Chapter 6

BOF the story continues..


Chapter 6

Ga Eul was very certain that Yi Jung was serious about his decision to go public with their relationship. To make sure that Ga Eul would look the best that night,Yi Jung requested Jae Kyung to design evening wear for Ga Eul and arranged for make up artists to doll-up Ga Eul for the opening ceremony party. Jae Kyung on the other hand, was more than thrilled to accept Yi Jung's request, it has been a while since she last designed. In addition,to show her full support for Yi Jung's exhibition and his decision to announce Ga Eul, Jae Kyung decided to design a three piece collection for Ga Eul,Jan Di and herself to wear for the night's event, she was determined to let Ga Eul make a good and lasting first impression in the public's eyes. The remaining F4 members were invited too as VIP guests and Jun Pyo made Jan Di swear that she wouldn't do anything crazy then only would he allow her to attend the event.

Jae Kyung and Ga Eul went to Jan Di's mansion early the afternoon to get themselves ready. Yi Jung sent make up artists to the Goo mansion to doll up the girls,and they were excited about the event. Ga Eul was slightly worried about tonight's event. Tonight's gonna be a life changing event,ya. Ga Eul thought. She was mentally rehearsing how to answer the reporters and reminding herself to act with poise and lady-likeness in front of the cameras and Yi Jung's guest. Her anxieties and worries were half gone when Jae Kyung pulled out the gowns that she designed for the three of them.

"Omo! Unnie! There are absolutely stunning!" Ga Eul squeaked when she saw the gowns.

"Hehe,you're making me blush ya Ga Eul,come,lets all try it on,i might need to do some finishing adjustments,especially for Jan Di." Jae Kyung said.

Jan Di was astonished too, when she saw the gowns, "Unnie,you should create your own fashion line ya." Jan Di teased as she tried her gown. Jae Kyung designed all three pieces using the same tone and shade of colors. All three of the gowns are light beige and light pink in color. Jan Di's gown was a knee-length dress with an empire waist just below her bust line (since Jan Di specially requested that she doen't want a dress that is tight now that her stomach is getting bigger) decorated with handmade beads and flowers. The body of the dress has pleats and a cap sleeve made out of soft sheer satin. It made Jan Di looked like the Princess of the Goo Mansion.

"Jan Di! You look amazing!"Ga Eul couldn't help but to admire Jae Kyung's work. "Unnie you're really good! This color matches Jan Di's skin!"

Ga Eul dress was also a knee-length dress with a V-shaped tube top that fitted her body shape perfectly. (something like what Kim So Eun wore to the 12th JeonJu Int Film Festival) The dress accentuated her bust and hip line and most of her back is exposed, creating a very y and delicious So Ga Eul that even Ga Eul herself was amazed. "Ga Eul shii,it fits you perfectly! Im gonna make Yi Jung himself surprised too,hehe." Jae Kyung was proud of herself,the dress fitted Jan Di and Ga Eul so well. "Unnie,its amazing,but i look so... exposed.."Ga Eul said shyly, "are you sure.." "yah Ga Eul,im sure,Yi Jung would be pleased to see you like this,dont worry." Jae Kyung smiled, but at the back of her mind she knew that Yi Jung had a lot of 'protection' work to do too,to prevent guys from getting near to Ga Eul. Ga Eul's long hair were made into big soft curls that made her looked even more mature and y.

"Unnie,what about yours? Quick put yours on too!"Jan Di was excited, this is turning out to be a fun night. Jae Kyung smiled sheepishly,"hehe,okay.." Jae Kyung's dress, on the other hand, was a high-neck-collared sleeveless dress and fits her slim body perfectly. Jae Kyung looked simple, chic and elegant in the dress. "OMO! Unnie u look so elegant!"Jan Di and Ga Eul exclaimed. With her shoulder length hair tied up into a messy bun,Jae Kyung looked stunning. "Thanks,hehe.."she smiled sheepishly.


At the reception ballroom, heeps of reporters were present to report and take pictures of this grand event, since many of the important and well known people from the upper social class and the pottery world are present tonight. Jun Pyo, Woo Bin and Ji Hoo were standing near the main entrance.

"What is taking the girls so long?" Jun Pyo grunted.

"Ya Jun Pyo ahh,just wait for a while more,the event hasn't started yet anyway." Woo Bin said. Actually, he was curious to see what is monkey up to. She has been so secretive these few days, refusing to devout more time into his project and always attend their discussions with panda eyes.

"They are here!" exclaimed Ji Hoo.

