
Hey! I love you!







Lunch time came and you quickly drag Sunhee with you. You were so excited since  you just made friends with the new student and hoping that she will be your friend forever. All your classmates hated you because you are friends with your two handsome classmates. They envy you since the day you made friends with the two guys.
"Sunhee~ah! I bet you'll love the foods in the cafeteria so let's hurry because the queue is so long and I'm really really really hungry!" You pouted as you ran with her.
Sunhee can't do anything but to run with you. And she had this smile on her face that is rare to see. She's so cute.
"Aish! I'm so hungry!" You pouted as you stomped your feet. Sunhee giggled and you gave her a look.
She stopped giggling and said, "You are so cute."
You blinked and pouted. "Sunhee~ah, I know I'm really hungry and you don't need to compliment how do I look because that won't make my stomach full."
She made a face playfully and both of you laughed.
Soon, the two of you got your trays of food and the next thing you both need to do is find an empty table. You both pouted as you both looked around the full cafeteria.
"Eunmi.. I think there are no more empty table" Sunhee pouted.
You pursed your lips together, not giving up on finding one. And once your eyes landed at the two familiar boys, you smiled widely and took Sunhee's wrist with your free hand. "Come on! I know where can we sit!"
"Chunji~ah, can you shut your mouth first?" Ljoe groaned as he can't stand Chunji's talkative mouth anymore. Chunji just keeps on blabbing about the basketball game he had watch last night. He's just too excited to tell his bestfriend everything since he really loves basketball. He knew Ljoe loves it too but Ljoe wasn't in the mood right now since he was hungry and all he care is to fill his hungry stomach.
"Psh.  Yeah right. I'll shut up." Chunji rolled his eyes and continued stuffing his mouth with spoonful rice and viand.
"Tada!!!!" You put your tray down beside Ljoe's and sat down beside him. The two boys looked at you with their spoons inside their mouth. You smiled widely as you looked at the two of them. "Aigoo~~ You both are so cuute!!!"
Ljoe rolled his eyes and Chunji smiled widely, feeling butterflies in his stomach. "Jinjja Eunmi? Aigoo~ You too!!" He reached for your cheek to squish it but you quickly looked at Sunhee who was still standing.
"Sunhee~ah, come on! Sit down!" You motioned her to sit on the empty chair beside Chunji and she did, shyly. Chunji had watch your new friend and Ljoe didn't even bothered to look at the new presence as he continued eating his food.
You cleared your throat and told the two guys about your new friend. "Jagiyaaa~~~ Chunji~ah... This is Sunhee! She's our new classmate... if you remembered her awhile ago.... and she's my new friend!" You exclaimed excitedly.
Sunhee bowed slightly at the two guys. "A-Anyeong.."
Chunji greeted her first. "Annyeong! I'm Chunji!" Sunhee smiled at him and greeted him back.
You looked at Ljoe who seemed to not bother. You pouted and hugged his arm. Ljoe stopped eating and looked at you. You were pouting at him and he shrugged your arm off. You made a face and still pouted. "Jagi~~ I'm introducing a new friend! You should welcome her!"
"Psh. Just move away Eunmi." He said before looking at the new friend of yours.
And when he met eyes with her, everything seemed to stop around him. His heart started doing flip flops for the first time. His eyes were slightly rounded and his mouth slightly agape.
Sunhee did the same as she met eyes with him. She doesn't know why her heart was doing bu-bumps as she stared at his handsome face. She doesn't know why and started panicking inside her mind. OMG Am I sick? What's happening in my heart?
You looked at Ljoe and saw his expression. You frowned and snapped your fingers in front of his face, making him woke up from his stares. "Yah, don't be rude to my new friend! Introduce yourself!"
Ljoe cleared his throat and Sunhee did the same. "H-Hi. I'm Ljoe."
Sunhee nodded and introduced herself, "I'm Sunhee.."
Ljoe felt another bu-bumps in his heart as he heard her voice that seems to be a music in his ear. She's so pretty.. Innocent.. and her voice...
And he was cut off again by his thoughts when you suddenly hugged his arm again. You looked at Sunhee and mouthed 'My Yeobo~~'.
Sunhee smiled a little for you but she felt her heart aching inside of her and she even doesn't know why.
Ljoe shrugged you off and looked away. What the heck, Am I liking a girl for the first time?
You started making conversations to Sunhee, talking about what's inside the school, about the teachers, events... Chunji was also joining your conversation and his talkative mouth didn't stop working as he talked about sports and how is he excited for the PE classes.
Meanwhile, Ljoe was quietly eating in the corner. He was in deep thought about the new girl that he just met. His mind keeps on repeating how she looks and how her voice was a music in his ear when she introduced herself. He would also make small glances up at Sunhee and when Sunhee would accidentally met his eyes, he would curse on himself on why did he glanced up at her. Aish! This is embarassing.



enjoy!! hehe

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Can you update more
woah~~~ nice update ^^ but i hope that L.Joe will be with 'the reader' :)
it's getting more suspicious~~
update soon
byungtae #4
Update soon! :)
wah~~~!!!! this story is so cute!!!! hope you will update ASAP ^^