
She's That Girl!


“Use more force, Jaehyo,” Coach Taebin instructed the 12-year-old child. “Yeh,” the young boy replies.

“Jihoon, Taeil! Stop playing around with the new equipment!” Coach Taebin shouted at the two naughty boys.

“I like the new gloves,” the other younger kid Jiho, said. “They feel more comfortable,” Kyung, another boy around Jiho’s age, added, as he tries them on also.

“Hey, hey, hey, you’re not supposed to mess with that yet!” Coach Taebin yelled at the two kids, who ran inside the ring.

“Try them out!” Yookwon, the other 11-year-old shouted, as he whistled for a match. “No, don’t try them yet!” Taebin continued on scolding the kids.

“Coach, coach!” Minhyuk, the other 12-year-old called for Taebin.

The boys all stop playing around, as a young girl with patches, bruises, scars, and Band-Aids covering herself, came limping inside the gym.

“Are you lost, little girl?” Taebin asked the young girl. “No, I am not. Are you…the coach?” She answered. “Why yes I am. How can I help you?” He questioned back.

The young girl looked around the room, and spotted seven boys in the gym training. She saw two boys in a ring, one standing by the punching bag, another two by the weight lifts, and two more by the storage room.

“Can I train here with them too?” The young girl turned her gaze back at the man before her. “What?” Taebin was taken aback from her question. “Can I train here?” She repeated, and Taebin cackled.

“Train here? Why don’t you run along and throw on a ballet dress instead? Fighting are for boys, not girls,” Jiho teased the girl, and she glared him down.

“Why won’t you just shut your mouth, before I do it for you?” The girl snapped back a smart one, and Jiho was pissed. “What’d you say?” He was prepared to knock her out, but Kyung held him back.

“Stop it, Jiho. You know better not to hit a girl,” Taebin told his student, and Jiho shook Kyung off of him. “Tsk,” the young girl smirked.

“Wait, so why is it that you want to train here? I don’t mind accepting girls, but I prefer to recommend you to another training gym. You wouldn’t feel comfortable around boys,” Taebin tried to convince the girl.

“Are you thinking that I can’t beat up any of these boys?” She queried.

“What? No! I didn’t say that you couldn’t. Although, even if you did fight them, I doubt that you’d win on the spot. Training here is more difficult than any other places,” Taebin explained.

“I checked other places already, and they all . No other gym has training like yours. I want to learn how to lock a person with my grip, jump kick them in the air, and feel the glory of having my fist taste my opponents jaw,” the young girl begged.

“Hahahaha! You either watch too much movies, or wrestling t.v. Go back to your ballet school and dance in them fancy dresses,” Jiho teased the girl again, as he playfully mocks a ballet dancer.

The six boys giggled silently, and Taebin sighed at Jiho’s rude behavior.

“For trying to sound like a tough guy, get your jokes down here and let’s fight!” Haru called Jiho out once more.

Smirking at Haru, Jiho walked out of the ring. Heart thumping and blood racing, Haru clenched both fists tightly. Other young boys before have beaten her up, so this wouldn’t matter.

“Jiho-yah, stop it right now. You should all be training, not listening. Next match is coming up, now go!” Coach Taebin yelled at the seven boys.

“Tch, whatever. I wasn’t going to fight against her anyways,” Jiho laughed, and went back to training with his buddies.

“What’s your name, child?” Taebin asked the young girl. “Haru. Im Haru,” she answered with self-confidence, and Taebin exhaled a huge one.

“Haru, why do you want to train here?” He asked, when he already knows the answer. “By looking at me, you should know why,” Haru answered, as she didn’t even bother to try and block her scars and bruises.

“So you want to train here, because you want to fight against others? Sorry dear, but I—“

“No! It’s for self-defense, and to protect my little brother. The upperclassmen are always bullying him, and I am sick of it. Please, help me,” Haru dropped to her knees, as the tears slowly streamed down her cheeks.

Taebin felt bad for the girl, but he knew these types of people. When angry, the people like Haru, would beat them until their death. Taebin didn’t want his gym and students to be looked upon as gangsters, so he did what he had to do.

Reject the young girl.


“You and Haru almost fought?” Himchan asked, interrupting Zico from telling the story. “Yes, although we’ve fought many times after Coach Taebin finally took her in,” Zico answered and chuckled.

“But you said that she got rejected,” Himchan replied. “Like I said before, Haru was desperate,” Zico replied flatly.


For many days, Haru would return back and beg. Taebin always rejected her, but Haru never gave up.

“Morning, coach! Would you like me to run you some errands?” Young Haru asked, as she walked inside the gym early in the morning.

