Application For Bang Heerin

Silver Mist; SM Entertainment's New Girl Group [Hiatus]

Asian Fanfics

User Name: Lee-Heehyo

Profile Link:



Ulzzang Name: Mikki/Lee Yeon Joo

Photos: 1 2 3 4

Back-Up Ulzzang Name: -

Back-Up Ulzzang Photos: -


~Casual 1 2 3 4 5 6 (Please ignore the bags)

~Formal 1 2 3 4

~Dorm/Sleep Wear 1 2 3 4 5

~Practice 1 2 3 4


I SHALL STALK YOU. Nah,just kidding.

Character Name: Bang Heerin

Nickname(s): Rin,Rinnie

Stage Name: Wave (웨이브. As in the waves of the sea. Not the action.)

Age: 16 years old

DOB: October 18,1996

Height: 165cm

Weight: 42kg

Blood Type: O

Place Of Birth: Seoul,South Korea

Hometown: Seoul,South Korea

Ethnicity: Pure Korean

Language(s): Korean,Japanese,English,Spanish

Personality: The calm one of the Bang sisters and less like Yongguk. She is the complete opposite of Heehyo. She's quiet,tranquil,kind and caring. She's very innocent and obedient. But I'm not saying that Heehyo isn't kind or caring. Just that Heehyo is mostly mischievous. Heerin is very obedient. She never defies her superiors. In fact,she never defies anyone. She has much respect for everyone. Not once in her life has she ever fought back to her elders. Heerin has never once cursed nor pranked anyone in her life. Maybe she accidentally scared some people because she approached them so silently,but she didn't intend to scare them. It is a mystery how she could keep so innocent. Considering the fact that Heerin is practically glued to Heehyo. 

Heerin is a smart girl. But,mysteriously,she isn't smarter nor as smart as Heehyo. Really,it's a mystery. Heehyo barely pays attention to lessons while Heerin gives a hundred and ten percent concentration to lessons. Heehyo holds ninth place in their school while Heerin holds tenth. Heehyo winning by fifteen marks. Heerin is also very athletic despite her quite frail figure. Heerin loves walking along beaches. She says that it helps her clear her mind or get rid of stress.

Heerin is terrified of insects,arachnids and reptiles. She finds insects and arachnids disgusting and scary while she finds reptiles just plain scary. She screams even at the sight of a lizard. Though,since she can't just go off screaming when she sees insects,archnids or reptiles if she becomes an idol,she is learning how to keep in her screams when she see any creature classified under those.

Heerin normally adorns a gentle smile. She is almost never seen frowning or glaring. Heerin's smile calms down anyone who sees it. That is why people normally go to Heerin for advice or just to simply feel calm. Heerin freely shows her emotions except anger,irritation or annoyance. Heerin draws to release her irritations. That is why her drawing normally gives off strong vibes. When she's annoyed or angered,she steps out for some fresh air.






Going to beaches to take long walks
Listening to the sounds of waves
Going out to get fresh air


Going to beaches to talk long walks to clear her mind
Listening to the sounds of the waves to rid her of stress
Stepping out to get fresh air to rid her or anger or annoyance
Having a straight face when nervous or serious
Drawing when irritated
Waking up a little bit early to cook


Heerin is a great cook
She has never once cursed in her life
She finds herself short. Hence,she oftens wears platformed shoes or high heels
She has never let go of her anger
She loves waves. She founds the sound of waves soothing
She loves tranquility
She can play the acoustic guitar,the piano and the violin
She sometimes wonder how she is related to Yongguk and Heehyo



Family Background: Heerin is from a wealthy family. She never had any problems in her life. Whether be it financially,academically,emotionally or physically. Though,she finds herself short. But that isn't such a big deal. No one has ever dared to hurt her since Yongguk wouldn't even allow a single strand of her or Heehyo's hair to be harmed. Heerin's family has a very close knit relationship. Her parents always made sure they had time for their children despite their busy schedule. Heerin is mysteriously still very innnocent. Considering the fact that she was practiacally glued to Heehyo and Yongguk,it is expected that she should end up being like them. However,both Yongguk and Heehyo are very happy that Heerin is still her cute,obedient and innocent self and they want to keep it like that as long as possible.

Family Members:

Father- Bang Yongchan,48,CEO. As a CEO,Yongchan is viewed as a very strict man. However,that isn't the case. He is actually very kind,caring and understanding. A very caring husband and father. He is the type of person who would put his family in front of anything else.

Mother- Bang (Lee) Minhee,44,Manager of SHINee. The stricter one of the two parents. Though,it is expected as she is the manager of SHINee. She is rarely strict,though. She is very kind,caring and understanding. She is someone who knows what is best for her children. And that is their own choices.

Brother- Bang Yongguk,22,Member of B.A.P. The leader of B.A.P who is viewed as a very tough and brusque person. Sure,he is,but he is very protective of Heehyo and Heerin. Over protective,even. He is also actually kind and caring. Well,once he wamrs up on you,at least. He has never allowed even a single strand of Heerin's or Heheyo's hair to be damaged. He also doesn't like it when boys approach his two sisters. Yongguk is normally the person Heehyo and Heerin turn to when they have problems. He will do anything to make his two baby girls happy. Calls Heerin 'Baby Rin'. When he calls both Heerin and Heehyo,he calls them 'Baby Girls'.

Sister- Bang Heehyo,17,SME Trainee. Heerin's older sister and a possible candidate of being a member of Silver Mist. Very much like Yongguk. Tough,brusque,mischievous and rowdy. However,once you get to know her,she is very kind and caring. She is the complete opposite of Heerin. Both of them sometimes wonder how on Earth the two of them are related when they are polar opposites. Heehyo hates it when Heerin is sad and will do anything to make her happy. Heehyo also hates anyone who hurts Heerin in any way. Somewhat protective. Heehyo is the person Heerin turns to when Yongguk isn't around. Heerin calls Heehyo 'Hyo Unnie'.


