
Silver Mist; SM Entertainment's New Girl Group [Hiatus]

The next day,the girls were woken up at the same time again. Their schedule today was much more tiring. First,they had to record the last two remaining songs,Beautiful Goodbye and So Into U.

Then,they had to go to SM Entertainment to learn the choreography of Opera. Their day will certainly not end until the wee hours of the morning.

After having their breakfast,packing extra clothes and changing into their practise attire,they went to the recording studio. They fortunately finished recording in 2 hours. They then went to the

practice room and the saw their choreographer there. "Alright girls! You'll be learning Opera's choreagraphy today and I hope you guys learn it fast since your MV will be realeased on August 8.

Then,your debut stage on KBS' Music Bank will be on August 10. Alright,let's begin." The choreographer said and the music came on. He showed the girls the choreogrphy then,stopped when it

was done.


Ice,being the choreographer for EXO's MAMA and History,picked up the dance quickly and learnt all the dance steps just by watching the choreographer once. The choreographer,even though

expecting Ice to be able to copy dances when seeing it only once,was still very impressed. "Well done ice! Well,that shows that you really are the choreographer for EXO's MAMA and History!" The

choreographer said. The next time the choreographer showed the dance,Belle got it. Then,the next time the choreographer showed the dance,Lightning,Wave and Carmie got it. And by the fourth

time the choreographer showed the dance,Cheri,Amane and Skye got it. "Alright,now that you girls got it,let me see you work as one." The choreographer said and the music. The girls

started dancing,but,they weren't dancing as one. Yes,they got all the moves rights,but they weren't synchronized. "Girls,girls! All of you dance amazingly. But you girls don't dance as one! Try

again." The choreographer said and the girls danced once more. Twice. Thirce. Four times. Five times. In the end,they spent hours and hours trying to dance as one! They truly dance amazingly

as an individual. But they just couldn't get the timing right! Before they knew it,it was already 12 in the morning. They spent that much on trying to perfect the dance?


"Girls. I know you girls are amazing. You've passed my expectations as a rookie group. But,you girls need to be one! It's getting late. Practise is over for today. Get a lot of rest and tomorrow,we

will try again." The choreographer said,messaging his temples. The girls looked dejected. Why couldn't they get it? They were so good in individual dancing,but why can't they get the timing right?

"Alright girls. Change into your spare clothes and we'll be going back to the dorm." Heijin said and the girls went to change their clothes.


The next day,the tried again to get the timing right. But they just couldn't get it! They tried,and tried,and tried and tried! This was getting frustrating! Before they knew it,it was already one in the

afternoon. They didn't even notice their growling stomachs. "Alright girls. Take a lunch break then spend a few times to cool down. Then,we'll start again." The choreographer said and the girls

collapsed onto the floor. All of the girls were covered in sweat. They were too tired to do anything. Well,other than wiping the sweat off their faces. Other than that,they were too tired to do

anything. "Girls,I brought your lunch. Eat up and take some time to cool down." Heijin said as he and Jaemin set the girls' food on the floor in front of them. The girls were silent as they ate. None

of the girls wanted to speak. 


Just as the girls cooled down,the choreographer came back in. "Alright girls,I hope you had enough time to cool down and diest your food. Now,let's start practising again. Stand up." The

choreographer urged the girls and they stood up without complain. Again,they tried to be in sync. But,they couldn't quite get it. Although,they showed great improvement. They tried and tried and

tried. But,they were still lacking that 5%. Soon,it was already 12 in the morning. "Alright girls! Practise is over for today. You girls still couldn't quite get it but you girls have showed great

improvement. We'll continue again tomorrow." The choreographer said and left the room. "Alright girls,change and we're ready to go." Jaemin said and the girls stood up to change.


