And So The Fun Begins

Forever and Always Yours

"Sung-Jong.. you can't have her the whole time." said Sung-Gyu. "But me and Eun-Hee are the bestest friends." Sung-Jong pouted while saying it. I looked over and smiled at his cuteness. This exchange made Dong-Woo look uncomfortable. H e had been giving me looks all day. We have been all over the place and right now we were at the mall. Sung-Jong had taken me to at least 30 different clothes stored before Sung-Gyu had attemptede to save me. "Fine who wants to show her around now?" asked Sung-Jong. "Why don't we all go together so I can keep an eye on you erts." said Hoya. Everyone laughed and I ran to him. "Oppa, you can't be so protective of me all the time. I am a big girl and I am pretty sure only one of your friends likes me." Hoya looked quickly over at Sung-Jong with an accusing look. Sung-Jong looked happy but scared at the same time. I smiled and said,"Not him Oppa.. but close." He looked at me desperately trying to figure out who it was. I laughed and motioned for everyone to continue walking together.

"So.. Eun-Hee.. We know you don't like clothes stores so what do you want to do?" asked SungYeol. "I want to go eat. I am hungry and I want some good food." I said while smiling and rubbing my tummy. Everyone laughed and we went to the food court. The whole way I felt hot eyes on my back. When I looked back I saw Dong-Woo turn away red faced. "Hey Oppa... can you carry me to the food court?" I asked. "I can try". said Hoya. He crouched down and I jumped on his back. He grabbed my thighs and pulled me further up on his back. I heard someone gasp and as I looked out of the corner of my eye I saw Dong-Woo red faced and staring at my . I smiled and cuddled into Hoya.

"Oppa why do you have to be so mean. All I wanted was for you to carry me." I said in a playful tome. "I got tired. You have really gotten a lot heavier since your were 16." he said with a sly smile. I punched him and he doubled over in fake pain. I smiled sweetly and turned to the rest of the members. I knew that Dong-Woo liked me so I went straight to him and said in the loudest voice I could manage." Can you give me one? You seem pretty strong." " I guess that would be okay." He said giving Hoya a quick glance. Hoya nodded approval and said, "Just don't touch her and I'm fine with it. Dong-Woo blushed at that and so did I.

I liked Dong-Woo too but I wanted to see what would happen if I played around a little bit. I jumped onto his back and his hands went straight the my thighs. I scooted up and sat in his hands. " Dong-Woo.. exactly where are you touching that s making you and Eun-Hee blush." We both blushed even harder as Hoya complained that his sister wasn't gonna be dated by his friends. While Hoya was ranting I got a little more comfortable. I rested my chest on his back and I could feel the heat and sweat coming off of both of us.

When we got really close to the food court I was still on Dong-Woo's back. We were a little more comfortable now. It got really crowded really fast. Soon enough we were lost in the crowd. We had lost the others and had no idea where we were. Dong-Woo sighed. "Why can't we just keep going straight to the food court."he said. "Because I am claustrophobic." I said sweetly. "Oh sorry. Well where do you want to go then?" He said. "I want to go home. Can I call Hoya and ask if you can take me home. I am really tired. You guys woke me up early today." I said with an innocent smile. "Sure I don't mind." said Dong-Woo blushing a little at my smile. "Yay!!" I dialed Hoya's number and he said that it was okay. He was gonna bring us some food from the mall when they got back. I said goodbye and hung up. "Hoya said that it was fine if we left. He said he would bring us some food back." I said smiling at Dong-Woo. He turned around and motioned for me to get on his back again. "I don't want you to get separated from me." He said worriedly. I jumped on his back and almost caused him to drop me as his hand landed right on my . He said sorry. "I don't really mind it. I have had plenty of people touch it before. Whether I wanted them to or not."

On the way home he looked kind of disappointed. "Hey Dong-Woo.. don't worry.. all the times people have touched my was times where I didn't want them too." He turned his head and he was blushing really bad. Sooo cute <3. "I wasn't thinking about that." he said trying to cover it up. "Ohh really. I am pretty sure I can tell when someone likes me. I like you too. Didn't you know that." I said sweetly. " I didn't know that." he said. His face was tomato red by now. I giggled and he groaned. "What's wrong Dong-Woo." I said. "Your s just rubbed against my back when you laughed." he said embarrassed by the sound that had escaped his lips. I smiled and pushed them against him harder. " You really like them that much?" I said. "Y-y-yes." he said hesitantly. I smiled and said, " Thank you. I have never heard that before." I smiled into his neck. He shuddered. We were finally outside of the apartment. We made our way inside.

When we got to the inside of the apartment the airconditioner had stopped working. I tried to keep my top shirt on but I couldn't. I srtipped down to my undershirt. Dong-Woo's eyes went wide as he watched. When I was done I looked at him. He was sweating worse than I was. "Why don't you take of your shirt to." I said seriously. He hesitated but the heat was so overbearing that he tookit right off. I gasped at his abs. They made me want to touch them. They were the nicest I had ever seen. I smiled, " Those are reallllyy nice." I said staring at them. He smiled and blushed but made no move to cover himself. "You think so?" he asked. "I know so." I said.

I was sitting on the couch and he was sitting at the kitchen counter. I laied my head back and stretched. Dong-Woo's eyes went all over my body. After I was done streching I left my head back and closed my eyes. In no time I felt someone grab my sides. I opened my eyes not at all surprised to see Dong-Woo leaning in for a kiss. I followed his lead. I was happy as long as he was. His lips collided with mine. We kissed slowly at first but it became more intense. I wanted to a little but that didn't last. I tried to keep my mouth closed and give him not entry, but he squeezed my side and made me gasp. H e took that chance and all my self control was lost. He was soon laying on top of me on the couch. We were kissing passionately when the door opened and we heard gasps all around the room. The others were home.


Ohhh nooooo.............. haha^^ I am going to write more. I promise. Comment if you liked it and if you didn't still comment and tell me anyway :) I love haters too....

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