Chapter 3

BOF the story continues..


Chapter 3

Song Woo Bin nearly suffer from nose bleed when we saw Ha Jae Kyung appearing in such... seducing outfit. He knew outright that the architect that he would be designing his mansion's extension and supervising the work was Jae Kyung, he thought that it would be fun to see how Jae Kyung can mess up this project since as far as he knows,Jae Kyung knows nothing much about architecture.

"Yah! Ms Ha,you better show some respect to your client.." Woon Bin teased as the Jae Kyung pouted.

Her assistants were worried seeing that Woo Bin is slightly agitated. "Miss Jae Kyung,please be patient, he is after all our major client."

Jae Kyung rolled her eyes. She felt uncomfortable and embarrassed when she realise that Woo Bin is actually checking her out from head to toe. "Song..Song Woo Bin,what are you starring at,never seen a pretty lady before is it?"

Woo Bin chuckled. "Mwo?Are you referring to yourself? I'm just checking to see how far you would go to win your client's affections."

"... Anyway,why would you want a renovation? Your mansion is already big enough."

"It's necessary for my family's reputation and architecture is something i like. And also,Ms Ha,if you've read the proposal properly,i asked for an extension,not a renovation." Woo Bin teased. "Since i'm officially your client now,lets start discussing about our project,come and have a seat here,monkey." He signaled Jae Kyung to the other side of the room.

Jae Kyung was embaressed for making a mistake bout Woo Bin's project but nevertheless she followed him. "Ish..."


At the So Family Musuem. Yi Jung has taken over the family musuem as soon as he came back from Sweden since his father's scandal finally erupted and his mother was hospitalized because she couldn't handle the pressure from the media and the fact that her own husband is still cheating outside. Although the media was constantly watching the So family and the workload was huge, Yi Jung always make it a point not to neglect Ga Eul because of his work. If duty calls and Yi Jung can't spend quality time with Ga Eul,he will always make up by giving her his weekends or bring her along to his meetings or social activites, just that Ga Eul always showed up as 'the assistant' rather than 'the wife'.

The So Museum was busy getting ready to invite a set of exhibition coming exclusively from Japan. It was a set of Japanese Edo-Kimedomi Dolls made by the famous Japan potter Kintaro Toyomashi. Mr Kintaro was regarded as a highly important guest for So Museum because apart from the personal relationship he had with the Sos, he is also one of the wealthy internationally known potters that supported the So Museum alot, hence Yi Jung was determined to make this even a successful one.

The welcoming party was scheduled to be held in the Grand Imperial Ballroom of the Chosun Hotel in Seoul tonight and Yi Jung invited the F3,Ha Jae Kyung,Goo Jan Di and of course his wife,Ga Eul. The only catch tonight is that Ga Eul won't be accompanying Yi Jung because her identity is still unknown to the public.

The ballroom was crowed with people, important people from across the world who came to support and meet the famous Mr Kintaro. Famous potters and artists also came for the sake of socializing. Ga Eul was wearing a black mine dress with a flair knee length skirt, the dress showed off her bare shoulders and Ga Eul looked like a princess with her hair in big curls and slightly pinned up. Jae Kyung arrived a little after that, along with Ji Hoo and Woo Bin,who gave an uncomfortable stare to Jae Kyung purposely to irritate her. Goo Jun Pyo and Jan Di couldn't attend the function tonight because Jun Pyo is still furious that Jan Di actually 'escaped' from home.

"Waoh! Can't believe that I'm seeing so many huge icons of the arts world tonight,Ga Eul. Yi Jung must really be something to be able to invite them." Jae Kyung said as she and Ga Eul waited for Ji Hoo and Woo Bin to get some drinks.

"Yea,i bet Yi Jung is busy attending to his guests." Ga Eul gave a faint smile to Jae Kyung.

Jae Kyung immediately spotted that Ga Eul had something in her mind. "Ga Eul, i'm sure that if Yi Jung has a choice,he would rather spend the whole night along with you."

Ji Hoo and Woo Bin came back with cocktails and champagne in their hands.

"Here's some drinks for you ladies."Woo Bin said curtly. "Cocktail for Ga Eul shii, and nothing for you,monkey." He teased.

"Yah! Song Woo Bin!" Jae Kyung widened her eyes. "Just because you're an important client doesn't mean that you can bully me like that."

Ji Hoo and Ga Eul was surprised. "Woo Bin ahh,since when you're Jae Kyung's client?" asked Ji Hoo.

Instead of answering, Woo Bin grabbed Jae Kyung's hands, "It's a long story,but monkey here will be in charged of mansion extension project. Come on,stop sulking,you look even uglier when you sulk,come lets go dance." Woo Bin teased.

"Yah...since when i look ugly! Song Woo Bin,just for your information,i have a lot of secret admirers okay, and i do not wish to dance with a bad guy like you." Jae Kyung tried to free her hands from Woo Bin but Woo Bin already dragged her to the dance floor and forced her to put her hands on him as he placed his on Jae Kyung. Ga Eul and Ji Hoo nearly burst into laughter because Jae Kyung let out a squek when Woo Bin touched her waist.

"Those two idiots.." Ji Hoo said while he chuckled.

Ga Eul can't help but to laugh seeing Jae Kyung and Woo Bin continue bickering while 'dancing'.

