seems to disturbed him. ‘Master?’ he questioned himself.


Yunho opened his mouth but he doesn’t know what to say. He has a lot of things to ask but he didn’t know how to react and usually people will scream at the sudden situation like this one. But he didn’t. And he doesn’t know why.


“You can order me anytime now, master,” the guy finally speak.


“What? What do you mean by ‘order’ you? Why do I have to do that? I’m not your master!” Yunho exclaimed.


“But master…”


“How did you get in here? Who are you? And why are you calling me your master??? Tell me!” Yunho couldn’t stop talking without letting the stranger to reply.


“Forgive me if I scared you but I’m here because you summoned me, master,” the guy explained formally to Yunho.


“Summoned you? What do you mean that I summoned you?? Are you some kind of genie or a ghost?” Yunho poked at the guy and touched his hair, face, and body. The guy looks completely normal and surprisingly, he’s a human being just like himself! Genie wasn’t supposed to be in human form and same with ghosts. From what he has seen in movies and TV, they look pretty scary and ugly. But the stranger looks the opposite one. He has an angelic face (strangely a guy like him can describe a man with beautiful face…), big doe eyes, and flawless skin.


Yunho could hardly tell whether the guy was a girl or a boy. Judging from the voice, he more preferred with the second option.


“I heard your calling, master. That’s why I’m here,” said the stranger.


“My calling? From this card?” as Yunho grabbed the card that was lying on the floor, his eyes were widened. The card that he was holding now was completely different from the one that he had before. The picture of an assassin in that card was gone. He looked at the guy in disbelief. The assassin in that card was standing right here, in front of him. The guy just came out from that card! Crap.


He can’t believe what just happened. He always loved to watch those fantasy movies and always wanted to experience the same thing but he didn’t know that his wish was granted! He pinches his arm, hoping that everything that just happened was a dream and hoping that he would wake up from his bed. But it didn’t happen. Unsatisfied, he pinches his cheek so hard that he felt slightly hurt from it. The stranger still stood up in front of him, staring at him confusingly.


“Are you okay, master? Is something wrong with your right arm and your face?” the guy asked him.


Yunho shook his head and said “No, I’m fine. By the way, I still don’t get it why was someone like you having a very long distant name like this?” Yunho questioned and try to look again at the words.


“No, that’s not my name.”


Yunho rolled his eyes and asked the guy rudely, “Oh, really? Then what is your name, stranger?” He totally get annoyed by the formal coversations.


“My name is Jaejoong, master.”


“Jaejoong? Hmm….All right. That makes sense. Listen, I totally don’t have any idea what was going on in here but perhaps, you know something that I don’t know too. So, please explain to me everything that you know.”


“…….” Jaejoong tapped his index finger on his chin and looked at the ceiling. He frowned a bit as if he was thinking hardly about it.


“Well??” Yunho was impatient, waiting for answers from Jaejoong after a long pause.


“I only know that you’re my master and I’m your guardian. That’s all,” Jaejoong told him. Yunho just stared him with dropped mouth.


The guy only knows that he was his guardian and Yunho was his master? What other reasons that the guy suddenly appeared in front of him? Magic? Spell? Transporters? Nonsense! He doesn’t believe any of those fairytales but what else there to say when he already involved in this kind of situation? He saw it himself when Jaejoong came out from that card! This is crazy!


Then, he suddenly felt a pinch in his head. Maybe because he was thinking too much that it brings him a headache. 


“I need a rest. I still can’t believe that you’re coming here because I summoned you. And I didn’t even know that the words at the back card were actually a signal for you to come to me,” Yunho started to massage his temple as he reach his towel and heading to the bathroom.


Jaejoong started to follow him in to the bathroom but being stopped by his master.


“No. You stay here and don’t come out from the room until I said so, okay?” Yunho slammed the door without waiting from Jaejoong’s reply. Jaejoong stood there, not knowing what to do.


Then, he looked around the place where he found a big object that has a fluffy layer of blanket on it and 2 pillows above it. A weird creature with big doe eyes like cartoons was placed aside it. A big tables combining with shelves filled with books in different colors. The room was blue in color as a whole.


