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“Where are you, Micky?”

“When will you come home?”

I don’t know where you’re going

Or when you’re coming home


Yoochun stares at the phone, after yet another phone call with Gahee that leave him with a guilt eating him up inside.

“I’m at LA, I think.”

“I don’t know when I will come home.”

When you call and I don’t even know what city I’m at

Or what day of the week in the middle of the month in a year I don’t recall

“I won’t be long, I promise.”

I told you I won’t be long

That was last November now December almost gone


“Let’s go Gahee-ah. We have a photo shoot to catch on.”

“Ne, Kyunghee oppa.”

Reluctantly, Gahee follows her manager to their car. She cast one last glance at her door, making sure her key is hidden, once again.

I left they key under the mat to our front door

For one more chance to hold you close

“I miss you, Micky. Please come back quickly.”

I don’t know where you’re going

Just get your back home


Finishing her photo shoot, Gahee sit at the corner of the room. She sighs when she sees no new missed calls or text messages on her phone. Suddenly, she remembers her last conversation with Yoochun before he left.

“Do you really have to leave, Micky?”

“I have to, Gahee-ah. They won’t let us do anything here. We have no choice but to go to US and start over there.”

“But why US? Why so far away?”

Yoochun just stares at her, then lean down and captured her lips for one long, passionate kiss.

“Because it’s our only option.”

“I love you, Gahee-ah.”

I don't care what you’re after

As long as I’m the one, no

I don’t care why you’re leaving

You’ll miss me when you’re gone


Later on that night, Gahee come back home after a tiring dance practice. She’s beat and she wants nothing but to lay down on her bed and sleep.

Her eyes bulge when she realizes that the lights are on.

Rushing to the door, she trembles when she find that it’s unlocked. Slowly, she got inside.

Only to found her house in a mess.


She drops to the floor, then let out a bitter laugh. Of course, it’s not him. It was a burglar. She was robbed. Well that’s what she get for leaving her key.


Then she feels a pair of arms wrapped around her, and someone whisper in her ear.

“Why so down, Gahee-ah?”

Gahee scrambles to her feet and spun around, staring right at the man before her.

That face, that smile, that voice… Oh how she miss them.


Yoochun just smile and kiss her lovingly, “I’m home.”

I’m home, baby

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striped-cat #2
Chapter 1: so did she leave her house in the mess or did micky mess it up?
lisas143 #3
congrats :)
Congrats on the feature!
congrats on the random feature :)