Woo Bin and Jun Pyo looked towards the entrance and saw three stunningly beautiful women walking into the reception hall. The reporters and cameramen instantly came up front and started taking pictures of them. "Ga Eul, just smile." Jan Di whispered. The three girls hugged and posed together for the photographers. After that,they spotted the F3 and walked towards them.

"Jae Kyung,i have to say,you three look amazing,nice designing work." Ji Hoo smiled.

"Thanks Ji Hoo,hehe."

"Mwo?Monkey you designed the outfits?" Woo Bin was stunned,no wonder she was so secretive recently. But he had to admit,Jae Kyung did a great job, the three gowns all had different styles but looked cohesive as a collection. "Yah,why didn't you tell me earlier yah.."

Jae Kyung sticked out her tongue to Woo Bin, "ya,i wanted to show you what im good in okay,i may in architecture thingies but im not that bad okay." "Haha,yah yah yah..come lets go in."Woo Bin gently touched Jae Kyung's waist to guide her towards the stage.

Jun Pyo on the other hand was totally bewitched by his wife's beauty,he starred at Jan Di with loving eyes, "Jan Di..." Jan Di smiled shyly. The guys guided the girls towards the stage and Ji Hoo led Ga Eul to meet up with Yi Jung.


Fifteen minutes away from the start of the opening ceremony. Yi Jung was chatting with his guest and personally welcoming each of them. He was pleased and honoured because many of the important people and public figures were present tonight. Also,there were a lot of reporters present too, eagerly waiting for the famous potter to fulfill his promise to announce his wife.

Yi Jung glanced to his right and saw Ji Hoo leading Ga Eul towards him. Yi Jung almost dropped his jaw open in amazement because Ga Eul looked superb, her porcelain fair skin looked radiant and matching with her dress color,and she looked so y and tempting. Yi Jung took over Ga Eul's hand and planted a kiss on it, "Jagiya,you look so beautiful tonight.." he couldn't take his eyes off Ga Eul. Ji Hoo grinned at Yi Jung's reaction, who would ever thought the famous Casanova So Yi Jung would fall head over heels for a girl. Ga Eul smiled bashfully, "thanks husband..i'm a little worried actually..." "Don't worry,i'll be by your side."Yi Jung smiled.

Yi Jung went on the stage along with Ga Eul and gave a toast of champagne. He smiled, "Good evening, i'm so honored and pleased to have all of you present today for the opening ceremony of my lastest exhibition,thanks for taking time off to attend. I hope that you all will enjoy my latest art pieces and support the auction that will be held at the end of this month. Thanks." Yi Jung finished with a toast to the crowd. Reporters and cameramen begin flooding the front part of the stage, snapping pictures of Yi Jung and Ga Eul, bombarding them with lots of questions.

"Mr So, is this your wife? Would you mind telling us her background?"

"Mr So, is it true that you had a shortgun marriage?"

"Mr So, you were previously known as the Casanova, there are speculations as to whether your marriage will last, what do you have to say about this?"

"Mr So.."

Ga Eul was staggered, she knew reporters like to ask tough questions and are not ashamed to probe into others' private life, but she never thought that they would be this straightforward, and the constant flashing of camera lights were abit overwhelming. Ga Eul steadied herself and continue to smile sweetly. Yi Jung noticed Ga Eul's reaction and held her closer to himself and answered, "Yes this is my wife, and we are happily married. As to ther other questions, i'm sorry, i won't answer them today." He smiled and guided Ga Eul down the stage.

"Mr So..wait..."


The dinner party started and food was served as the guest mingled around and admire Yi Jung's exhibits. Jae Kyung were savoring the food served meanwhile Jan Di engaged herself in a food rampage, (LOL) and the F3 were busy talking and greeting business partners and old friends whom they met. Jun Pyo was in the midst of a conversation with one of Shin Wa's major client when he saw Jan Di happily rampaging all the food she took on her plate and proceeded to take more. "Mr Park, please excuse me." Jun Pyo went straight to Jan Di and grabbed her arm, "Yah Jan Di, what are you doing? Didn't the doctor advise you not to eat so much?You're been having stomach cramps a lot lately,and not to mention you will get super fat." Jan Di pouted and looked at Jun Pyo with cute puppy eyes, "But you'll still love me right?I just feel so hungry,little Jun Pyo is hungry too,let me have just a bit more,alright?Pleaseee..." Jan Di said peevishly. "Ahhh alright,just a bit more okay,just a bit more." Jun Pyo surrendered, and Jan Di's smile widened.

