Too Late - Special Chapter

Too Late


“Mommy! Mommy!” A little boy excitedly entered his parent’s room and jumped on the bed where his mother is lying. He jumped up and down on the bed while continuously calling his mommy.



“Mommy, you have to get up now!” The boy said as he crouched down on his mommy and shakes her by her shoulders.



“Ugh.” Dara groaned as she felt the bed moved. Her head spun as she opened her eyes. She saw her son looking at her with his brown eyes. She smiled at him and turned around to look at the bedside table. It read 10:41 in the morning.



“Mommy! Get up now!” Hyun Su said as he grabbed his mother’s arm and pulled it to try to get her up.



“Can mommy sleep for another five minutes, baby?” Dara asked her son as her eyelids are becoming heavier. She feels tired and sleepy even though she has slept for almost ten hour now.



“But you promised that we will visit daddy at his work today!” Hyun Su whined as he pouted his lips and sat at the bed beside his mommy.



“I know. But mommy’s not feeling well today, baby. Tomorrow, I promise that we will visit daddy at his work tomorrow.” Dara tried to reason out with her son as her head kept on spinning. Hyun Su pouted his lips more as he looked elsewhere.



“I’m sorry, baby.” Dara said as she touched Hyun Su’s cheek and smiled at him.



“But I want to visit daddy today.” Hyun Su said with his puppy eyes courtesy of Bom.



“Okay. I will call your uncle Sanghyun and ask him if he could drop you off at daddy’s work.” Dara said as she grabbed her phone on the bedside table and started dialing her brother’s number. Hyun Su immediately smiled and waited for his mommy.



“Uncle Sanghyun said he will be here in five minutes to pick you up. Just get some clothes from your closet and ask daddy if he could change your clothes when you get to him, okay? Mommy is really not feeling well today. Sorry, baby.” Dara said as she sat at the bed and gave her son a kiss on the cheek.



“Okay, mommy. Get well. I love you.” Hyun Su said as he kissed Dara’s cheek before jumping out of her bed and running back to his room to get his clothes. Dara smiled as she slowly lied back to her bed. As soon as her head hit the pillows, she felt her stomach turned upside down. She immediately got up and ran to the bathroom and threw up what she ate last night. She brushed her teeth and went back to bed again. She groaned when the lightheadedness she is feeling won’t go away. A few seconds, the doorbell rang.



“Mommy, uncle Sanghyun is here! I’ll go now, mommy. I will ask daddy to send you a message when I got to him. Bye, mommy.” Hyun Su said as he ran to his parent’s room and jumped on the bed to kiss his mommy goodbye.



“Be a good boy, baby.” Dara said as she ruffled her son’s hair. Hyun Su jumped out of her bed and went downstairs where Sanghyun is waiting for him.







“Daddy!” Jiyong looked up from the music sheet and turned his chair around to see his son running towards him.



“Hey, young man.” Jiyong said as he opened his arms in front of him and welcomed his son as Hyun Su jumped at his lap.



“Where is mommy?” Jiyong asked his son when he didn’t see Dara enter the recording studio.



“Dara noona’s not feeling well, hyung. She just asked me to drop Hyun Su here.” Jiyong looked at the door to find Sanghyun standing there while playing his car keys on his hands.



“Is that so?” Jiyong said as he worriedly think of his wife. She looks fine just a while ago when I left. Jiyong thought to himself.



“Anyway, I have to go now, hyung. Omma still needs me to accompany her somewhere.” Sanghyun said as he smiled at his brother-in-law.



“Okay. Tell omma I said ‘hi’.” Jiyong said as he smiled back at Sanghyun. Sanghyun nodded his head before turning his heels around and walked away from the recording room.



“Daddy, is Soo Jin going to come today?” Hyun Su asked his father as he looked up at him and smiled. Jiyong smiled back at his son and kissed the top of his head.



“Yes. Your uncle TOP said Soo Jin can’t wait to play with you again.” Jiyong said. He noticed the clothes his son is carrying so he took it from his hands and held it in front of Hyun Su.



“Why did you bring your clothes with you?” Jiyong asked.



“Mommy said to ask you to change my clothes. Mommy’s too weak to stand up.” Hyun Su said as he pouted his lips.



