The Dark, Dark Night

Ice Cream Summer



Your POV


A week had passed since Kevin had arrived. Kevin, Xander, and you were closer than ever, hanging out everyday. If it was a work day, then you  would all chill in the ice cream shop. If it was a free day, then you guys would wander around town, getting kicked out of stores multiple times because of your guys' childish antics and mischievous behaviors.

Right now, it was just Kevin and you at home since the rest of the family had gone to see some close family friend for some kind of party. Or maybe it would be called a get-together since you couldn't really imagine Mr. and Mrs. Wu "partying." Deanna had only gone because her boyfriend was going to be there too.Kevin and you were smart enough to stay home.

The weather outside was starting to get really bad. The rain was pouring down. Actually it was pouring sideways almost, since the wind was blowing so hard. We had turned the tv on to try and block out some of the noise, but that was hard to do since the branches outside the window knocked against the glass every minute or so, and the rain was constantly pittering and pattering.

When you heard the first crack of thunder, your body subconsciously moved a little closer to Kevin on the couch. It's not that you were afraid of lightning or thunder or anything, it's just that with the whole dark and dreary atmosphere surrounding the house at the moment, you were pretty jumpy. Good thing the tv was on, the cheery nature of Spongebob Squarepants definitely helped to ease some of the tension from your body. Not to mention the comforting warmth radiating from Kevin's body.

You could've sworn that your body jumped three feet into the air when the phone suddenly started ringing. Kevin, however, kept his cool and walked over to the source of the shrill rings in the kitchen, leaving you sitting cross legged on the couch by yourself. You tried to focus on the tv, where Spongebob was currently catching jellyfish with his net. This failed to distract you for long, because the next time the thunder roared outside, your focus was broken and you were again aware of your surroundings Luckily, Kevin came back from the kitchen and sat next to you again. You breathed out a sigh of relief, that was probably one of the worst two minutes of your life.

"Mom said that they aren't going to be able to come home tonight, it's too dangerous to drive in this weather," Kevin said.

"Oh ok, that must for them," You replied nonchalantly, even though on the inside you were freaking out slightly because the house was too scary with barely anybody in it and what if a murderer or something were to sneak in and kill you guys like you trust Kevin and all but he's kinda skinny and he has some abs but they don't count especially if the intruder has a freaking gun and you're both too young to die it can't end like this you haven't even had a boyfriend yet and what if-

"Jenny? Hellooo are you okay?" Snapping out of your mini mental breakdown, you realize that Kevin is waving his hand in front of your face.

"Oh! Uh, yeah, I was just thinking about... You know, stuff... Life... Yeah..." Okay, that was pretty lame, but you couldn't think of anything else!

"Okay then?" Kevin looked confused, but that was probably because you were thinking about life while Spongebob was squeezing jellyfish goo onto his krabby patty. Ewww.

Suddenly, a really loud boom could be heard and all of the lights and electricity went out. Against your own will, you immediately clung on to Kevin. Okay, thunderstorms, you could take, but to add complete darkness to that, well then, you were NOT going to let yourself be alone. There were two things that scared the bejeebies out of you, darkness, and being alone. Well, bugs really freak you out too, but that point is kind of irrelevant at the moment.

"Wait here, I'll go find some candles," Kevin said, lifting himself off the couch, causing you to let go in the process. You immediately stood up and grabbed his T-shirt sleeve.

"Er, I'll go with you."

"Are you scared?" Kevin asked incredulously. You have never shown this side of yourself to him.

"No! It's just that, uh, you haven't been here for a while, so you might need some help finding the candles." Did that sound convincing? Probably not.

He didn't say anything, just let out a little chuckle and reached for your hand. His hand felt nice and warm, instantly calming you. Your heart rate then sped up again when you realize that you actually like having Kevin hold your hand. Oh god, now is NOT the time for teenage feelings and hormones to come in. You're supposed to be scared! But as you both walked through the house, looking for candles or any kind of light that was more useful than the cellphone Kevin was holding, you weren't as anxious as you were before. Instead, your focus was on Kevin and his hand wrapped around yours. You were actually kind of thankful for the darkness, it concealed the blush that you could feel warming up your entire face, since you weren't lucky enough to be one of the girls that only blushed around the cheeks, or didn't blush at all. Darn genetics for making you this way.