“Uh…I’ve already have someone to do that,” Coach Taebin answered. “How about buy snacks for the trainers? Clean you trophies? Would it be nice, if I—“

“What are you doing here, kid?” Taebin questioned. “I’m…please accept me as your student!” Haru pleaded.

“How many times have I told you? I will not accept you just to fight for an anger management problem,” he explained once more.

“But I need help. If I don’t learn how to defend myself…” Haru choked on her words, “I might not ever be able to save my brother.”

“Talk to your parents, young dear. As I, cannot help you,” Taebin replies, and then takes out his keys to open his gym.

“Morning coach!” Minhyuk and Jihoon greeted Coach Taebin. “Morning boys. What are you two doing here so early? Don’t you both have school?” He greeted the two boys back.

“Ah, it’s her again too, eh?” Jihoon said, as he pointed at Haru. “You know, it’s rude to point,” Haru crossed her arms and eyeballed Jihoon angrily. “Well, it’s rude to stare,” he snapped back.

“We came to drop off our permission slip only. Bye now!” Minhyuk handed two pieces of paper to Coach Taebin, and then drags Jihoon away.

“Good day to you both,” Taebin bid the boys goodbye. “Wait, wait!” Haru cried, as Taebin closes the door on her.

“What’s up guys?” Jiho greeted the guys. “Dropping off your slip too?” Jihoon asked. “Yeah, and it’s no surprise seeing the girl,” Jiho answered, and looked at Haru.

“What are you staring at?” Haru asked, and Jiho chuckled. “Looking a weak twerp,” he replied, and Haru scoffed.

Jiho knocked on the door lightly, and Coach Taebin opened it. Smiling back with a nice greeting, Jiho handed his paper to the coach. Taebin then quickly closes it, when Haru tried getting inside.

“Don’t you have school?” Minhyuk being the older boy there, asked. “Shouldn’t you all scattered to it?” Haru spat with attitude. “Keep it up, and I’ll be pounding you to the ground,” Jiho defended his hyung.

“What are you, his boss?” Haru questioned with a glare. “Pfft!” Jiho looks away, as the younger boy Jihoon laughed.

Haru checked her wrist for the time, and noticed that school was really starting soon. She then pushed Jiho and his friends’ aside, as Haru made her way to school.

“She’s quite interesting…” Jiho scratched his chin. “No, no, you are not going to do what I think you’re going to do,” Minhyuk said, but too late, Jiho followed after her.

After following her down a few blocks, Jiho came upon an elementary school. Majority of the kids seemed afraid, as minority of them ignored Haru.

“Okay, we know where her school is. Now let’s go!” Minhyuk whispered, and pulls Jiho away. “Alright, alright,” Jiho replied, as he followed Minhyuk and Jihoon.


Haru stormed out of class, as soon as the bell rang loudly. Running out to try and catch her younger brother on time, Haru came up to meet a couple of boys at the gate.

“Heard about Hyo Jin, not very satisfy with it,” a boy with his left ear pierced spoke up. “What does it matter anyways? She doesn’t mean anything to me,” Haru replied.

“Come with us,” another boy said, as he pulled onto Haru’s shirt. “Let me go!” She yelped. “Hurry up with your legs,” the third one ordered.

“Umph!” Haru flew to the ground. “You’re not that tough like Hyo Jin says you are,” the ear pierced boy said. “Leave me alone, or I will beat you all!” She screamed.

Jiho kicked a couple of rocks by the school gate in front of Haru’s school, and saw a little boy peeking inside. Curious, Jiho ran up to the baby looking kid.

“Hey you,” he called out. “Don’t hurt me!” The little boy cried, as he blocked himself. “Woah, woah, wait! I won’t hurt you,” Jiho calmed the boy down.

“Then…then…why are you here?” The young boy questioned. “Looking for…Haru,” Jiho answered. “Why? Did my noona do something to you? I’m sorry, please don’t hurt her!” The kid apologized.

“Wait, wait! Calm down kid. Haru is your noona?” Jiho asked. “Yes, I am Jun Hong, her brother,” the boy cried. “Okay, okay. We are going to look for Haru,” Jiho told the boy.

“I said, LET ME GO!” Haru yelled, as she tried swinging her free arms.

The three boys laughed, as they pushed Haru around like a ragged doll, and punched her freely when they had their chance.

Jiho walked to the back of a playground nearby the elementary school, as he and Jun Hong helped hand in hand to find Haru. Just when Jiho was about to make an exit, he heard shouting and laughter.

“Stop it,” Haru panted heavily. “Are you going to stop hurting Hyo Jin?” One of the boys asked. “She was the one who didn’t leave me alone!” Haru shouted, and then had a fist taken to her jaw.

