Chapter 27

Love Quest

AhYoung P.O.V

I’ve been sitting on this chair for an hour, I think I will have a cramp if this thing take more time. The people around me kept on giving me make ups that I don’t even know what’s that for. They put glitter around my body too. My mom is always the one who puts make up on me when I have piano concert, but it doesn’t take this long.

“Are you done putting on make ups and stuff on me?” I ask

“Not yet, we’re almost finish.” Lady’s maid told me

I can’t actually see myself in the mirror, the make up artists are blocking the mirror, all I can see is their stomach. This is boring, they kept pulling my hair again and again. My eyes kept on getting dry because they draw something around my eyes,
And did I mention that thing they use for my eye lashes? It annoys me so much.

It sound like the party is starting, I can hear the noise. I can’t hear too clearly because of all the chit chat going on between the make up artist and the sound of the hair dryer is really loud. But I’m sure the party is started.

“I think I heard people chattering” I said

“Yep, the make up artist need to ‘chatter’ to discuss” the Lady’s maid reply,

“No, I meant....”

“Put some more lighter lipstick” one girl cut me

“Mmmm...I hate this” I was trying to remove it with my wrist, but somebody stop me

“Don’t do anything with the make up, just stay still.” Lady’s maid said, holding my hand.

“Let go of me” I said

“Just stay still, and this will be finish before you know it” she said

“Ok, I’ll stay still, but please let go. I felt like a prisoner”

She let go of my hand, and I hop what she told me is true. I don’t wanna spend another hour sitting and waiting for my make up to be done.

The next 15 minutes all done, I still can’t see what I look like, but I’m glad I don’t have to sit anymore.

“Ok, all done right?” I face the Lady’s maid,

“Yes....I think so..” she look a bit hesitant

“Don’t say it like that, everything’s gonna be alright” I smile to her

“But I felt something’s wrong” she reply

“What’s wrong, everything’s perfect. You give me a makeover for almost 2 hours” I told her

“Something....I felt something is wrong.” She said

“Nothing is...”

“Your knee, it’s bruise” she cut me

“It’s ok, nobody gonna look at it” I reply

“No, this is bad. Somebody cover it with something so no one will notice it” she ordered

“No no no no, I’m not going to seat on that chair anymore.” They grab my hands.

I quickly get off them and run to the door. Nobody is upstair, I guess the party is down there, I look down and see all those guest scattered around. And as always, they wear classy gowns.

“There she is!” somebody shout,

I look to the direction the voice come from and see the lady’s maid looking furious

“Uh-oh” I continue running

I can’t ran really fast because of this heels, but I ran even slower on the stairs. When you’re not used to wearing heels and you are forced to run on stair, it feels like hell.

“Oh my God, oh My God” I kept repeating those words while running down,

I kept on feeling like falling down, I can’t see up, cause I really need to see where I’m stepping.
Few more steps and I’ll reach the end of the stair.

I stumble at the last moment, the heels slip,

Oh .

I closed my eyes, getting ready to hit the floor. But then I felt somebody hold my hips, I open my eyes slowly and look up, JiYong face is close to mine.

“What a grand entrance” he smirk,

“Shut up” I quickly raise my body and stand properly on the heels.

I can see that almost everybody is looking towards both of us, some of them stop eating their food, and some of them kept eating, and there’s some of them stop their chit chat and just stare at us, frozen. The lady’s maid and the other are just finish climbing down the staircase.

“Ms. AhYoung..” she stop her word and realize that JiYong is giving her that stare and everyone is looking at her too now, “I’m sorry Young Master I didn’t mean to make such a noise in the party” she continue.

“And I hope you can stop now” he said

“I will” she bows down and step back,

“I hope you wouldn’t mind explaining all this JiYong?” a woman approach JiYong

He look at him and smile “Ummm yes, she’s actually my current lo-....”

“Guest, I’m a guest here.” I cut him

“But I thought he said love” the woman rebuttal

I glance at JiYong and try to think of something “What he meant to say is....I’m a, yes a lovely guest” I reply,

“ that so?” the woman face JiYong,

“If you’re a lovely guest why did you run so wild?” Sandara comes out from the crowd,

Great, she make things worse “Ummm...I was....trying...” I search around my head for a reason

“She was trying to find GaHo” JiYong continue

I look at JiYong and back at them “Umm...yes GaHo, I don’t want him to mess the party” I force a smile.

“Oh...good luck finding him then.” Sandara smile and trying to get rid of me.

“Well, she don’t have to search for him anymore, the Lady’s maid will” JiYong look at the Lady’s maid with a ‘go now’ eyes.

“Oh yes young master” she bows down and walk away.

“Please continue what you’re doing and enjoy the party.” JiYong smile and give a sarcastic smile at Sandara.

JiYong pull grab my hand and pull me to the corner, I try to keep up with him and follow him.,

“What do you think you’re doing?” he ask

“I should be the one who's asking you that question” I said

“What do you mean? I’m not the one who fall from the stair”

“But I’m not the one who’s going to said...” he look away and pull me up stair to his room.