Ga Eul's eyes turned to the other side of the ballroom and found her husband greeting the guests. Yi Jung was extra handsome today wearing a white-grey-ish suit with the suave look. Ga Eul smiled sweetly as she fixed her eyes on Yi Jung and how charming he is when he is deeply immense in his conversations.

Suddenly Ga Eul notice a few women approached Yi Jung and her heart tightens as those women placed their hands on her husband's shoulders and acted in close proximity with Yi Jung. Ga Eul is guessing that those girls must be models or celebrity artists since they were so well dressed. Ji Hoo noticed Ga Eul's sudden change of expression and realize that Ga Eul was starring at Yi Jung with the women. Ga Eul felt her heart ache when she saw how Yi Jung smiled back to the girls and talked to them warmly,and the girls were so happy for getting the former Casanova's attention. Ga Eul was on the verge of tearing when she decided to walk away. Ji Hoo called her instead, "Ga Eul ah,where are you going?" Ga Eul replied in a dejected voice,"Ji Hoo sun bae,im fine,i just need a walk,im fine."

Ga Eul retreated to the bar at the corner of the dance floor. Tears begin to flow down from her eyes. She is Yi Jung's wife,yet she can't even go near her husband in public and is forced to silently shed her tears when she sees other girls trying to get closer to Yi Jung.

"Can i have a glass of wine please?"

The bartender gladly served Ga Eul and was wondering why would such a pretty lady be crying alone in the midst of this party.

It didn't take long for Ga Eul to finish the glass of wine and asked for another. Ji Hoo soon approached Ga Eul. "Ga Eul shii,please stop drinking,it's not going to do any good for you."

"Ji Hoo sun bae,i feel so sad,i can't even go near my husband in front of so many people,im just a nobody." She sobbed while taking another sip of the wine.

"Ga Eul shii,stay here,im going to get Yi Jung." Ji Hoo left to search for Yi Jung,he felt the pain Ga Eul was going through.

As soon as Ga Eul was left alone at the bar, a young,good-looking man approached her.

"Ms,i haven't seen you around before,may i know what's your name?"

the good-looking guy was none other than the young heir to the multinational company Airvon, Lee Jung Won. Lee Jung Won noticed Ga Eul sitting alone at the bar and has been waiting for the right opportunity to approach her. Lee Jung Won have been observing Ga Eul and concluded that she is an easy target, just nice for a one night stand.

Ga Eul tried to stand up from the chair and leave but she felt the surroundings were spinning. She couldn't stand properly and almost fell on the floor when Lee Jung Won grabbed her in his arms. Lee Jung Won was very pleased with this situation, Ga Eul's skin felt as soft as satin and she smelled like a field of flowers. Lee Jung Won was about to pull Ga Eul closer to him when Yi Jung grabbed Ga Eul out of his arms.

"What are you doing to her?" Yi Jung said fiercely. Upon receiving news from Ji Hoo,he excused himself from few of his important clients and came straight to see Ga Eul,only to witness her getting herself drunk and falling in the arms of another man. Not to mention Yi Jung saw how Lee Jung Won was enjoying touching Ga Eul and this made him fuming with flames.

"Mr. So,im this.."

"Stay away from her,don't ever lay your hands on her again!" Yi Jung said sternly as she guided Ga Eul out from the ballroom and headed towards their home.


Back home. Ga Eul became sober when they reached home but Yi Jung was only getting more and more angry. As soon as they entered their room, Yi Jung erupted.

"YAH! What on earth were you doing? Haven't i told you not to drink any alcohol? Did you see what that guy was doing to you? Do you even know who that guy is?" Yi Jung was literally shouting at his wife. "Just because of your childish acts,i had to excuse myself from Mr Kintaro,do you know what kind of impression that would be!"

Tears started to flow from Ga Eul's eyes as soon as she heard her husband's felt sorry for putting Yi Jung in such a position but she couldn't hide her sadness. "You wouldn't understand my feelings! Why were you flirting with those girls?"

"Flirting?Do you think i was in the position to reject them in front of my important guests?Ga Eul?"

"Yes you should have done so! I was so heartbroken when i saw it! I'm your wife but i can't do anything when other girls try to go near my husband. On paper we're married,but in public we are nothing but strangers!"

Ga Eul's last sentence struck Yi Jung. "Strangers ya?Strangers?" He stormed out of the room.

Ga Eul heard the car engine being started and broke down in tears.


im updating fast..having quite a bit of ideas tonight.. =)

back to studies.. =)

thanks for supporting! means a lot! =)

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Chapter 10: I don't know about Yi Jung but the doctor new seriously give me relief... Because I was thinking of miscarriage or something...😌😌😌
Chapter 18: Love ur story..... ??
yongseo14 #3
Chapter 18: ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 4: Hiiya!! I hope you remember me!!!
I re read your story!! And man it just got to me again!! Hehe! As much as I love the SoEul couple, I just was so attached to Woobin and Jae Kyung's couple story!! I just adore them too even now hehe
Chapter 18: What a sweet story..
Koreanfood #6
Long chaps><
SONE_hyo #7
Love it!!!!
Hyohyuk_forever #8
Bof but it seems interesting
Hyohyuk_forever #9
Whoa i havent read the story of
That was really cute. You even got me to love Woo Bin and Jae Kyung! :))