“Don’t mess with her!” Jiho shouted, as he pushed one of the boys away. “Hmph, and who are you?” The ear pierced boy asked. “Doesn’t matter, just stop beating her up,” Jiho answered.

Without a response, the three boys decided to attack Jiho. But with the speed of his, Jiho dodged them all without getting hit, and just slightly trips them over.

When they failed at trying to attack Jiho, the boys then took off running, and Jiho helped Haru up. Jun Hong hugged his sister, and wept. Haru tried her best to smile, as she barely could.

“Dude, you’re beat up badly,” Jiho said, as he took off his jacket and tried to help wipe Haru’s blood. “Stop it,” Haru rolled her eyes, as she weakly waved her hands.

“You’re hurt, let me help,” he replied. “Help? All you ever did…was wanted to fight against me. I don’t need your help,” Haru responded back dimly.

“Noona, what are you saying? He saved you just right now. C’mon, we need to get you out of here too!” Jun Hong tried convincing Haru. “If you let me help you, I’ll teach you how self-defense,” Jiho offered.

Haru quickly lift her head up to face him, and Jiho gave her a smile.

“No kidding?” Haru asked. “This is no joke,” Jiho answered.


“You trained her?” Himchan asked. “Mm, for a little while,” Zico answered, as he cackled. “Are you and Haru close then?” Himchan threw another question. “Yea, we became close buddies,” Zico shrugged.

“Did you…like her?” Himchan wondered, and Zico chuckled. “Nah, she was more like a sister. Who I like, doesn’t fall into the topic,” Zico answered, and Himchan laughed.

“So—Oops, hold up. My mother is calling,” Himchan excused him, and answered his cellphone. “Yeh umma? Oh? Yeh. I understand that she isn’t home. I’m…with her! Don’t worry, okay? Haru needed fresh air, so I came after her. She’s spending a night at her friend’s tonight though, so only I will be home later. Yeh,” after the conversation, Himchan hung up.

“Seems like you’re in trouble,” Zico teased, and Himchan chuckled. “Not really, but I’ll see you around. I should get going,” he replied. “Don’t worry about Haru too much. I’m sure she’s doing alright,” Zico gave Himchan a head’s up.

“Haha, yeah. Thanks!” Himchan waved, and jogged back home.


“Young Master Daehyun,” a maid came and knocked on his bedroom door. “Yeah?” He opened the door, and looked at her.

“It’s dinnertime, Young Master Daehyun,” she answered. “So?” Daehyun didn’t want to think about dinner at this moment. “Your father requests for you to join,” the maid told him.

“Old man,” Daehyun spoke through gritted teeth.

Pushing the maid aside, Daehyun darted down the stairs and inside the dining room. His mother smiled at his presence, but Daehyun rolled his eyes away.

“I’m not hungry, so what is it that you want from me?” Daehyun questioned his father. “Sit down and eat, son,” Yoon Sup said, but Daehyun disobeyed.

“I can’t eat here with her staring at me. I don’t like it,” Daehyun crossed his arms, and gazed at the floor. “Daehyun-ah,” his mother whispered out to him.

“Jung Daehyun, you are going to eat with us like a family!” Yoon Sup roared at his son. “A family? Heh. If you love this family and want us together, then why aren’t you thinking the same for others?” He queried.

“What are you talking about, son?” Yoon Sup was confused. “Don’t expect me to dine with you if this woman is in here. I hate her,” Daehyun spat, and then exits the dining room.

“What has gotten into him?” Yoon Sup wondered, and then faced his wife. “I’m sorry, but excuse me,” she too, then exits the dining room.

Daehyun returned back inside his bedroom, and locked it shut. Pulling a green shoebox out of from under his bed, Daehyun opened it. Inside were letters and pictures of what looked like in the early 90’s.

Dusting one away, Daehyun looked at it. He examined it closely, and Daehyun knew that he wasn’t wrong at all. It was surely Haru’s mother, and his father.


“Grandma, where is my father’s old belongings?” Little Daehyun asked. “What do you need them for?” She questioned her grandson. “I need to bring in something old from my father’s old times to school,” he answered.

“Ah, let me see if I can find where your father had placed his box of precious things,” Daehyun’s grandma searched inside her closet. “Father has a box to keep something like girls do?” Daehyun laughed, and his grandma did too.

“That is your father,” his grandma replied. “Have you seen what’s inside?” Daehyun curiously asked. “Mm, I have,” she answered, and then pulls out a green box covered with dust.

“Here you go,” she handed him the box. “Thank you, grandma,” Daehyun then takes the box and dashes back into the living room.