“What happened to mommy?” Jiyong asked his son as he stood up while carrying Hyun Su on his arms. He then went to the couch and settled his son bedside him.



“I don’t know, daddy. But mommy’s face looked like snow whites’”. Hyun Su said as Jiyong grabbed the hem of Hyun Su’s shirt and lifted it off him. He then picked the shirt his son brought and wore it to him. He then kissed the top of Hyun Su’s head before patting his shoulders.



“What’s wrong with Dara?” Jiyong whispered to himself as he gave Hyun Su the toys YG bought for him.



“Soo Jin!” Hyun Su exclaimed when the door opened and revealed a little girl in a pink dress and a white ribbon on her head.



“Hyun Su.” Soo Jin said as she went to the couch and sat beside the little boy.



“Where’s Dara?” Bom asked as she entered Jiyong’s recording room while her fingers interlocked with her husband, TOP.



“Hyun Su said she is not feeling well.” Jiyong said as he looked at the couple then to their daughter who is now playing with his son.



“What a bummer. I wanted to see Dara today.” Bom said as she settled herself on the couch.



“What is your mommy been up to lately?” Bom asked Hyun Su. Hyun Su just shrugged his shoulders and continued playing with Bom’s daughter.



“You’re just like your daddy.” Bom said with a smile on her face. She looked once again at Jiyong and Dara’s five-year-old son. Hyun Su surely got his looks and attitude from his father.



“Hey, Ji. Tell Dara that Chaerin’s baby shower is on the day after tomorrow. Tell her that she need to be there or else.” Bom threatened.



“I will pass on the news, noona.” Jiyong said as he smiled at the older girl.



It has been seven years since Dara and Jiyong got married and five years since Bom and TOP got married and had a daughter and Jiyong and Dara had a son. Chaerin and Seungri got married one year after 2NE1 disbanded and now, they are expecting their first child. Seungri is extremely excited for his first-born that he always made sure to annoy his hyungs and ask them the basic steps on being a father. Bigbang disbanded after ten years of being in the industry. Jiyong became one of the major producers in YG Entertainment and Korea’s most talented song writer. TOP continued his acting career as well as Seungri. Taeyang and Daesung became solo performers. Everything is on their right places and everyone is happy with it.




“Hey, hyung. Could you do me a favor and tell YG hyung that I need to go home early. Dara’s not feeling well and I cannot stay put.” Jiyong said as he grabbed his sons’ things and put them inside his bag. He cleaned his desk and put away all the papers that is on his desk.



“Hyun Su, we have to go home now. We have to know why mommy is not feeling well.” Jiyong said to his son as he picned Soo Jin’s cheek. The little girl smiled up at him and looked back at her playmate.



“Okay, daddy.” Hyun Su said as he nodded his head at his father. “I’ll see you again, Soo Jin.” He said before standing up and holding Jiyong’s hands.



“Bye, uncle TOP and auntie Bom.” Hyun Su said as he waved his little hands at Bom and TOP when they stood at the door. Jiyong smiled before turning around and heading to the car park where his car is.







“Mommy, we’re home!” Hyun Su announced as soon as he stepped inside their home. Jiyong smiled down at his son as he guided him towards the stairs and to their room.



“Babe?” Jiyong called out when he saw the bed all tidied up with no trace of Dara.



“Mommy’s not here, daddy.” Hyun Su said as he looked up at his father with his little eye brows connecting.



“Where could your mommy be?” He asked as he roamed his eyes around their room. Then, the door downstairs opened. He tugged his son as they headed downstairs.



“Oh, you’re home early.” Dara said as soon as she looked up and saw her husband and son looking at her as if she had done something bad.



“Where have you been?” Jiyong asked as they went nearer to Dara. Dara smiled at her husband. All the sickness she felt this morning all gone. And it made senses now as to why she felt that way.



“Just out for some walk.” Dara said as she wrapped her arms on his husband’s waist and tiptoed to kiss his cheeks. She then bent down and kissed his son’s cheek.



“I thought you’re not feeling well?” Jiyong asked. Dara led their way to the couch and sat there.



“I was. But I feel better now.” Dara said.



“Mommy, can I go to my room now? I want to watch TV.” Hyun Su said as he looked pleadingly at his mommy.