Then, he heard a vibration and a weird sound from an unknown object coming from the table. Jaejoong was surprised by the sudden noise and immediately, he pulled out his sword from his behind to launch an attack at the small object. Within a second before the thin metal touches the object, he heard a shout from his back.


“NO!!!” Jaejoong completely stopped as he turned to see the other man’s shock face.


“Don’t you dare touch my phone! This is an expensive model in the market so stay away from it,” Yunho grabbed the object and hugged it as if it was the most precious thing in the world. He was covered in wet droplets and wearing only a towel on his waist showing off his masculine body. He put a dead glared at Jaejoong, who was trying to ‘kill’ his favorite phone and answer the call.


On the other hand, Jaejoong put his sword back into place and watched Yunho confusingly who was talking to the object that Yunho had called it a ‘phone’.


Few minutes later, the guy finished chatting and placed his phone in to his pocket. He stared at Jaejoong with crossed arms, which was now standing in front of him, tilted his head looking at him. Yunho found it’s cute for a guy like Jaejoong to do something like that.


“Next time, don’t ever touch my phone, you hear me? And most of all, don’t ever unleash your sword until I said so! You got that?” Yunho warned as he’s pointing his index finger towards Jaejoong.


“I apologize, master. Please forgive my rudeness in pulling your anger all of sudden. I thought that dangerous suddenly appeared from that thing so I have to unleash my sword for the sake of your protection, master,” Jaejoong explained and bowed formally at him.


Yunho was touched when the guy does that and he felt bad in the same time. He definitely doesn’t want to scold other people because of certain things like that and making them apologize at him formally.


“But, can I ask you something, master?”


“What is it?” Yunho replied calmly.


“Is the thing that you called as ‘phone’ in your pocket there was so precious enough?” Jaejoong pointing on Yunho’s pocket feeling curious about the object. Yunho sighed and took out his phone to show it to the other man.


“Well, not really. I just don’t want you to cut it in half because it’s hard for me to buy another one like this too in the market. And it burned half of my pockets for the last year budgets too. ”


 Yunho found it’s annoying to explain things to the guy because the guy looks old enough to know about this but he took a mental note that Jaejoong wasn’t from the human world. He was a character from a card; a magical card.


Then, he heard a knock from his door and he knows that it was Changmin. Yunho opened the door and tried not to open it wider so his brother won’t see the stranger so obviously. But he hated the fact that Changmin was taller than him.




“Hyung, your food is getting colder. What are you doing so late in the bathroom?”


“I finished already so just wait and continue with your PS2 game, okay? I’ll be at downstairs any minutes now,” he closed the door but Changmin hold it.


“I heard some other man’s voice in your room. Who was it?” Changmin was trying to barge in but being held by his brother.


“It’s nothing. It’s just a ringtone from my phone, that’s all. Now, get out and give me some time for clothing!” Yunho immediately pushed the door and locked it. He heard some cursed words from the other side of the door and footsteps near the staircase. He sighed of relief.


“Who was that?” Jaejoong who was remained silence for a moment.


“It’s my brother. Don’t ever come out from this room if you’re not allowed too, you got that?” Yunho reminds the guy as he slipped in some shirts on and a short pant. He brushed off his wet hair with towel and rushed out from his room. Jaejoong was left there, alone. Again…


After 1 and a half hour later…


Yunho was bringing the foods that he ate in the dining room. He bickered with his brother about the reasons he want bring it upstairs and finally, he won. To his surprise, Jaejoong was still in his position like before. He stood up there looking at him with calm face.


“You shouldn’t just stand there. Have a sit if you want too,” Yunho closed the door and saw Jaejoong sat on the floor with crossed legs. “I meant on the bed.”


Jaejoong then stood up and sat down on the bed. Yunho rolled his eyes for the man’s stupidity.


“Here, have some foods to fill up your tummy,” Yunho gave Jaejoong a bowl of rice with sweet and sour sauce with some chicken on it. On the other hand, the guy just stared blankly at the food and showed some confused expression at Yunho.


“Don’t you eat? I mean even if you’re the character from the card, that doesn’t mean you can’t eat, right? You’re a human, for now…I think,” Yunho said with hesitation.


