Promise broken

It's over
*Jays POV* "CUT!"the director yells. Sigh! Two more shots then I'm done! I wonder what time it is....Okay it's only 6, and our reservations are at 9. Whew! If I missed it, she would probably kill me......"And.....thats a wrap!!"the director finally says.. Damn it's already 7. I need to hurry up and leave. "Aye Jay!" One of my AOM members call out. "Yeah?"I say. "We're all about to go out for a quick drink, and to bowl..You coming?"he asked. "Sorry, I can't" I say as I start to leave. "Jay come on! Look the director is treating and it'll be good for your career to socialize. Dont worry you'll be back before your reservation" he pleads...I glance at my watch 7:09.."Alright fine...but only for like twenty minuets" I say... *Your POV* You glance in the mirror and evaluate how you look. You were wearing a new strapless dress that you bought that hugged your curves. Your legs looked silky soft and long. You then sprayed on Jays favorite perfume that drove him crazy..You decided that you'd probably be sleeping over, so you brought a sleeping bag to his apartment... Where the is he??!!! You thought. You were sitting alone at the dinner table. It was now 9:50. You decide to call him..*Ring Ring*..."Hello?".some person just picked up your boyfriends phone. "H-Hello?"you respond unsure if you called the right number. You decide to hang up and wait a while longer.....*10:30*. After consuming 7 glasses of champaign waiting for your boyfriend to show, you angrily call him..... "Hello?" Someone asked, and again it wasn't your boyfriend. "Hello?!..Where is Jaebom?" You asked furiously. "Oh its his turn to bowl, he can't come to the phone right now" the person said. "BOWL???? BOWL???!!!"you repeat. Did he just stand me up on our 11 month anniversary for bowling???!!! You thought.. In rage you just hung up and turned off your phone....So enraged, tears started to fall from your eyes...Really? You thought...Damn! You rememberd that you dropped off your sleeping bag at his apartment. Hopefully he wouldn't be there when you got it. *Jays POV* "Aye Jay! Some chick called and asked for you" my AOM member said. I grabbed my phone and noticed that it was 10:45...It was 10:45!!!!! !!!! Where did time go??!!! God was I in trouble...How could I loose track of time???!!! "Aye if it helps I told her you were bowling"he said... "No! It dosent help! Man whatever I gotta go" I say as I rush to my apartment. Hopefully shes there......
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Chapter 4: awwww how can someone not forgive that hottie? i enjoyed this alot!:}
Chapter 4: I thought it's gonna be like a bit angst but then.. Way too hot to handle as always Jay
ItzJaeKay #3
Chapter 4: aishhh its cos its you jay haha