“Sure you can, baby. Mommy and daddy will be up later.” Dara said as she smiled at her son. Jiyong looked at Hyun Su and patted his head. The boy immediately jumped out of the couch and excitedly ran to the stairs to his bedroom.



Jiyong cuddled his wife on the couch. He kissed the top of Dara’s head as Dara smiled contently at the arms of her husband.



“Babe, Bom noona said that Chaerin’s baby shower will be on the day after tomorrow and you have to be there.” Jiyong said as he grabbed Dara’s hands and played with it.



“Ji, I think we need to add another room.” Dara said not minding what Jiyong had said a while ago. Jiyong looked confusingly at his wife.



Their house has five rooms now. It just has three rooms originally. But they added two more when Hyun Su came into their lives. One is for their room, one is for Hyun Su’s room, one is for his playroom, one is for Jiyong’s studio and one is the guest room. And now, Dara announces that they needed another room. Jiyong’s eye widen when realization hit him.



“You’re pregnant?” Jiyong asked his wife as he made her face him. Dara nodded her head happily. Jiyong held Dara’s face in his hands and buried his lips on hers. Then he hugged her tightly when they broke out from their kiss.



“When did you know about this?” Jiyong asked.



“I went out earlier and went to my doctor to check if something’s wrong with me. I’ve been having morning sickness for the past weeks.” Dara said.



“I’m so happy, babe. I’ll contact the engineer first thing tomorrow. Well get the room done for about three months. And I’ll also contact the photographer who shot out family picture. I’ll also go on a shopping for the baby’s clothes one of these days. What else?” Jiyong mumbled as he placed a fingertip on the side of his head. Dara laughed seeing her husband all excited.



“Isn’t it too early for all of those things, Ji?” Dara asked. Jiyong looked down at his wife and smiled before kissing the top of her head.



“Nothing is ‘too early’ or ‘too late’ for the two most precious people in my life. Oh, let’s make that three” Jiyong winked at her before trailing his hands down her arm to her still-flat stomach. He caressed it lightly which made Dara giggled.



“Let’s rest now.” Jiyong said after a while as he held out his hand in front of his wife and smiled lovingly down at her. Dara smiled back up at Jiyong before taking his hands and standing up from the couch. They went upstairs to their room together with Jiyong’s arm wrapped around Dara’s shoulders and Dara’s arms are entangled on Jiyong’s waist.






“Mommy, my birthday is near!” Hyun Su said as he held up the chopsticks he is holding as he wiggled his little feet beneath the table.



“I know, baby.” Dara said as she placed down the food she prepared for their dinner and going to her son to kiss the top of his head. She then went beside Jiyong and sat at the chair.



“What do you want to receive, young man?” Jiyong asked.



“I want a little sister of a little brother! And I want it tomorrow!” Hyun Su said as he smiled goofily at his father. Dara coughed a little hearing what her son wished for.



“We can give you a baby brother or a baby sister but we cannot give it tomorrow.” Jiyong said as he smiled at his clever son.



“But why? I want it tomorrow, daddy.” Hyun Su whined again.



“I’m sorry, but you have to wait for seven months more.” Jiyong said with amusement written all over his face.



“Why so long?” Hyun Su asked while pouting his lips. Dara laughed lightly at the sight of her son.



“That’s the way it is.” Jiyong said. Hyun Su sulked more as he mumbled why Dara and Jiyong can’t give him a baby sister or a baby brother tomorrow.



“Eat your food now, baby.” Dara said as she noticed that her son isn’t eating but he is just pouting and mumbling. Hyun Su looked up at his mommy and smiled at her. He then nodded his little head and started eating his food.







“Unnie!” Chaerin exclaimed when she saw Dara walking towards her.



“Congratulations, Chaecat.” Dara said as she kissed CL’s cheek.



“Thank you, unnie. By the way, where’s Jiyong oppa, unnie?” CL asked as she looked behind Dara to look for Jiyong. CL only invited her close friends to her baby shower. She just wanted it to be intimate. And she really doesn’t have that much friends.



“Jiyong’s busy. But he has a proxy.” Dara said as she smiled at CL before placing her hands behind her and revealed her son who is hiding behind her back.



“Omo, Hyun Su! You’ve grown taller since the last time I saw you.” CL said as she slightly bent down to pinch Hyun Su’s cheek.



