I Love Him, But He Likes Someone Else...


I love him, but he likes someone else...at least, that's what I think...


We met in 6th grade. He has perfect hair, brown eyes that sparkle like stars, and there's something about his smile that makes my heart flutter. His name is Kim Kibum. Perfect, hilarious, and cute.

I'm the complete opposite: clumsy, serious most of the time, and I'm nothing compared to the queenkas in my school. I'm invisible... Unlike him.


Hi K-pop fans of the world. ^^ This will be my first fanfic. I've spent most of my time reading other fics to get me inspired and this is what I came up with. I'm in love with KEYY so I decided to use him for the story. I'll start the fic if I get any subscribers, but I'll start anyway even if I don't. It be really nice if you do though :DDD I'll try my best to make this story entertaining and not boreing. SHINee HWIGHTING!!!


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Chapter 21: uhhhh? Sorry to you Kiss-me-for-life's sister?
rollingbuffalos #2
Chapter 22: Idk why but I rofl at the 'spazzing' picture XD Hahahahaha, anywayy, nice story~!! BTW SHAWOLS, DAZZLING GIRL IS COMING OUT TOMORROW!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~~~~~!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG IM SO EXCITED. I'VE WATCHED THE TEASER/SHORT VERSION LIKE 9375387387492 TIMES *o* Okay. I'll shut up now. I'll stop bothering you guys. Mianhae. *Runs to the corner of the room and starts sobbing*
Chapter 22: yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy for happy endings!!!!
Chapter 3: just started this and Chapter 3....I wanna play Truth or Dare with SHINee...that is all...back to the story lol
Chapter 22: Nice ending!! Finally Hana got his love~!! ♡
Nice story~
HAHAHA! I shouldn't read this story cause I'm using my pad to read and it's all cursive writing and all...

but i read a few chapters and hell i didnt even notice i read the whole story already!!!! ^^

great job author-nim!!! hwaiting!!!

PS: love your story :">
My sis forced me to stay up and update~ TT__TT im so happy you guys liked it~♥
Chapter 21: I totally agree with foreverisover. I would have said pretty much the same thing. XD Poor forever alone Jjong.
kyungsquishysoo #9
Chapter 21: Bahahaah im happy with the ending xD i mean minhee got hit by a bus, key and hana ended up together and onew has luna 3: .....jjong is the only forever alone one xDD
Chapter 21: Yayyy I'm so happy you decided to finish it!! x3
LOL minhee got hit by a bus while crossing the street :D