One Year

Why Now ?

Boms POV

Well the year in America is already gonna end. I really enjoyed being here plus we got new clothes and our voices ! just simply wow! Also our english got really great! I fell accomplished now  and ready to do our 2nd mini album in Soeul . Man am i so happy now, and i can't wait to see his expression when he sees me!


I was walking back to my room and then i see Bom looking out her window and i noticed she was smiling. I knew what she was thinking it was that OBVIOUS. I giggle and rush into her room and hug her tightly and hear her scream. I laugh and sit next to her.

CL: " So are you gonna miss it here Bommie?"

Bom:" Uh, Well yeah but not as much as i miss Soeul!" She giggles

CL: " haha that is true. Hey lets take a picture of me and you then the rest of the girls before we leave this house?"

Bom : " OK" she said smiling.



( Sorry guys this was the only photo i can find of them together :l)

CL: "AWH its cute Bommie " i said with a huge smile

BOM: " Well its nice" she said sticking out her tounge at me.

Bom's POV 

I smiled and saw her happy, then i wondered and asked her a secretative question.

Bom: " So.. CL, I have a question to ask you." i looked down while telling her that.

CL looked at me a bit worried and answered " what is it?"

I blushed a little still looking down and told her " You see.. i have a crush on a boy.. do you think he'll like me with my new improvement..?"

CL laughed and hugged me " Ay Bommie I know who your crush is, you couldnt hide your feelings for him when we were in Soeul and more than likely because damn bom you changed !"

I looked at CL shocked "WHAT!?! HOW DO YOU KNOW AND WHO IS IT?!.. and thank you"

CL smiled and whispered in my ear "THE OFFICAL PIMP(TOP) she pulled away from me and continued " And how did i know. Well I would see that you would hide from him everytime and blush so read like a apple !"

I looked down blushing and biting my fingertip and felt a bit embrassed. " Well yeah i like him, i hope he likes that i've tried hard to show him my potential!"

CL smiled and clapped her hands " Aight girl ! remember FIGHTING!

I giggled and also said "FIGHTING! Oh ! CL please don't tell anyone who i like please !" I said with puppy dog eyes.

CL: " I promise Bommie" She smiled and did a pinky promise.

We laughed and continued talking and she helped my pack and we hugged and went to go meet the girls down stairs.



Dara's POV

Me and Minzy were waiting for CL and Bom to come down stairs but they were taking to long, so that gave me and Minzy time to pack. Right when we came back CL and Bom finally came down. 

Dara: "YAY! What took you so damn long!?"

CL smiled and said " Chill, we were talking about .. stuff."

I rose a eyebrow and giggled " Alright whatever you say. Anyways did you guys pack already ?"

CL and Bom nod. 

Dara : "Alrighty then you didn't forget to pack anything because our flight is tonight" i said with a "O" on my mouth.

Bom: " ya, Dara we packed everything, don't worry." she said smiling.

CL made a 'O' with and took out her camera " I forgot but me and Bom took a picture already and i also said we were all gonna take a picture so lets take it now before anything else comes up!"

We all posed to the camera them , CLICK..CLICK.

ME, Bom, and Minzy got shocked by the 2nd one.

Minzy: " Hey i thought it was only one !"

CL: " chill, the 2nd one didn't come out horrible anyways" she giggles.

I grab the phone" Well let me see it then!"




I sigh and smile " ehh their alright" i said sticking out my tounge.

Bom: " Well girls, lets do last minute earrins and go to the airport."

Bom's POV

We put our bags and etc into a car and take another car to go to the mall and last places before we leave.

i think and smile and look at the girls and say " So what do you think of me painting my hair auburn?"

They girls smile and Minzy says " Well try it, i mean it is our last day and we wanna look different when we go back so how about we all get haircuts and change our hair color!" she smiled excited.

CL smiles and tells the driver to take us to a salon. We arrive at one and i request for the change of color of my hair and my bangs.

The girls do their things and we smile at the end when they finished with us.

I smile and speak with a smile on my face " WOW ! you girls look amazing!"

The all do the same and tell me the same. We go and shop for some clothes and head back to our car.

On the way over there Dara pretends to hold a microphone and says "Hello America! This is Sandara and 2NE1 is leaving tonight ! We had such a good time here but its time to leave ! so Goodbye and hope to see you guys soon!" 

We arrived at the airport and off we went back to Korea.

I thought to myself "I hope he likes this new me.."

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glad you updated! it was short but its okay! plz update soon!^^
Ahhhh. No! Chapter 4 is soo short dude D: shoulda made it longer. But I love it none the less c: Good Jobb Aimee, Hasta Manana :)
love this story! plzzzzzz update soon!^^