Oh my..

Why Now ?


"I saw her walking towards us.. i was speechless. She was beautiful and how come ive never seen it before!? I mean we've done music videos and songs with her but i never saw this side of her!? GOD!.. Oh no.. shes in front of me.. am i turning red ?" I carefully touch my cheek and i sure do feel hot, i wonder if they can see it?

CL: "So where are we sitting guys? You've been kind of staring for a while " she smirked while laughing a little with her girls.

GD: " Well we will show you the way then. And excuse the stare; I can say for myself that I'm just amazed by you guys" he said smiling

"UH! Of course GD would tell them what he thought.. oh! Their walking i should go too.." I hear the music playing as we get closer to our seats. I look at Bom, "God she's so gorgeous just walking ! OMO u.u.. I should really stop staring.." We arrive at our seats and the girls sit together and i sit with Big Bang.

GD: "Man what's with you, I've noticed you've been staring at Bom i think?" He said whispering it to me.

TOP: I slowly turn to look at him and open my eyes a little big "Is.. it.. that obivious..?"

GD smirked and smiled and turned to look at the stage and nodded.

DAMN! I looked down 

Bom's POV

is he looking at me ? I wonder .. Wait what is GD and TOP talking about ! Why are they so secretive!?! Gahhh (sad face internally) I wonder.. If he will talk with me after this ? God please give me the guts for him to talking with me! I smile and look at my fingers. This feling is quite amazing, and I think I do love top..






Hello ! Sorry for the short chapter just I'm typing with my iPad and it's gonna take to long writing this. Sorry ! Thanks for supporting! Fighting! :D

---Aime <3

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glad you updated! it was short but its okay! plz update soon!^^
Ahhhh. No! Chapter 4 is soo short dude D: shoulda made it longer. But I love it none the less c: Good Jobb Aimee, Hasta Manana :)
love this story! plzzzzzz update soon!^^