Chapter 19

Love Quest

AhYoung P.O.V

I was having some fun sitting beside Mrs. Kwon. Even though I can only lookat those clothes in front of me, and all I can do is touch them, I still feel happy about it.
Sometime my heart skip a beat hearing the price, and sometime my heart beats so fast looking at those clothes.
It felt like paradise...the happiest moment of my life.

Jiyong came in and pull my hand, making me and thps beautiful clothes feel so far away.

I kept saying ‘What are you doing?’ to him,
But as always...
He never listen.
He pull me to his room and slam the door closed, then push me on the wall.

“Don’t get too close to her” he look at me straight in the eyes

“I’m just looking at the clothes, it’s not I’m not gonna kill her anyway” I answer back

“I hope you killed her” he is whisper and walk away

I’m not so sure, but did I just heard he want her mom to be KILLED?!

I decided to stay quiet, it’s not a very nice topic to talk about. I know that it gonna end by both of us fighting, and I’m really tired of fighting.

His phone suddenly ring,he picked it up

“Hello” he answered “Ok I’ll be there” he then close the phone.

“Who is it?” I ask him

“DaeSung” he take his jacket

“Something happen to him?” I ask again

“Nothing happen, he just want me to enjoy the party with him” he walk to the table and take his wallet

“Oooo i see..” I walk to the couch

“Wear this and this “ He throw a dark blue hot pants and a black tank top to me

“Why should I?”

“You’re going with me”

“But it’s cold outside”

His face come closer to me “Listen to what I say or...”

I move away from him “Ok..ok” I take the clothes and run to the toilet.

A few minutes later I’m ready, JiYong look at me from head to toe. He come closer to examine and his eyes stop in front of my face and touches my chin gently

“Aren’t you gonna use some makeup on that ugly face of yours?” he ask

“No. I hate makeup and I don’t care if I’m ugly” I stuck my tongue out.

Then a maid come to the room and bring a pair of black leather boots,

“Who is that for?” I asked

“You, wear it” then he face the maid

“Excuse me, did you call me?” another girl show up, she doesn’t look like a maid

“Can u do something with her? Some makeup and hairdo” he said pointing at me

“I understand” she bow and push me onto the chair.

The maid is putting the boots into my feet, while the other put some makeup on me,
Something on my eyes, cheek and lips. She then pull my hair and make a high messy ponytail.

“Done” she said

I walk to the mirror and see myself and look at smiling JiYong

“JiYong, I hate this look. I look like a ” I look at him

“We’re going to a club, so you should wear something like that”

“Wait....a CLUB? I can’t go to a club, underage here”

“Well when they saw you wearing something like this they won’t recognize it. Grab your coat, we’re going”

I grab my coat and follow him to his car, it’s a lucky thing Sandara didn’t saw us. I quickly ran to his car.

The car stop, I come out from the car and see many people lining up to get in and a big guy wearing all black in the front door.
JiYong grab my hand and walk to the big man, the man let JiYong get into the building directly without asking any questions.

He still holding my hand and bring both of us to the sofa, TaeYang, SeungRi and even my brother SeungHyeon is there.
All the girls with that y clothes of them gather around them, and it look so disgusting,

“JiYong! You’re here” DaeSung call out

We then join them, all the girls start to come with around him too. They push me aside and it left me in the very corner of the sofa.

A guy came closer to me,

“Hey” he said

I'm sure he's not talking to me, so I look away

“Hey, I'm talking to you” he said once more

I bet it's not me it's 100% must not be me.

JiYong P.O.V

Those girls start to sit around me like usual, giving me food and drink,
I look beside me and there's no AhYoung, I look around and found her at the corner of the sofa with some guys around her. I push aside all the girls and pull AhYoung closer to me, she look a bit surprised

“Stay away from her” I said to them

They directly move away.

“JiYong who is that girl?” one of the girl asked

“She's my new girlfriend”

“Girlfriend? You mean your toy right?” she asked again

“No, I mean my girlfriend, she's the girl that I love” I answer back

I bet AhYoung heart must had skip a beat when she heard me saying this,
but she just sit still. Looking at the girls, blantly.

