What The F***!!!

Forever and Always Yours

"What the is this!! Dong-Woo... get off of my sister!!", he screamed and started lunging towards the couch to pull Dong-Woo of of me. L held him back quickly and with the help of Sung-Gyu got Hoya calmed down all the way. Dong-Woo got off of me and stood straight up. He held out his hand and helped me up. Hoya got a little angry at that but.... he calmed down. "Oppa... I didn't mean to make you mad, and honestly I really hadn't expected you home yet." I said as truthfully as possible. He looked a little angry at that but acted normal. "I am sorry I snapped. You are entitled to do what you want to. Dong-Woo.. just make sure that you take good care of her. If she comes to me crying you will die." Dong-Woo gulped but shook his head.

Hoya smiled and gave me a hug. "I told you that if you were happy... I wouldn't care what you did. So as long as you are happy.. I will accept it". I smiled and started to cry. Hoya was about to hug me when he realized he could test Dong-Woo. " YAH!!!! Your girlfriend is crying. Go and make her feel better!" yelled Hoya in a playful tone. Dong-Woo smiled as he pulled my face into his chest. I stopped crying almost immediately and soaked up all his warmth. I felt much better after that. When I tried to pull away Dong-Woo pulled me into his chest again and wouldn't let me go. I looked to the others and everyone was smiling except Sung-Jong. Hoya was even smiling. I felt a little guilty after I saw Sung-Jong's face but then I turned around in the hug. "Sung-Jong ahhh... you should go shoping with me tomarrow." I said with a sweet smile. Everyone saw what I was doing and Sung-Gyu gave me an appriciative nod of the head. "I would love too!!!." screamed Sung-Jong excited. He gave a sly smile to Dong-Woo which everyone saw. " I didn't know the maknae could be so.... scary." said Sung-Yeol. We all laughed and soon enough everyone had left again and left me and Dong-Woo alone.

"Where were we exactly." said Dong-Woo smiling. "I think we were at the part where you were kissing me." I said. "Are you sure cause I thought I was about to bring you to your bedroom?" He said staring at me with passion. "Were you now? Well then.. Lets go" I said. I started to run but was soon picked up by Dong-Woo. He smiled his killer smile and took me into my bedroom. He laid me down and began kissing me exactly the way we left off.

"Eun-Hee, you have the perfect balance of ultimate cuteness and amazing iness!" said Dong-Woo. I smiled and giggled. "And so do you so we are the perfect match!" I said happily. "I am NOT cute!!" said Dong-Woo. I giggled more and he smiled. "When you said that you were so cute!" I said as I giggled more. He looked at me and I knew what was coming. "Eun-Hee ahhh.. I am hungry!!" He said trying to make himself look cute. I fell off the couch and started to cry becuse I was laughing so hard.

"Eun-Hee.. are you okay?" Dong-Woo asked with concern. "You look so funny when you try to be cute." I said hyperventalating. "Your so weird." He said with a huge smile on hhis face. I stopped all of a sudden and sat up. "Now that I think of it.. I am reallly hungry too!" I said. "Shall we go and eat the food the guys brought home for us?" Dong-Woo asked. "Great idea!" I said as I ran to the kitchen. Dong-Woo followed right behind me and grabbed the food before I could. "Give me my food you meany!!" I pouted. "You have to give me a kiss and then I will." Dong-Woo said slyly. I walked up to him and gave him a really looong kiss. When I pulled away he was panting. "You win." He said. I smiled and got out my food. Dong-Woo grabbed his and we sat at the table. About 5 minutes later the guys walked in.

"Dong-Woo.. you need to go home soon. Eun-Hee has things she needs to get ready for tomarrow." said Hoya. "But I have nothing to do tomarrow." I said. Sung-Jong stepped up right away.. "You said you were going shopping with me tomarrow!!" he said pouting. I hit my head. "Sorry Sung-Jong.. I completely forgot. I am definitely going." I said surprised I forgot. I never forget anything. "Let me finish eating and then I will leave." said Dong-Woo. Hoya nodded and everyone decided to sit at the table with us. We had a really long conversation and before we knew it everyone was passed out in the living room and in rooms. Hoya slept with me and the others just slept everywhere else.

Before I fell asleep I thought about everything that happened today and asked myself why I was so scared to meet new people. I fell asleep to this thought and the thought about the new life that has started for me.


Hope you liked it. I know nothing has really been happening and the chapters are short but there will be plenty more.

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