Just For A While


Don't you wish you knew what happened behind the scenes? Why there were barely any JongKey moments during the Sherlock era? Find out here. Read on c:


"Look, the manager comes home in an hour and he expects us to be 'just friends' by then," Key said. "After he's convinced, maybe we can go back to normal. Till then we can be friends, okay?"

Jonghyun thought back on the incident. He should've shut the door when kissing Key, but he didn't, and of all people living in the dorm with them, the manager was the second (the first being Minho) to find out about their relationship.

"An hour?" Jonghyun repeated. Key nodded.

"We have until then, I guess," Jonghyun finally agreed, as painful as it was to his heart.


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dear everyone, omg i cant believe people read this! i kind of went off the fanfic scene for a really long time :( i hope to update more often!!!! full explanation here hehe sorry guys https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/160263/36/explanations-jonghyun-jongkey-key-shinee-forever-spazz-updates
washupkrease #2
I love this story ^^
elaineyysenpai #3
Oh Minho...Is Key really? No...No wonder...Update soon <3
Assumpive is actually a word! (i didn't know that) i love the way minho forced them to go to taemin's party. nice chapters so far! update soon!
@ricekk6670 hahaha minho is supposed to be a sort of assumptive (is that a word?) person hereXD and kinda stoopid, but dont get me wrong I love him c: he plays instigator mostly ~^^
Its kinda funny how minho goes for the nastiest, human and un-human conclusion though. Nasty (having , not in a bad way ofcourse xP) Human (having kids), un human (boys having kids)... I LOVE IT!
I love the little Assume part. And i knew minho was going to jump to that conclusion i knew it!! (im so smart) UPDATE SOON!
@ricekk6670 yep hahaha tryna make it as real as possibleh X)

@-iloveyou- aww okay it gets happy dont worreh :D and im already finishing the next chapter so watch out for that ~^^
dsagyuadhyfusdghgh vass happening ahhh too much its so good i need more
Ahhh your writing yay epic wow this was sad but so damn realistic it's scary and I seriously hope soon is juz right around the corner I've concluded a new state of the art phobia hatingsadjongkeyneus phobia lol but seriously I'm allergic lol update soon