You guys ended up just using an old birthday cake candle you found in a drawer.Right now, both of you were on your bed, Kevin's arm around you and you snuggled into his side. Of course, you guys weren't cuddling in a romantic way, this is something that bestfriends do, right? The candle was on the bedstand propped up with sticky tac on a bottle cap. It didn't provide much lighting, but better than nothing. You couldn't use your cellphone because you didn't want it to die in case you needed it later.

"Soo, want to play truth or dare?" You suggested, wanting to break the awkward silence.

"What kind of dares can we do with no lighting?"

"I don't know, we'll think about it as we go! Okay, I'll start. Truth or dare?"

"Um, truth?" He said hesitantly.

"What a wimp, you should have said dare! Okay hm... What's your favorite color?"

You both played a few rounds without anyone doing a dare, and so far you had learned that his favorite color is blue, his favorite food is pizza, he never leaves the house without his camera, his nicknames are Mervin and Honeyvin (both given to him by Xander), and he has never had a girlfriend before (YES!). He had learned that your favorite color is yellow (at the moment, because it changes every now and then), your favorite food is spaghetti, you never leave the house without your iPod, and you didn't have a nickname.

"This is lame, I want to do a dare now!" You exclaimed with a grin. He immediately got a semi-devious smirk on his face. Semi-devious because... Kevin's face is just too angelic to resemble a devil.

"Well then, I dare you to go sit downstairs in the dark, all by yourself! For 15 minutes," He announced. You immediately freeze and stare at him.

"No. Never. Never ever in a bajillion gazillion fatrillion years!" It was scary in the dark! You weren't willing to risk your life for a dare!

"Come on! It's a dare, you have to do it, don't be a  scaredy cat!" Kevin taunted.

"I'll be whatever I want, thank you very much," You huffed. Who is he to tell you what you can or can't be!

"I'll be your best friend!"

"Not worth it."

"I'll bake you cookies!"

"Tempting." Very tempting.

"I'll bake you a cake covered in cookie crumbles and decorated with Pepero sticks!" Your mouth actually watered at that one. Hmmm, is the cake enough to motivate you to sit in the completely pitch black darkness where multiple ghosts and monsters could be hidden all around you waiting to pounce while the thunderstorm outside roars with all of it's might threatening to knock down your house and you into a blackhole where you may never see anyone again, just be trapped in some other dimension with nothing but ferns?

You hesitated.

"And I'll layer and frost it with Nutella," He added.

Dang it.

"Okay fine, I'll do the dare. But ONLY if you bake me that cake, and it better be amazing or I will never talk to you again and may or may not attack you in your sleep. I know where you live." You narrowed your eyes at him as you got off the bed hesitantly and slowly opened the door, taking one step out of the room. Immediately you were consumed by the darkness. Okay, this is going to be harder than you thought. You took one last look behind you at Kevin, enjoying the candlelight like the poopyhead he is. Why did you agree to this again? Oh yeah, food. Darn your weak resolve.

You sighed and started your trek out of the room and down the stairs to the living room, where you can rest on the plush couch in comfortable discomfort. The wooden stairs creaked slightly every few steps, adding on to the already eerie atmosphere. Traveling through the kitchen/dining room to reach the living room, you bumped into two chairs and almost tripped over a book on the floor. Goodness, who even reads these days? That book could have killed you!

Wait a minute, you read.

Pushing those irrelevant thoughts out of your mind, you realized when your leg brushed against the couch that you were in the living room. Quickly sitting down and feeling around for a blanket, you cuddled into the armrest and wrapped yourself in a cocoon of soft cotton fabric. Okay, this is going well so far. 15 minutes will be a piece of cake. Literally! You allowed the images of what your prize cake might look like, and imagined what it would taste and feel like in your mouth. The crunchiness of the cookies and Pepero. The creaminess of the Nutella frosting. The spongy cake so smooth it will almost melt in your mouth.

Your stomach growled. You were tempted to go to the kitchen and find a snack, but there's the possibility that you will get attacked by demons or something. Or you'll trip over something. Your stomach growled again. Ah screw it, if you die, at least it'll be for a good cause. You were just trying to feed the stomach of a hungry child.