Pouring the box out, Daehyun found letters, pictures, rocks, dried petals, and items that surely belong to a woman instead. Daehyun chuckles at his dad belongings, and picks up a picture he sees.

“Hm? This isn’t mother…” Daehyun said, as he tilted his head to the side. “Why is this lady with my father?” He questioned himself some more.

“Daehyun-ah, let’s go,” his mother came at the door. “Okay, just let me put this away!” Daehyun blissfully shouted, as he gathered his father’s things.

Driving down the road with his mother talking on the phone, Daehyun shouted at a figure that jumped out of nowhere. His mother quickly hangs up, and walks out to find a girl, who has been hurt.

“Mother, we have to take her to the hospital!” Daehyun pleaded. “Okay, okay. We will,” she then helps carry the unconscious girl, and placed her inside the car.

Inside the hospital, Daehyun swung his legs back and forth, as his mother talked with the nurses and doctors. Suddenly, a woman came in shouting aloud for the name, “Haru”.

“Se Young?” Daehyun’s mother recognized the woman immediately. “Hmph, what are you doing here, Mi Sun?” Se Young questioned. “Don’t tell me, this ‘Haru’ girl is your daughter?” Mi Sun ignored Se Young question.

“What does it matter? I am not here for you anyways,” Se Young replied, as she pulled a young boy behind her. “Moved on finally?” Mi Sun asked, and Se Young scoffed.

“Don’t worry, I have a family of my own. I didn’t steal it like what you’ve always been thinking,” Se Young replied. “…” Mi Sun cursed under her breath.

“That lady…” Daehyun muttered, as he recognized her from his father’s picture. “So is Haru supposedly…Yoon Sup’s daughter?” Mi Sun whispered the last part, and then chuckled.

“Why does it matter if she is or isn’t? At least I’m not a murderer,” Se Young answered, and grabs hold of her young son. “Well, I hope you know that, Yoon Sup has a son. My son will be inheriting everything from the Jung family,” Mi Sun bragged.

“I don’t care what you say. Haru doesn’t need the Jung blood to inherit anything. Although she is Yoon Sup’s daughter, she can achieve life without harming anyone with power,” Se Young then pushed Mi Sun aside, as she asked the nurses for Haru’s room.

When Daehyun reached home with his mother boiling in anger, he heard her shouting’s from inside the bedroom. Everything that was being screamed of was just about Daehyun’s father and the woman at the hospital.

“I don’t know! For crisis’ sake, Se Young never aborted that kid! She gave birth to a girl, who is older than Daehyun. I don’t give a damn, if I’m married to Yoon Sup, and Daehyun is known as the only child in the Jung family. If anyone finds out about Se Young’s daughter, Daehyun will inherit nothing! I can’t have Yoon Sup know about this, or anything else. We need to make a plan, and get rid of Se Young. I don’t want her daughter near my son. Se Young tried taking Yoon Sup away from me already, and I cannot have that young girl take Daehyun’s spot,” Mi Sun blabbed on over the phone.


“Young Master Daehyun!” Another knock came at his door, and Daehyun quickly hid the green box. “What is it?!” He growled angrily.

“Your mother requested for me to bring you a glass of milk,” the maid answered. “Take it back. I don’t want it, and I won’t ever drink it,” he spoke with an irritate tone.

“Y-y-yes sir,” the maid trotted away.

Daehyun then lay back in bed, as he thought about what his mother said. Clenching both fists tightly, Daehyun couldn’t believe those words.

She was a selfish woman, and Daehyun despises those who are selfish.



What do you think about the past, huh?

I hope you all hyped up for it, as MORE will come your way. kekeke!




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Chapter 27: please update
Autumnaree #2
Chapter 27: Great read! Can't wait for an update
Chapter 5: please update i like your story.. please
Chapter 27: I thought it had ended!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for next chapter!!!!!! Love this!!!!!!
Chapter 27: I love this story! The THE END scared the crap outta me! Update soon :) pwitty pwitty pwweeeaaasseee! (Me hoping my aegyo powers will work :p) *buing buing* ;p
Halimalikesrice #6
Chapter 27: Lol I actually thought it ended for a second but I had to keep scrolling and thought nah can't end like that! Such a troll! Oh gosh this made me cry!!
Chapter 27: ...you didn't fool me, I knew what you were up to xD (I'm a troll myself :P)
Chapter 27: Epic trollness XD hahahaha , i tought that was the end T^T
Raveness #9
Chapter 27: Haru why~? I was like "No way..." when I saw it said "The End"! I'm happy there's still going to be more ^.^

I LOVE THE COMEBACK! Which ending of ONE SHOT do you prefer?