Jaejoong looked at Yunho then at the food. He took the bowl and the spoon that Yunho handed to him. Yunho just watch the guy holding the spoon and looked at it as if it was the finest thing in the world. It’s weird to see a guy like that. But amusingly, the guy was an assassin but doesn’t look like one. He looks awfully fine, not too dangerous and easy to be trusted too.


Yunho was scared at first when the guy gave him a dead glared with a sword on his back. But then, another few minutes later the guy was totally fine with him. Jaejoong took a spoonful of the rice and eat it. He chewing it slowly and nodded as if the food was taste good in his mouth. Yunho grinned when the guy started to take another spoonful of rice, feeling happy when the guy likes the food. As the time passes, Jaejoong already finished the whole bowl.


“Wow! You really hungry, aren’t you? Hahaha!! Glad that you liked the food. Thanks to my ability in cooking, I’ve made all of us full from starving!” Yunho praised himself. Yunho thought that he saw some delicate smile from Jaejoong.


“Thank you, master. You’re very kind for giving me some delicacy in foods that you made. I appreciate it with all my heart,” Jaejoong stood up and bowed at the dumb guy who laughed proudly about himself. Yunho was blushed when he saw Jaejoong gave him a puppy dogs eyes with sweet smile on his face. His heart was pounding like crazy!


Wait…What? Said that again, his heart was pounding like crazy??? Heck, Yunho was a straight guy! Why would he felt that towards the stranger??? Towards a guy??? Ridiculous…




Yunho shook his head and immediately grabbed a bottle of minerals on his table. “Here. Drink this. I know that you’re thirsty. Tonight, you’ll be sleeping on the floor while I sleep on the bed,” Yunho took out some blankets from his closet and lied it down on the floor. He grabbed a pillow on his bed and gave it to Jaejoong.


Jaejoong doesn’t know how to react when he have the pillow. He didn’t know what he should do with the pillow. ‘Sit on it? Or stands on it?’ he thought.


“Haish! This thing is placed beneath your head, silly. Like this,” Yunho pushed the man to let him lying on the floor and put the pillow beneath his head. “There! That should do it!”


Jaejoong stared at him with confusion. He just followed what Yunho said and the next thing he knew, the room was blanked out. Darkness appeared in the whole area.


“Master??” Jaejoong tried to get up.


“What? I just turned off the lights so don’t be scared. I’m here anyway. So just sleep and relax, okay? Good night,” Yunho retorted. Jaejoong on the other side just laid there and looking at the dark ceiling. Eyes closed while waited for him to fall asleep. Apparently, he can’t because of hard snore coming from the other man who probably already in deep sleep.


Frantically, they didn’t notice the existence of a mysterious figure who was watching them from far away distance. The stranger didn’t bother to wait longer and suddenly vanished in thin air.


Time passes by as the moon shines its light brightly as the neighborhood awaits the morning sky to greet them with bright sunshine.

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snhgmgm #1
Sera12 #2
Chapter 26: I enjoyed reading ur fanfic ur are an amazing writer
Elrhumy #3
Chapter 7: Waw Junsu look so powerful.. and aigooo Yunho why you fainted again, honestly at this point nothing should surprise him anymore keke..
Elrhumy #4
Chapter 4: Huwaah so Changmin got his card way before Yunho.. wonder if Chun too got his..
Elrhumy #5
Chapter 2: Oh hahaha Poor the phone.. its innocent self almost brutally murdered lol.. Jae just so cute..
Elrhumy #6
Chapter 1: Waaaaah this look like manga.. so interesting..
karinokta #7
Chapter 26: Love the story, authornim. Although it seems to end in rush, but I like them in fantasy theme and they're so great with the guardians.
ekasuju #8
Chapter 26: At last I finish reading this story.This fantasy story is great.Thanks for sharing. :)
MissEztie #9
Chapter 26: owh thank you thank you so much for sharing this story. I like fantasy story. Happily ever after
MissEztie #10
Chapter 9: Why Yunho is so weak ? Hahaha always faint, ckckck
wanna read the next chap