Welcome Home!

Welcome home!

He fumbled nervously with the ribbon of the roses which he was holding. His gaze wandered through the huge hall of the airport. It was in the middle of the night and only a few other travelers in the airport hall

and waited for their flight.

Kyuhyun sighed and dropped his head. He was tired, but that did not matter, because HE finally came back to Seoul, back to him. Kyuhyun gulped and looked at the scoreboard. His plane already landed twenty minutes ago, so he had to get his luggage now.

He sighed again und stood up from the bench, where he had been sitting the last two hours. Kyuhyun was nervous. Really nervous.

Sungmin and he had an argument before Min had left Seoul to work as a model in America. During the two months Sungmin was there, they only had a few times contact with each other.

A few Days after Sungmin had arrived in the USA, Kyuhyun called him

but this first time they had an argument again and so their video call ended abruptly and with a crying Sungmin.

Their seconde call was awkward at the beginning, because both of them were quiet and did not say anything. Kyuhyun was the one who broke the silence first and it finally took more then ten minutes in which he apologized for his behavior. After that Sungmin cried again, but this time because he hated it, when they were arguing. Sungmin loved Kyuhyun with his whole heart and could not imagine a life without him.

But after their discussion they only had rarely contact and that was the reason, why Kyuhyun was so nervous to see Sungmin - his Sungmin - again.

Kyuhyun walked slowly through the almost empty hall, past the long glass wall to the door, where already the first passengers came out.

He stretched his neck and was looking for a sign of his boyfriend, as he suddenly saw him.

"SUNGMIN!", he shouted excited and waved for a black haired man. The man looked up and in these moment Kyuhyun could feel thousand of butterflies exploding in his stomach.

It took a moment, but when Sungmin realised that it was Kyu right in front of him, a bright smile appeared on his face and he dropped his suitcases and ran towards Kyuhyun, threw himself into his wide open arms.

"I am back! I am back!", he laughed und cuddled up into the welcoming and tight hug, inhaled the sweet and addicting scent of his boyfriend.

All bad and nervous feelings he had before were washed away, when Sungmin suddenly felt soft lips on his own and warm hands rubbing his back.

It doesn't matter that they were in the middle of a airport hall, all that mattered, were they both and this moment. The moment, when Kyuhyun kissed Sungmin passionate and fondly at the same time.

It was Kyuhyun who broke their kiss and leaned his forehead on Sungmins, a lovely smile on his face.

"You're home!"

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aawww....tell us what happens after wards!
awww.... so sweet....
shineesuperjunior59 #3
tht wass soooo cutee :)