Ms. Hotdog Girl

I Fell Head Over Heels For Ms. Hotdog Girl


No one's POV



The next day, after school, she went straight to the Seoul Hotdog Company near SM High.


Haera handed her application form to the interviewer.


"Can you do it?" The interviewer asked as he continued to scan.


"Yes. Yes, I can do it."


"Okay. You're hired!" She said.


"Really? Thank you! I promise to do my best." Haera smiled then made a fighting sign.


"Can you start now? There is a basketball practice at the gym today. Besides, your co-worker can't do it alone." She explained to Haera.


"Sure, why not?" Haera answered happily.


"Okay, Haera, this is your co-worker Minyoung. Minyoung, this is Haera. I hope the two of you do your best. Alright, you can go to work now."


"We will. Kamsahamnida." Haera and Minyoung bowed then went to work.


Haera and Minyoung separated to go peddling for the hotdogs.


"HOTDOGS! HOTDOGS! BUY SOME OUR YUMMY HOTD---Owww!" Haera was hit by the ball. She fell on her and her hotdog stocks scattered on the floor. The ketchup and the mayonnaise splattered on her face and clothes.


"I'm so sor---YOU?! HA! You're stalking me again, aren't you?" Luhan said.


"Excuse me? I'm here to work. Not to stalk someone like you, okay?" She said while patting her aching head where she was hit.


"Tss. Anyway, are you alright?" Luhan asked.


"I'm fine. I'm used to it since you keep hitting on me since the first day." She sarcastically said while wiping her clothes.


"You have something on your face." He told Haera.


"Where?" Haera wiped her face but instead of removing the sauce she just smudged it even more.


Luhan suddenly ran towards his bag and grabbed his towel. He went back to Haera and capped her chin and wiped her face with the towel. Haera was surprised by his sudden action.


*How come I only noticed it now, she really is cute* Luhan thought.


Luhan stared at her and then Haera stared back. Haera's heart was beating fast. *Why am I feeling like this? Am I sick or something?* Haera thought.


*tweeeeeeeeet* The coach blew his whistle.


"Yah! Luhan, get back here." His coach ordered.


"Coming!" Luhan replied.


Then Luhan searched something in his pocket.


"Here. *He handed 50 000 won* That's for the scattered Hotdog stocks."


"Wait! This is too much. I'll get your cha---." Haera was interrupted by Luhan.


"No need. You can keep the rest." He said then went back practicing.


Haera grabbed his arm. "Wait! How about your towel?"


"How can I use it when it's already dirty? Besides, you need it more than I do." He said then walked away.


"Kamsahamnida!" She said loud enough for him to hear.


Luhan secretly smiled. "Ms. Hotdog girl." he whispered to himself.








Annyeong readers! :DDDD Sorry for not updating so fast. Me and my co-author was quite busy.


Anyway, hope you like this chapter. :)


Kamsahamnida! :3

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HI READERS! :) It's me the co-author! Hihi. WE'REVERYVERYVERYSORRY for not updating for like... a year? Yeah. Well we have REASONS. So we hope you understand. :


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jivisha28 #1
Chapter 11: ohh it was good
jivisha28 #2
Chapter 11: ohh it was good
HI READERS! :) It's me the co-author! Hihi. WE'REVERYVERYVERYSORRY for not updating for like... a year? Yeah. Well we have REASONS. So we hope you understand. :) We're going to update as soon as possible. JOSIMHAEYO! Keep supporting us, arasso? Saranghae. <3
14 streak #4
Awwwwww a cliffhanger *pouts* anyways update soon!!!! The dress is very pretty^^ neomu yeppo >.<
Is sumin the queenka who didnt want to buy the hotdogs after she saw haera?? If she is then she is a b*tch... And a brat Dx
phagirl #5

update soon!!~~
miyi_strawberry #6
Update soon~
Irawati #7
Eek! Hahaha.. lol.. Bacon..
Update soon
What is Luhan's plan o.O
Aww poor Sehun ):
miyi_strawberry #9
GUWAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!