Yi Jung introduced Ga Eul to several of his guest, including some influential politicians and important sponsors of their musuem. Ga Eul went to the drinks table,wanting to get a glass of punch juice when a tall and slim beautiful young lady wearing a black long gown came near her and nudged her. Ga Eul wasn't aware of it and some her fruit punch spilt and stained the abdomen part of her dinner dress. "Omo! Ah.." Ga Eul looked up and saw a pair of cold eyes staring at her. "I.. I'm sorry..but..." Ga Eul was abit puzzled, this young lady accidentally pushed her yet she ain't showing any signs of apologies. Yi Jung excused himself and came to Ga Eul's side. "Jagiya,are you okay?What..." He was shocked to see the person standing in front of Ga Eul, it was none other than the supermodel Jang Chung Ae, his ex-girlfriend.

"Chung've returned from the States."

Upon seeing Yi Jung, Jang Chung Ae's temperament had a 180 degree change in. She softened her voice and smiled, "Yi Jung ah,yes,how can i not show up for such an important event of yours." Yi Jung was mentally telling himself "uh-oh". He had a gut feeling that Chung Ae was up to something.

Ga Eul was even more puzzled,"Jung ah you know this lady here?"

"Ah Jagiya,this..this is Chung Ae,a friend of mine." He introduced uncomfortably. "Friend? Yi Jung that's all you can say?" She turned to Ga Eul and looked at her with cold eyes again, "I was Yi Jung's..." Before Chung Ae could proceed any further, Woo Bin came interrupting their conversation. "Yah! Sorry guys! Yah..Chung Ae you're back.. Yi Jung,Ga Eul,we need you over there,some people are asking for you guys." "Ahh okay sure,Jagiya let's go over there,it was nice..meeting you Chung Ae." Ga Eul smiled and gave Chung Ae a nod and went over. Chung Ae looked at them as they walked away with a sinister smile.

"Omo! Ga Eul guess what! CG Fashion's editor-in-chief just approached me,she wants to do a four page spread of our outfits, she thought it was really nice!" Jae Kyung squeaked as she held Ga Eul's hands. Ga Eul was happy for Jae Kyung. "Omo!Unnie that's so awesome!" "Oh yes oh yes,oh hoho."Jae Kyung was completely over the moon. "Yah monkey,you can be happy, but watch youself ya,this is your fifth glass of champagne already." Woo Bin grinned. "Neh neh neh i know yah,Woo Bin appa" she teased.

As the girls were engrossed in their conversations, Woo Bin making sure that the girls wouldn't hear this, asked Yi Jung, "Yi Jung,howcome Chung Ae is here?" Woo Bin has a bad feeling about it. Yi Jung shrugged. "I don't know, she bumped into Ga Eul just now." Yi Jung recalled the past where Chung Ae made such a big scene when he wanted to break up with her during his philandering days. He stated his 'terms and conditions' clearly with Chung Ae before dating her but she went totally berserk and emotional went he started dating another model. Her obsession with Yi Jung increased as she went as far as blackmailing him and leaking private information to the reporters and newspapers, harassing the reaming F3 and creating all sorts of rumours. "Oh my, that woman is back."Jun Pyo remarked, he too remembered Chung Ae's crazy ways. Ji Hoo on the other hand, were deep in thoughts after hearing it.

Yi Jung was silent. What a great timing, he thought, right after he has announced Ga Eul. He sincerely hope that Chung Ae has gotten over her obsession over him and moved on, otherwise Ga Eul would be in great danger, he can't imagine what would Chung Ae do to Ga Eul out of pure jealousy.



souel83 : mucha gracias! haha..thanks a lot! thanks for reading and leaving a comment, i couldn't understand spanish at all so i google translated it. =)

thanks! i appreciate it lot! =)

RomanceDramaAzngrl : thanks so so much! Omo! i love teentitans too! i liked Beastboy and Raven a lot.. hehe..thanks for reading..appreciate it lots.. =)

thanks for supporting! =)

weather in Malaysia was hotter than usual the past 2/3 weeks, glad it's cooling down abit nowadays.. =)

anyway,hope you guys are okay. Stay healthy and happy yea! =)

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Chapter 10: I don't know about Yi Jung but the doctor new seriously give me relief... Because I was thinking of miscarriage or something...😌😌😌
Chapter 18: Love ur story..... ??
yongseo14 #3
Chapter 18: ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 4: Hiiya!! I hope you remember me!!!
I re read your story!! And man it just got to me again!! Hehe! As much as I love the SoEul couple, I just was so attached to Woobin and Jae Kyung's couple story!! I just adore them too even now hehe
Chapter 18: What a sweet story..
Koreanfood #6
Long chaps><
SONE_hyo #7
Love it!!!!
Hyohyuk_forever #8
Bof but it seems interesting
Hyohyuk_forever #9
Whoa i havent read the story of
That was really cute. You even got me to love Woo Bin and Jae Kyung! :))