He close and lock the door quickly and face me back again.


“Why do we need to come here and talk?” I ask

“Cause if I don’t somebody gonna hear you blabber about our secret” he said


“And just so you know, if I said that you’re my lover this fake dating thing will end faster” he defend himself

“I know”

“You knew? Then why did you stop me? I thought you want this to end faster than you thought”

“But then if you said that, what will people say about Sandara?” I ask

“I’ll just said that me and Sandara engagement are off, they will sure understand”

“And said that you’re going out with me? When you know it’s all a lie and you’re gonna dump me in the end ”

“Yes...what else could I say?”

“Just for your information, it doesn’t looks that good if you break up with your fiancé and date another girl”

“I know, but...”

“And you have that Seoul Gangster name written on your face, I think that’s enough”

We have a pause there. JiYong sigh, he look away and a small smile

“Wow, you’re using your brain huh?” he said

“What do you mean? I always use my brain!” I argue

“Well, I thought the only thing you use your brain for is...let me think...nothing”

Ok he pissing me off.

“Well sorry for thinking too much. I thought I was going to receive some reward or something”

“Reward huh?” JiYong come closer to me

“What are you doing? Why are you coming closer to me?” I step back “Stay back”

He step closer to me, I step backwards going away from him. My leg suddenly start to tremble, I forgot that I was wearing heels, it slip, I was about to fall on my .
JiYong quickly grab my hips.....again.

We’re on that awkward position, where his face is close to me, like those princess and prince stuff

“Ok...this thing is happening to recently, I need to stop wearing this...”

JiYong support me up and pull me close to him, he then my cheek

“I’ll give you your reward” his face come closer to mine,

I can feel his breath, his lips is coming closer to mine. I want to stop him, but he’s holding me so tight, my hands can’t move.


JiYong P.O.V

Just a few more seconds, my lips and hers is just a few millimetre away, and I guess Sandara will go away soon. I heard the door closed, but I don’t think it’s enough, I still can continue this. I smirk and come closer to her

“JiYong....” she said, I stay silent “JiYong..I know what you’re thinking of, you can stop now”

I was feeling a little shock, but I try to hide it,

“What do you mean?” I try to keep it calm

“Sandara is not here anymore.” She continue

I let loose, but still holding her close to me, “You knew huh?”

“Well, I heard the door closing, so I thought it must be Sandara”

I just let out a sigh, she’s not as dumb as I thought.

“But you kinda creep me out, next time you should tell me”

“Well, I thought I can continue teasing you” I give a little smile

“Shut up, stop teasing me.” she move my hand away and walk to the door,

She stop her step and turn around “Don’t you gonna go back to the party?” she ask

“Maybe later, I don’t really like this kind of party.”

“I bet many of them are waiting to see you. Well I’m going then.” She turn back

“Wait, I got something for you” I caught up to her

“Wait...when I say I want you to give me a reward, I didn’t mean it literally. You don’t need to give me anything.”

“No, I really want you to give you something."


AhYoung P.O.V

He put his hand into his pocket, and pull something out from it. I can’t see it clearly, it’s shiny and long. What is he gonna do now?

He come closer to me again like before. His face come closer to mine, I would love to move back again but if I do I would fall again.

“JiYong... Sandara is not here you don’t need to do this again” I said,

“I don’t want Sandara to see this” he reply

“Then what are you doing?” I start to stutter

He circle his hands around my neck. Then I feel something is hanging on my neck, he move back a step and smile, I look at my neck and see a necklace with a heart pendant shape.


“What is this? Why are you giving me a necklace?” I ask

“Well, there are many boys out there, and this necklace show that you’re mine” he gave me a smile

“Wha..what? What do you mean I’m yours?”

“I don’t want you to get any problem with these boys.”

“Who do you think I am? And...and this necklace... and say I’m yours, do you think I’m your dog?!”

“Depends on how you look at it.” he shrug “But I think you’re going to lose it anyway, since you are a clumsy person”

“That is sooo not true, I’m not clumsy!”

“Then prove it, don’t ever lose that necklace” he said

“Ok! I’ll prove it to YOU Kwon JiYong!” I walk out the room and go back to the party.


A/N: Two chapters!! I'm great huh? LOL

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beepbeep_rp #1
very niceee
paityXD #2
Chapter 42: my favorite chapteiii!! hahaha
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 34: nice story....
--Moonie #4
please update
KwangNaji #5
Chapter 18: Heyya.. wrong grammar wasn't a prob. At all as long that u keep on updating that's gud & be proud 'coz u hve lots of good ideas.. keep it up!! (^_^)v
Chapter 50: Awww cute!!!
Chapter 46: I'm totally reading this ^^ :P
Chapter 28: Lol if I was her I'd probably have kicked around as a reflex XD
Chapter 10: Open the flipping box XD
Chapter 6: Ohhhhh tough question... He looks amazing both ways.... Blonde is sooo nice.... Blacks natural though.... Ugh! I can't choose XD lol