Chapter 29

Love Quest

AhYoung P.O.V

His face kept coming closer to mine, I look away, trying to dodge his sight.

“Look at me.” He order

I slowly turn my head to face him. His face only a cm away from mine, I can feel his hand moving from the bed closer to my body.
What the hell is he gonna do now?

He press my ankle and stay silent looking at me straight forward.

“It doesn’t hurt huh?” he make a mischievious smile

“Wha...” before I finish my thoughts “ hurts..” I cried

“Too’re lying... Your feet doesn’t even hurt”

“ see...”

He hold my ankle even tighter and it definitely hurt,

“Aoooowww” I cried out loud “JiYong it hurts”

“That’s what you got for lying”

“I’m sorry, I just don’t wanna embarrassed myself dancing like a dummy in there.” I said

“ are a dummy...” he mock

I kept silent, I know I wasn’t in the right place to argue with him,
...I shouldn’t have lied.

“Are you really sorry?” he ask,


“Then move...” he said

“Move where?”

“Go sleep on the couch.”

“Mwo?! I don’t want to sleep on the couch its...”

“Are you feeling sorry right now?” he cut me

“Yes...” I lower my head

“Then go sleep on the couch.”

I look at him with the puppy eyes, but he ignore it and point his finger to the sofa.

“Can I at least take a blanket and pillow with me.” I ask

“Mmm...go take it” he shrunk his head in on the pillows.

I take one of them and walk, pulling the big blanket behind me. I look back, he doesn’t even care,
Wait...why would he care? That would be even weirder.

I walk to the sofa, arrange my sleeping place and go to the bathroom to wash my face. I put my hand below the sink and it automatically giving out water. I fill my palm with water and when I was about to wash my face. Once I raise my head to see my self in the mirror, I froze.
All the water drop from my hand, I touch my face gently with my finger and the other hand is on the mirror, I come closer to the mirror.

‘Is this really me?’ that is the thought that repeating in my mind.

My hair is curled, my lips are shiny with a soft pink colour and my eyes looks amazing. I can never imagine looking like this again.
After a few minutes mesmerizing myself, I’m finally back to the real world. I quickly wash my face, dried it with towel and see my usual face again, then I brush my teeth and walk to the place where I’ll sleep.

The couch.

Actually the couch is...not that bad, it’s pretty soft and comfy. I think I do can sleep on here.

I can’t.

My eyes are only closing for a few minutes and then my body would make my eyes open again. This couch is really not a nice place to sleep!
Damn that JiYong!....But if I don’t lie in first place, I would be sleeping on the bed.
It was partly my fault then?

“Aiiisshh...” I scratch my head,

I stand up and open the fridge trying to get some water, but there was nothing there, only red wine and more alcohol.

“Geez...don’t he drink something else?” I close the fridge

I look at my hand phone, it show 12 a.m,
The party should have been finish by now. I walk and open the door, I was about to walk downstairs, till I realize the party is still going on. I quickly hide myself, pause for a while and start to run silently into the room.

As I was opening the door, the ajuhma from before is right behind me

“Aren’t you the girl who fall before?” her voice came from my back

I turn around slowly and saw her with a glass of champagne on her hand. She look at me from top to bottom,

“What are you wearing?” she ask

“Ummm....” I try to think in this situation, but my brain slowed down.

Then somebody grab me from the back, pulling me inside the room. I look up and saw JiYong, he hold me closely to him.

He look at me, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he ask

Before I got to answer the question, the handle is push down and the door was about to open. I quickly push the door, blocking that ahjumma from coming in.

“What are you doing?” JiYong look at me

“Are you gonna let her in?” I ask him back,

“No.” He answer shortly

“Then help me.”

He come closer and lock the door.


“Oh yeah...didn’t see that one.” I scratch my head.

He walk back, and then I realize that he’s not wearing a shirt,
He tuck himself into the bed,

“Don’t you feel cold?” I ask,

His head peek out from the blanket, “No, I like sleeping this way, why?”

“Nothing.” I answer quickly and walk back to the couch.

I cover myself with the blanket, trying to sleep. God just please let me sleep for tonight.

Why can’t my eyes closed and let me sleep?!
This couch is not comfy enough. Never thought that my body is so picky about where to sleep!
I look at the time, It’s freakin 2 a.m. and I still haven’t sleep yet.

I look at JiYong, sleeping nicely and silently on the bed.
At that moment something strike on my mind. I take my pillow and take small silent steps to the bed. I wave my hand in front of his face, to see if he’s really sleeping.
And yes he IS!!

It’s a good thing he only take one part of the bed. So I ran silently to the other part, put my pillow and tuck myself into the blanket,
Nice, comfy bed..AT LAST!

My eyes are slowly closed and I fell into a deep sleep.


JiYong P.O.V

I was sleeping till something stop me from turning around, I open my eyes a little and see AhYoung right beside me. My eyes open a little more after seeing her there,

“YA! I thought you’re suppose to sleep on the couch” I said as I push her away

“Just let me sleep here please..” she reply, still not fully awake,

“No, go back to the couch.” I push her harder, so she’ll fall down.

Suddenly she hug me “Please JiYong~ let me sleep here..” she said, still closing her eyes,

“No” I answer shortly, still pushing her out from the bed.

She hold me even tighter, “JiYong~pleaseee….”

Her face is closer to mine, I can’t take this, this is too much for me.

“Ok ok…just stop hugging me.”

She finally loosen up her hug,

She smile, “Saranghae” and back to sleep.

I felt something weird when she said that, but it must some wrong feeling I had. Her hands are still around me. Not as tight as before. But still, it’s not so nice to sleep like this.

I hold one of her hand and try to remove it, but suddenly it come back again,
I try to remove it once again, but it just comes back again.
I give up, I might have to sleep this way.
I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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beepbeep_rp #1
very niceee
paityXD #2
Chapter 42: my favorite chapteiii!! hahaha
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 34: nice story....
--Moonie #4
please update
KwangNaji #5
Chapter 18: Heyya.. wrong grammar wasn't a prob. At all as long that u keep on updating that's gud & be proud 'coz u hve lots of good ideas.. keep it up!! (^_^)v
Chapter 50: Awww cute!!!
Chapter 46: I'm totally reading this ^^ :P
Chapter 28: Lol if I was her I'd probably have kicked around as a reflex XD
Chapter 10: Open the flipping box XD
Chapter 6: Ohhhhh tough question... He looks amazing both ways.... Blonde is sooo nice.... Blacks natural though.... Ugh! I can't choose XD lol