Love's Bakeshop


Love's Bakeshop. Owned by three sisters' and three brothers'. They arn't commonly known, but whoever enters the place is filled with unknown stories.



Story goes, whenever a customer enters the Love's Bakeshop they are not only served the delicious goodies and drinks, but love stories that has never been told.

These Bakeshop has been foretold by many people through out the year, but the thing is; whenever one wishes to find it, it's not there.

This mysterious Love's Bakeshop tale has been told for many generation, three beautiful sisters' and three handsome brothers' giving the customer the new found joy of love and sadness.

What they do not know is that, these stories the sisters' and brothers' spoke of, is true.

In the sisters' and brothers' shoes.

Starting Date;

Ending Date;

             Romance Comedy. Drama. Tradegy and Sad. Happy and Sweet.

Poster and BG made by;



The eldest unnie.
The owner.

She's carefree and smiles alot. Whever in doubt she calls her mother for help.
She had to deal with her boyfriend cheating on her many times and couldn't tolerate it.
She likes kids but they don't seem to like her very much, well they do but they tend to not show it much.


The middle unnie.
The coffee maker.

She's the sweet and creamy one of the sisters'. She likes attention. Whenever she wants to share a joke she snaps back whenever someone ties to intruppt.
She likes to smile and sing and seems girly to others.


The cashier.
The female maknae overall.

The kind and sweetest of the sisters'.
She hides her emotions pretty well and keeps her anger secured away tightly.
She smiles and likes to take responsiblity.


The eldest oppa.
The dessert maker.



The second eldest oppa.
The waitor.



The maknae overall.
The cleaner.



[Might edit it]
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i hope you update soon!!!
it's very interesting
I clicked on random story and yours came up ^^ I was obsessed to the stroy after I read the plot *O* The plot itself sounds really magical and beautiful <3 Can't wait :D
viola721 #3
I love foreward!!!
please update it!!!!
looks interesting. (:
sweetcris23 #5
I like the concept of your story.<br />
Please update soon.<br />
DevyLee #6
The story sound so cute, and I really like the cast. I can't wait for the first chapter! :)
madsorcerer #7
I liked your plot too. Update soooooooon~~~~~~~~~~~
ppz_uk #8
I like your plot and also your cast so I'm looking for your first chapter now! :)