Getting up with the blanket still wrapped around you, you shuffled cautiously towards the pantry, staying alert in case something tries to sneak up on you. Feeling through the pantry blindly with your hands, you managed to find a bag of something, probably chips. You pulled it open and reached inside to figure out what the contents of the bag were. Ooh, Bugles, delicioso.

You shuffled back to the couch, popping the chips in your mouth along the way.

"Omnomnomnom chips are yummy, omnomnomnom ghosts don't scare me, omnomnomnom," You sang. Maybe your tonedeaf tune will scare away any creatures lurking in the shadows.

You again made yourself comfortable on the couch and munched on the Bugles, the loudness of the crunches helping you block out any other unnerving sounds. Suddenly, a creaking noise could be heard. You immediately stopped eating and looked around the room, squinting futilely to try and see what had made the noise.

"Who's th-there?" You called out. No answer. You started chomping on your chips as hard as you could, trying to convince yourself that the noise was just the storm outside. Another slow creak could be heard. You quickly wrapped the blanket around your head and made sure all of your limbs were safely tucked in so that only your face was sticking out. Sure, if something were to attack you at the moment the blanket probably wouldn't make a difference, (unless it was afraid of cotton or something), but it made you feel safer. Two more creaks were heard, one right after the other, and you wrapped the blanket even tighter around yourself, whimpering slightly. When was the 15 minutes going to be over?




You were now back in the room with Kevin and you were happier than ever to be back in the light. The game of truth or dare had ended since you were still a little shaken up from your 15 minutes in the dark. What ever happened to 15 minutes in heaven anyways? That sounds so much more fun. Wait, the only other person here is Kevin... You pushed that thought out of the way. Darn you teenage hormones!

"So how was your dare experience?" Kevin asked.

You explained to him how awful it was and how you kept hearing these creaking noises and that you swear that there are monsters in the house and how we need to do some feng shui around the house or something. He looked at you nervously.

"Um yeah, about that... That was me making the creaking noises," He admitted sheepishly. "I just went down after you started singing to see how you were doing, I didn't mean to scare you. Sorry."

You immediately hit his arm and turned your back to him.

"You jerk! I thought I was going to die or something!" You huffed to yourself. You felt his arms go around your shoulders in a back hug. You gasped slightly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." You turned around to see his adorable puppy-dog face inches from you. You backed up slightly and slapped his shoulder lightly.

"You better not scare me like that again!" You scolded, trying to sound nonchalant so he wouldn't know how affected you were by him.

"Okay, I won't." He grinned in a way that made your heart melt.

"Pinky promise?" You held out your pinky.

"Pinky promise," He said as he linked his pinky with yours.

"Oh, and by the way, that cake better be freaking delicious."







LOL, I actually got kinda scared while writing this. I'm scared of being alone in the dark too T^T And I wrote a lot of this in the middle of the night while everyone was asleep so... 

Also, I've been rewatching U-Kiss Vampire, and jgrslvabf just let me die ^n^ Xander is too amazing and Dongho is the cutest thing ever I swear u_u

And about the picture, for some reason no  links were working for me, so I guess no pic for this chapter ^_^;


EDIT: ok I found a way to put a pic ^o^ It's not the cake Kevin promised, but whatever

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agjkgskuaad the writer's block it burnsss someone halp


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Chapter 5: "Why aren't you guys coming?" She whined, panting slightly from her endeavors.

Lmaooo, Yes very... nastyy ~ *insert o music that's always in EATYOURKIMCHI* xD
please update this ^^ I was really liking it~
KISSmeBecca #3
Chapter 6: LOL oh, Xander. You and your craziness. XD
Chapter 6: Xander is like the most cutest asdfghjkl.
Celinko #5
Chapter 6: Hahaha update soon!! ^^
Chapter 6: Kevin and Xander are so cuteee <3
Have fun on your vacation author-nim! :D
Chapter 6: Aww soo cute these two
have a nice vacation :)
K-poprocker #8
Chapter 6: Aww~They're so cute! ^^
Have fun on your vacation!~
Chapter 6: Oh my god I can't believe you made a new chapter! I was soooo sure you wouldn't update this anymore. .__. But aaaaanyway, oh god how cute this chapter was (as always, heh~) ! c: I hope you have fun at your vacation and after you come back you will have some new chapter for us, ok ? Hehe ^_^
K-poprocker #10
Chapter 5: This is filled with cute cute and cute! UPdate soon!