Down the Rabbit Hole | ❝이상한 나라❞


"That's impossible!"

"Only if you believe it is."

- - -

In a world where so little makes sense, how does one cope?
In the case of Yoon Ah Ra, dreaming seems to be the only outlet available. Ara dreamed of many things, many abstract things that a tamed young girl's mind shouldn't dream about. But one dream stuck out from the mass she's had in the past 18 years. It has been reoccuring, disturbing Ara every time it came around. Ara dreaded each and every time that dream came around again, praying to nothing in particular that 'this time would be the last time'.
However, the universe is not in Ara's favor. It never is.
She knows that.
Unfortunately for Ahra, that one dream turns out to be more than just a mere fantasy. That single dream turns her life upside down- literally. That one, single, redundant dream changes Ara forever. For the better, or for the worse, that is for you to decide.

Is this really a dream?
Or is it..
a nightmare?



Please Do Welcome Miss Alice...

Yoon Ara

A girl of little charm. Sanghee lacks the qualities of an "ideal wife" by milestones. She may have a pretty outer layer, but underneath that is someone you might find yourself wishing to avoid. She is timid around other girls, and even moreso around men. She can't help it, it's how she naturally is. Ara wants to be appealing, she wants to show her true self, she wants to stand up for her beliefs... but can't bring herself to do so.


I Now Introduce The Brother...

Yoon Dujun



under co. 




Doojoon sat in the living room on the chair next to his mother’s. His father was talking to his fellow businessmen about the “future of industry”, and Doojoon and his mother were requested to join. Doojoon, at the young age of 11, felt very proud and grown up to be taking part in one of his father’s meetings. He now thought of himself as an adult, a grown-up, a man.

Suddenly he heard faint, delicate footsteps down the hall, and his younger sister Ara emerged slowly into the living room, wearing only her nightdress. The businessmen stopped speaking and glanced over at Ara.

“The nightmare again?” Doojoon asked, finally breaking the silence. Ara nodded. “Um… please excuse me,” he said as he got up and walked Ara to her room. She crawled back into her bed and Doojoon sat beside her.

“Can you tell me what happens in this dream that scares you so much? It’s the same thing all the time, what’s so awful about it? Who’s in it?” he asked.

“Well…” she started quietly. “There’s a lot of odd creatures.”

“Like what?” he asked curiously.

“There’s a white rabbit in a waistcoat, a smiling cat, and a big blue caterpillar with spectacles and a hookah.”

Doojoon smiled. “I didn’t know cats could smile.”

“Neither did I. Doojoon, do you think I’ve…” she paused and began to whisper. “Lost my head?”

Doojoon put his hand to her forehead briefly like a doctor would to his patient, then put it down. “I’m afraid so. You’ve gone completely mad. Utterly bonkers. Insane! You’re off your rocker.” Ara looked at him sadly, disappointed with his diagnosis.

“But let me tell you a secret. All the very best people are.”

Ara smiled. “Goodnight Doojoon Oppa.”

“Goodnight, Ara,” he said, hugging her and reaching over to her bedside table to turn off the light. Doojoon left Ara’s room and slowly reentered the living room. The businessmen looked at him in disapproval, then continued talking as Doojoon took his seat once again by his mother.



Updated!! :D Finallyyyy please read c:


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Chapter 2: don't say yes!
maknaewind #2
waaoow~ Update please~ :D I like it so far XD
Updatee <3