All the girls start to move away one by one and leave me alone with AhYoung. I kept looking at AhYoung and saw her looking uncomfortable.

“JiYong, I don't like this place” she whisper, and start to cough “It's full of smoke and doesn't smell nice” she cough once more.

“I know, this is what we call a CLUB! Enjoy yourself” I shout to her

“I need to go” she walk away.

AhYoung P.O.V

I don't know how long did I walk around this building, but it's just too hard just to find a toilet in here.
You got to pass a bunch of people dancing like wild animals it need 15 minutes just to pass them.
And a tips when you go to a club, you don't need to ask where's the toilet cause people are running to the toilet to puke, do their thing or something else I shouldn't tell.

I was thinking to spend some time in the toilet,but I stop thinkin about it. It's filled with puke, and the light is dim, u almost can't see a thing in there.

I walk out after I wash my hand and I had to pass through those people again. After a few minutes of struggling again, I finally come out from those crowd, and a bunch of girls start to welcome me,
they doesn't look like a nice girl and I don't think it's a good idea to get close with them.
I walk pass them, but they blocked my way again.

“Hey, you're JiYong new girl right?” she ask

“Ummm....yes” I answer hastily

“We just wanna say congrats, let's have some drink” she pull my hand

“I'm not really good at drinking” I reject, but it doesn't seem like they're listening to me.

She passed on a cup of alcohol, I pushed it aside. But then she push it back to me,

“I'm not one of the heavy drinker” I said to her

“It's ok” she then force the cup into my mouth,

That is the first day I drank alcohol in my life, it felt like you’re flying, it felt so...good.
In a second my sight become blurry, I felt a bit dizzy but it still feel good

JiYoung P.O.V

It’s been a while since she’s gone to the toilet.
Does a girl like her need a long time in the toilet?

“Did you see AhYoung?” I asked

“You mean your girl?” DaeSung asked,

I nod “Where is she?” I asked, DaeSung shrug his shoulder.

I walk around and see AhYoung sitting on the chair drinking some cups of alcohol, slamming it on the table every one cup.
I ran to her. Hold her hand, stopped her from getting more drunk. She look at me and make a drunk smile

“JiYong a~” she fall to me her head raise up “You think you’re so handsome? Always bullies me everytime” she place her hand on my cheek suddenly her face come closer to me,
And my her lips touch mine. My feeling is mixed, confuse of what to do.

Then she face down and start to puke, and guess what my shoes is the victim and then guess what? she fell asleep

“Yuck! We need to go home” I carry her and walk to my car.

I honk and the gate opened, I quickly drove the car in. I open the door and carry AhYoung on my hands and bring her to the room.

“Bring some maid to my room” I ordered

I place her gently on the bed, 2 maids come inside

“Change her clothes”

They then bow, I walk to the sofa and turn on the TV. In a few minutes the maid report that they’re finish.

“You can go out now” I said

They both walk out from the room and left me alone. I walk to the bed and saw AhYoung lying there and put the blanket on her.
I look at her face, touches her face gently and stop my finger on her lips,
And the flashback start when she kisses me. I quickly move my hand away from her lips shake my head.

“I’ve gotta stop thinking about it, she’s drunk...” I look at her innocent face

“Uggghhh” I shake my head again “I’ve got to snap out of it”

I change my clothes and quickly get to sleep.


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beepbeep_rp #1
very niceee
paityXD #2
Chapter 42: my favorite chapteiii!! hahaha
mikkydragon #3
Chapter 34: nice story....
--Moonie #4
please update
KwangNaji #5
Chapter 18: Heyya.. wrong grammar wasn't a prob. At all as long that u keep on updating that's gud & be proud 'coz u hve lots of good ideas.. keep it up!! (^_^)v
Chapter 50: Awww cute!!!
Chapter 46: I'm totally reading this ^^ :P
Chapter 28: Lol if I was her I'd probably have kicked around as a reflex XD
Chapter 10: Open the flipping box XD
Chapter 6: Ohhhhh tough question... He looks amazing both ways.... Blonde is sooo nice.... Blacks natural though.... Ugh! I can't choose XD lol