Part 9

I Hate My Trash Kid Husband


A hard punch came in contact with Taecyeon's jaw. He fell onto the floor groaning while holding his dislocated jaw.
Trying to withstand the pain, Taecyeon looked up and saw a guy staring furiously at him. If looks can kill, Taecyeon surely have been dead. Still in vulnerable state, Taecyeon felt countless of punches directed to him. His face was numb as he could only covered his face with his arms and curled on the floor like a shrimp, trying to surpassed the pain he's feeling on his body. 
Seconds later, he was carefully lifted up and placed on the stroller. He opened her eye expecting his girlfriend to be beside him, consoling or something. But Taecyeon loses his conscious seconds after . 
Taeyeon's POV
I saw Fany seated at the red couch alone. 
'Should I approach her? No? Aish... I don't know...'
I gulped down my alcoholic beverage and turned my head to the dance floor. I frowned immediately after I saw Sunmi getting touched by that stupid guy. I get on my feet, dashed through the crowd and gave Taecyeon a little piece of present. My punch. I hit him once and he fell on the floor. 
'Pffftt... Sissy!'
Seeing him in his vulnerable state, I punched him few more times. He covered his face with his arms and i attacked his torso, punching him repeatedly. I could hear Sunmi's voice shouting at me to stop, but I can't. I let out all my anger to that stupid guy. 
Two people held me back tightly while I tried to get out of their hold. I am not finished with that idiot. How dare he!
Angry? No. I am furious. To be honest I am furious at that idiot because he touched Sunmi, but that's not the main reason. How can he touched other woman when he has a girlfriend. That's more worst than an animal! 
Jerk head idiotic fool! Argh!
The medic came and he was lifted to the stroller. They pushed him out of the club with him on unconscious state. Hah! Serve him right. 
I calmed down a little and the two strangers let go of me. I turned my head towards Sunmi's direction and fear is visible on her face. 
I made my way towards her and pulled her into an embrace. She wrapped her arms around my waist tightly and laid her head on my neck. I can hear her sobbing on my neck as I caressed her back. She wetted my shirt but I don't care. As long as she's fine, that's more important. 
"It's okay, it's okay... I'm here. You're safe now." I soothed her. 
"H-he.. He t-touched m-me..." Sunmi stuttered while sobbing more loudly. 
"It's okay.. You're safe with me, Sunmi-ah... Shhh.. Don't cry.." 
I broke our hug and intertwined our fingers, wanting to get out of this place. But on the corner my eyes, I saw Tiffany staring at me and Sunmi. She was frowning while her hands clenched tightly. 
'Is she mad that I hit her boyfriend? But her eyes... Is that... Jealousy? Nah.. She'll probably mad I hit that sissy again'
I make my way out of the club with Sunmi trailing behind me. 
I asked for her address as I opened my car door for her like a gentleman and drove her to her apartment. 
The journey to her house was so quiet. I turned my head and saw her sleeping with an obvious frown on her face. I then stopped the car at the roadside and took off my jacket. Wrapping it on her shivering body, I smiled in satisfaction after accomplished it.  Seconds later I continue my drive towards her house. 
Her house is a small apartment that enough for two person to live in it. I carried Sunmi bridal style as she was still asleep. And also she looked so peaceful while sleeping and I don't have the heart to wake her up. 
Unlocking the door, I headed to her room and placed her gently on her bed. As I was about to leave the room, Sunmi grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the bed. She hugged me and snuggled her head on the crook of my neck. 
"P-please d..don't go.. I am s-scared.." She started to sobbed and I immediately wrapped my arms to soothed her. 
"Shh.. I'm here Sunmi-ah... I'm not going anywhere.." I whispered on her ear while my hand her hair softly. Humming a random song, Sunmi started to drift off to dreamland. 
I looked at her innocent face and started to caressed her face softly. Tracing my finger to her eyebrows then her pointy nose. How can somebody looked so cute and innocent at the same time. My finger then moved towards her delicate jaw and lastly...
Her lips. 
Sunmi moved a little after that. She opened her eyes and  my finger is still on her lips. 
My gaze never left her and as both of us stared hard at each other. Feeling a gravity pulled, Taeyeon leaned closer towards Sunmi's tempting lips. 
"Where were you?" A cold voice greeted Taeyeon when he was about to land his bum onto his bed. 
"What do you care?" Taeyeon asked his wife back. He finally settled himself onto the bed and stretched his tired body. Being hugged for few hours was totally not a good thing. Tiffany sat up from the couch and stood beside the bed facing her husband. She was irritated. Taeyeon had never talked to her in that manner. She knew he loved her too much to hurt her. But this time.. She actually felt a little worried if her husband had a liking to a certain brunette in the club just now. 
'Why is he acting like this? He never answered me this way before!' 
Folding her arms, Tiffany slapped Taeyeon's thigh and the latter screamed in pain. 
"Ouch! Yah! What is your problem?!" 
Shocked plastered on her face when her husband shouted at her for the first time but it was immediately covered with a frowned. 
"What is my problem?! It's you!" 
"Me?! What the hell did I do?!"
"Where did you go, huh?! I bet you were sleeping with that !" Tiffany scoffed. 
"Don't you dare call her a !"
"So now you're siding her!" Tiffany was getting more irritated. How can her husband raised his voice towards her. It sure was a first and she hated that.
"I am not siding her, Tiffany. She needs help and I'm her friend. The least I could do is accompany her. Nothing more! Plus it's all your stupid boyfriend's fault!" Taeyeon said. He's trying his best to contained his anger. He's tired and his wife's making a ruckus at 3 in the morning. 
"Taecyeon is not stupid!" she sided her boyfriend. Folding her arms, Tiffany's frown deepened.  
 "Whatever. Why do you even care where did I went to, huh?" 
 "I can't believe you! I'm your wife, Kim Taeyeon! I have the rights to know!" 
"Say that again? Wife? Oh so now you're my wife? You nearly slept with that idiot on OUR bed and you call yourself a wife?!" Taeyeon let out his anger. He turned his back and faced the door.  " I had enough of this, Tiffany. I love you. I really do. But if it's just gonna be like this till I die, i can't bear it...
Might as well we part ways.." 
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guys.. wait a little longer aites. my exam ends on the 11th T.T mianhae


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CrissYoung #1
Chapter 13: Will this be continued?? Hehe
Zaragosa #2
Chapter 13: It your exam finished already or not?? , It already 10 years 😂
Chapter 13: Great story
gabiel #4
Chapter 13: .......... 😆😆😆
Alexanderkim33333 #5
Chapter 13: Update please
CrissYoung #6
Chapter 13: ...
yulsic26 #7
I hope this is will update again
UnderDoc #8
Chapter 13: When the update again? I want to know what happen next *smirk* HAAHAHAA