So,You're A Trainee?

How you Were Discovered: Both Heerin and Heehyo were scouted at the same time. Minhee decided to show Lee Soo Man a clip of the two showing off their respective talents and their talent spiked Lee Soo Man's interest. Lee Soo Man asked Minhee to bring the two girls to him and show case their talents. The next day,Heerin and Heehyo showed their talents to Lee Soo Man and Lee Soo Man asked if they wanted to join SME. They of course said yes.

Trainee Duration: 1 year 9 months

Singing: 1 2

Dancing: 1 2

Rapping: -

Pre-Debut Work: Helped in the choreography of B.A.P's 'Warrior' and 'Power'.


So,You're In The Group?

Position: Sub-Dancer,Vocalist

Back-Up Position: -

Persona: Tranquil Dancer


Love Is In The Air~

Love Interest: Choi Junhong/Zelo,16,Member of B.A.P

His Personality: Heerin's best friend who has feelings for her. He's very kind,caring and,well,cute. Whenever the two of them bicker,Zelo uses his birthday to his advantage. In which Zelo is only three days older than Heerin. Since they're birthdays are only three days apart,they act very childish towards each other. They also seem like a couple since Heerin often asks for piggyback rides from Zelo since he's way taller than her. He has wanted to confess to Heerin lately but he is afraid of Yongguk AND Heehyo. He thinks that they might both kill him. He is also afraid of rejection and ruinning thier friendship.

How You Two Met:They met when Heerin and Heehyo decided to visit Yongguk when he was having practice with B.A.P.

Back-Up Love Interest: -

His Personality: -

How You Two Met: -

Are You In A Realtionship Already?: Nope. But both like each other.

Ex-Boyfriends: -

Reason Of Breakup: -

Rival: -

Reason Of Rivalry: -




B.A.P (All 6 members). Very kind,caring and fun people. They met when Heehyo and Heerin decided to visit Yongguk in one of his practices with B.A.P for their debut. Apparently,Heehyo threatened the choreographer into letting B.A.P off early. Somehow,the choreographer agreed and B.A.P and the two sisters spent the day getting to know each other. The choreographer didn't have much loss,though. Since Heehyo and Heerin wanted to learn the choreography of 'Warrior'. Heehyo wanted to learn the rap as well. The B.A.P members were surprised,actually. Since Heehyo and Heerin actually copied the dance and rap perfectly. The choreographr actually revealed that Heerin helped with the choreography and Heehyo helped with some of Yongguk's rap part. They got closer through dance and rap. They kept in touch after that day and are extremely close now. Each of the members treat the two as if they were their own sisters and calls Heerin 'Angel Rin'.

SHINee (All 5 members). Very kind,caring and fun people. They met when Heehyo and Heerin decided to tag along with Minhee. Since Minhee mostly goes on meetings,SHINee offered to accompany them for the day. Minhee was greatful and thanked SHINee. SHINee kept the two girls entertained by teaching them their choreography. Recommended by the two. SHINee were actually very surprised that the two girs,then thirteen and twelve,were able to copy their choreography in one day while they practically took forever to learn the choreography. They got closer by dance and kept in touch even after that day. They are even closer now that the two are trainees under SME. All the members call Heerin 'Princess Rin'.

Super Junior (All 15 members). Very kind,caring,crazy and fun people. The two sisters met them back in late 2008 when they decided to tag along with Minhee again. They bumped into each other when the two sisters decided to explore the company. They decided that leaving two girls,one thirteen and one twelve,alone in a big company can get very dangerous. They decided to take care of both of them. Again,the two sisters asked if they could teach them the choreography of 'It's You'. Again,the thirteen members were shocked on how the two girls perfected the dance. Heehyo also asked is she could learn the rap of 'Don't Don'. Once more,the thirteen members were shocked on how the thirteen year old girl could just simply copy the rap. They got close through dance an rap. SHINee then came looking for the two of them and said that Minhee was looking for them as it was time to go home. The two girls and thirteen members still kept in touch after that day. Zhou Mi and Henry and Heehyo and Heerin met a similar way. They bumped into each other in the company,Henry and Zhou Mi got impressed,they got close to each other and they kept in touch. They call Heerin 'Angel'.

Best Friends:

Choi Junhong/Zelo,16,Member of B.A.P. Refer above.

Lee Taemin,19,Member of SHINee. Refer above.

Lee Hyukjae/Eunhyuk,Member of Super Junior. Refer above.

Henry Lau,Member of Super Junior. Refer above.


I Love My Fans :D

Fan Club Name: Tranquils (트란구일스. Singular: Tranquil/트란구일)

Fan Club Color: Tranquil Blue/           (#66ccff)



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Chapter 43: Hwaiting!~
good luck with the tests ^_^
Chapter 43: Hwaiting with your testtt ^^
Chapter 43: ahh, good luck with your tests!!
will waot~
hey, i just want to notify you that i was BUNNYXWARRIOR aka Carmie/Cheri/Belle's creator, and that my username has been changed. =]
lol, here is Belle's Particulars~

finally finished all three of them. xD
here's Cheri's Particulars~
still working on Belle's. ^^"

Here's Amane's particulars :D
this is Carmie's Particulars~

the other two coming up soon. =]
i kind of forgot about this. -___-
ok, will work on it... *hopefullyremembers*
all right, will fill this out soon!! =]