The next day,they showed much greater improvements. But they were still alcking that 1%. "Alright girls! Lunch break!" The choreographer said and left the room. Once again,the girls plopped

down on the floor and Youngjae put their food in front of them. This time,there was some chatter when they were eating. "We still can't get in sync with each other..." Carmie said dejectedly.

"Well,at least we're improving,right?" Skye gave a wary smile. "Jiejies,I know its hard to get in sync,I've seen this scenerio a few times now. When the Super Junior ges first debuted,they too

couldn't get in sync that fast. Its a problem that every idol group has to overcome. I know all of you jiejies are tired of dancing the same steps over and over again. But trust me when I say this,the

choreographer has a much more harder time. The choreographer has to make sure that each and every single member are in sync with each other. I know the frustration our choreographer gege.

You jiejies know that I was pne of the choreographers for EXO's MAMA and History,right? Well,it was frustrating when the EXO ges couldn't get in sync with one another at the starting. The other

choreographers and I had to make sure that their timing was completely perfect,that they were synchronized. Jiejies,let's work hard,okay? We need to do this for choreographer gege." Ice put her

hand out in the middle. Ice said the sentence with a straight face,but all the girls could see the sincerity of their emotionless maknae leader. "Yeah,let's do it for choreographer oppa!" Wave

said,smiling and putting her hand on top of Ice's. "Yeah!" All the other six girls said and out their hands in the middle. Then,they all lifted their hands up high in the air,pumping them up. When the

choreographer came back,he was surprised to see the determination in the eight girls' eyes. Soon,they perfeccted the dance! All eight of the Silver Mist members in sync!


"Good job girls! Now,let's take it from the top!" The choreographer said and the music once more. And again,the girls perfected it! "Great job girls! Now,all we need to do is make sure

you girls aren't just 100% perfect,you must me 110% perfect. Again from the top!" The choreograpgher said and the girls started dancing. After hours of exceeding perfection,it was already 12 in

the morning. "Alright girls. You girls were perfect today! Now,all we need to do is to get you girls to get used to dancing in your stage clothes. Tomorrow,you girls will be practising in your stage

clothes. I hope you girls will still be the same even athough you girls are wearing your stage clothes. Alright,practise if over for the day. Get plenty of rest!" The choreographer said and exited the

room. "Alright girls,go ahead and change then we'll go." Seunghyun said and the girls went to change,happy that they finally perfected the dance.


Author's Note [July 26,2012]

HEY HEY HEY! Sorry for not updating yesterday! >< Anyways,the debut date might change depending on how the story flows. If I can squeeze the getting used to dancing in stage clothes,teaser making and MV making all into the next few days,I might change the debut date. BUT! That's only if I can squeeze all the three scenes into the next few chapters or so within the next few days. I hope you guys understand me! >< I do apologize if the dance video makes you dizzy. I couldn't find a still one... And the Korean version's dance isn't as dynamic. The next chapter should be quite a short one about getting used to dancing in their stage clothes. If I'm not too lazy,I might add in the teaser making. Oh yeah! For the 'jiejie(s)','ge(s)' and 'gege(s)' parts,those are Chinese words. Jiejie means older sister,or unnie. Ge(s) [ker] and gege(s) [kerker] means older brother,or oppa ^^. Anyways,I did not check since this is too long and I am being my lazy self. (Lee Heehyo)

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Chapter 43: Hwaiting!~
good luck with the tests ^_^
Chapter 43: Hwaiting with your testtt ^^
Chapter 43: ahh, good luck with your tests!!
will waot~
hey, i just want to notify you that i was BUNNYXWARRIOR aka Carmie/Cheri/Belle's creator, and that my username has been changed. =]
lol, here is Belle's Particulars~

finally finished all three of them. xD
here's Cheri's Particulars~
still working on Belle's. ^^"

Here's Amane's particulars :D
this is Carmie's Particulars~

the other two coming up soon. =]
i kind of forgot about this. -___-
ok, will work on it... *hopefullyremembers*
all right, will fill this out soon!! =]