“Hello, aunt Chaerin.” Hyun Su said as he flashed his smile at the pregnant lady in front of them.



“Come in—“



“Aunt Chaerin, I have a question.” Hyun Su said that made CL stopped her sentence. She looked back at the kid and smiled at him.



“What is it?” CL said as she urged Hyun Su to ask whatever he wanted to ask. Dara looked curiously at her son as she waited for what he will ask.



“Why is your stomach that big? Did you swallow a ball, aunt Chaerin?” Hyun Su asked. Chaerin expelled out an amused laugh as she held her big stomach. Dara laughed at her son before bending down to face her son.



“Baby, aunt Chaerin didn’t swallow a ball. It’s just that there is a little baby growing inside of her.” Dara explained to her son. Chaerin watched amusedly the mother and son.



“But why does it have to grow inside aunt Chaerin?” Hyun Su asked again.



“That’s the way it is, baby.” Dara said before ruffling her son’s hair and standing up. Dara smiled at Chaerin.



“Mommy.” Hyun Su tugged her mommy’s arms. “Does it mean that your stomach will grow that big too?”




“Aigoo.” Dara just said. CL looked at her with wide eyes.



“You’re pregnant, unnie?” CL asked. Dara just shyly nodded her head. Then CL started shrieking that made all the people inside CL and Seungri’s house come to the door where they heard CL’s screams. Seungri still has balloon on his arms and an inflator on the other one. He immediately dropped all that and went beside his wife and hugged her in a protective manner.



“What happened?” Bom asked as she made CL to face her and check to see if CL is okay.



“Dara unnie’s pregnant.” CL announced happily. She blushed lightly as she thought that she is stealing the lime light from CL’s.




“Never mind that, guys. Let’s get inside now and start CL’s baby shower.” Dara said as she ushered everyone inside. But Bom just stood there.



“Let’s go now, Bom.” Dara said as she held Bom by her elbows.



“No. I need to call TOP.” Bom said in urgency.



“What’s the matter?” Dara asked in panic.



“We need to catch up with you, guys!” Bom screamed a little louder as she fumbled inside her bag to find her phone. Once she found what she is looking for, she immediately kissed Dara’s cheek and started walking towards her car.



“Hey Bom! What about CL’s baby shower?” Dara asked.



“Tell her I got busy! And I’ll announce next week if ever I’m already pregnant. Bye, Ssantokki!” Bom waved her hands as she got inside her car and drove away. Dara can’t help but to shake her head at her friend’s craziness.




She then started walking inside CL’s house with many thoughts circling around her head. She smiled when she remembered the growing life inside her. She touched her stomach and thought that she can’t wait to go home already and just cuddle at her husband’s arms with their son.










Author's Note : I wrote this out of boredom. So sorry if it's lame. :) Ciao! Love you guys! :*

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I can't eliminate Yoona that fast because she will play an important role on turning the story. So please bear with her appearance for a while? Kekekeke.. :)


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Chapter 28: One of my favorite story, that's true that second chances is the best remedy to solve problem between couple and the result of your decision is full happiness with the one you love most ♥️
phoenix3880 #2
Chapter 16: all i can say is ang kapal ng mukha mo jiyong anu un gus2 mo tanggapin k lng ng gnun pgkatapos mo pmukha s knya n lagi cy un dmo pinipili n halos nwala n un confidence ny at un paulit ulit mo cy pmukhaan if i wer dara nasampal n kita even if u dnt love her atleast respect her even in public ur engage to her pero lgi iba un ksama mo ewan bkit d lumalabas s news pr makita ng parents mo kung paano mo kinawawa si dara
Chapter 27: Re reading this beautiful story and I imagine my Otp couple become real in reality and form of happy family❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 28: Other beautiful story authornim congrats
Chapter 26: Aww
Chapter 17: Darahae~ hmmm... another visual pair...
Chapter 16: Ahhh the what ifs and what could've beens of sundara tsk.. Tsk.. TSK.. if it wasn't for a certain baby boy who solely created applers.. Tch.
Chapter 13: *throws confetti* LET THE DRAMA BEGIN!
Chapter 12: Oh look at that yoona did something!
Chapter 11: *eyerolls* whatevs kwon.

LMFAO tho.. I was only kidding abt the other ships but dang! Baby girl had a cult... And its not even complete yet xD