Chapter 3

Why does it have to be him

Noone’s P.O.V


“who are you texting to “ Jongup asked,trying to get Himchans mobile phone.

“yah never heard from privacy” Himchan yelled as he pushed Jongups head back.
While Himchan was still distracted by his donsaeng Yongguk snatched the phone .

“hmm who is Hy…ee..mii “ Yongguk read out the name
“just someone I know….and now give me back my phone hyung” himchan held his hand out waiting for Yongguk to give it back to him.

“Is she your girlfriend?”a voice came out of nowhere.

Everyone turned around to see who was talking.

“Stop scaring me Dahyun ! why do you always have to appear out of nowhere” Himchan said frowning his face.
“what do you mean I was here the whole time” he chuckled

“yeah yeah whatever …now yongguk can I have my phone again “Himchan turned around ,his attention on yongguk again.

“you didn’t answer his question ”Youngjae said

“give me back my phone now” Himchan just ignored his other dongsaeng.

“Not until you answer their question” Yongguk threatened

“No she is not my girlfriend” he signed

“then why are you texting her so much ? Don’t you already have this theater girl,….Minah ? “

“Yaah I’ve been exiced for the whole week now,finally we got to see to see the girl ,that our womanizer Himchan has a crush on “Zelo beamed

“yah stop this nonsense 1. We are not together ,which means she doesn’t belong to me” Himchan said .

“at least not now but this will change, Hyung “ Zelo said in an amused voice

“Don’t you guys dare to come backstage after the play ,and scare her away with you delusional imagination …..I don’t want her to feel uncomfortable….. “ Himchan raised his voice showing how pissed he was

“besides she already has someone she likes “ he finished his sentence rather noiseless ,so  that none of his friends could hear him.

“Of course we won’t do anything that would piss our Himchan off “they said in a sarcastic voice


Jung Minah’s P.O.V


You looked through a little slit from the curtain looking to the audience

“Omo why am I more nervous than when I was at my school “you said

“Because you don’t know these people “ someone stepped behind you,

you could feel his breath which makes you nervous

“ohh there are more than expected” he continued

You tried to get your head straight again and answered” that’s probably because you are so famous at you school that everyone wants to see you play huh,himchan”

He feelt flustered by you words which was kind of obvious because you could clearly see his cheeks getting a little bit red.

“ hmm” he shrugged.

“ohh isn’t that your friend Hyemi over there”- Himchan pointed at the audience, causing him to lean a little bit over to you.

You heart started to beat faster, as if he sensed it he leaned back leaving a little gab between the two of you.

‘what did he just said ‘ you tried to remember what he said ,but you could barely remember something because you were busy trying to keep you heartbeat under control.

“so do you see her?” – He asked again

“ who ?”

“your friend isn’t that Hyemi” he pointed at her again.

He was right it was Hyemi ,but you didn’t know why she was here, she already saw one performance after all

As you were in deep thoughts, you  notice that someone was staring you down.

“uhh Himchan oppa ?;Don’t you feel like someone is starring at us “ you said with a tensed voice

“from this side “ you continued, now whispering  moving you head to the side trying to show Himchan which side you meant.

He tried to follow your eyes until he spotted them ,his blond friends

“ohh yeah I see “he said in an annoyed voice “just don’t mind them “ he finished

“the start is in 10 minutes get ,ready now  “


After the performance was finished you made your way to Hyemi .

“ Hyemi “you called her giving her a greeting hug.” Why are you here ? “

“uuh….”she stuttered “ I liked the play last week so much that I really want to watch it again and ,besides, I wanted  to support you” she smiled .

“thank you ,that’s so…..”

“ohh by the way  where is Himchan “ she cutted you off.

“uhh I don’t know where he went “ why does she care so much about  Himchan ? you thought to yourself.

Hyemi  was trying to find him so there wasn’t any conversation between you two .

So you started to search through the people just like your friend.

Can’ be that had to find a blond guy you chuckled inside.

You spotted him, and made your way “ Himchan? Hyemi is searching for you, so how about we go home toge….” Before you could finish your sentence the blond guy turned around.

“ oh sorry I thought you were someone else “ you said trying to get away from this awkward situation.

“ If you are searching for Himchan…. ,he is over there “ he said as he grabbed your hand and walked.

“Daehyun ! Where have you been again?” Himchan said before he notices you standing behind his friend.

“Do you know each other ,Minah ?” he asked you, his gaze was hard and fierce.

“aniyo “ you shook your head. His eyes were fixed on your hands as Daehyun was holding it.

 ‘Why is he looking at my hand’ you thought before you realized that Daehyun was still holding it ,you quickly released his grip from you.

“She mistook me for you when she was trying to find you” –he said

You could see how Himchans face softens again.

“ohh I see ,what do you need Minah” he said with a smile.

The other boys behind Himchan started to snigger you gave them an awkward smile.

Himchan than elbowed one of them .

“Is that how you treat a donsaeng” the other blond guy say.

Not until now have you noticed that actually all of his 5 friends have blond hair, they somehow looked rebellious but were all still good looking.

“Shut up Jongup” Himchan told of the other guy .

 “Shouldn’t you introduce us to your friend”- a muscular blond guy asked.

“I don’ think there is any need ,……so Minah what did you want ?” Himchan just ignored his friend.

You felt a little bit out of place.

“If you won’t introduce us then we will do it alone, so I’m Bang Yongguk “the muscular boy said reaching out his hand.

you shook it.

“and this is Zelo “ he pointed to a tall boy .


“Annyeong” he smiled at you.

“I’m Youngjae “ another one said


"Jongup ,nice to meet you"-


 “And I’m Daehyun” the boy who you mistook for Himchan introduced.


“Ohh eeh nice to meet you ,I’m Minah “you said.

“So If you guys are finished could you leave now” Himchan said, feeling annoyed by his friends.

“Umm I just wanted to asked you if you want to go home with Hyemi and me, because she was searching for you” you said, when your phone suddenly rang.

“uh excuse me” you said before you picked up.


“Minah where are you? I can’t find Himchan and now you are gone too ”Hyemi said

“Oh mianhe , I just found Himchan but I think he is busy with his friends “you whispered the last part.

“ohh is it like that “ Hyemi sounded disappointed.

“ok then ,would you mind if I go home now” she continued “I don’t need to wait for you right ,you surely still have things to do ….See you tomorrow then “she finished ,

before you could answer she already hung up.

“What’s the matter   ?” Yongguk asked, he acted as if you both were close to each other which made you happy.

“Looks like Hyemi already went home “you signed.

“Do you want to walk with us then? ” Youngjae asked

You looked at Himchan .

“Don’t worry we all live in the same direction as Himchan “ Jongup said.

“ohh ok “ you nodded.

As you were walking the boys asked you a lot of questions.

“So Minah ,how old are you ? “ Zelo asked

“Uhh I’m 17 and you? You answered

“I’m 16 that means you are my noona , ow I’ll call you Minah -Noona “ he said.

You smiled; they are so easy to get along with.

“Which school do you attend?” Youngjae asked.

“I’m a Junior at LOEN High” you smiled

“Do you all visit the same school as Himchan “you asked back

They nodded.

“Do you have a boyfriend “Jongup asked bluntly.

“ehh “ you said you cheeks getting red.

“yah stop making her uncomfortable ”Himchan pushed his friend.

“oww” he said “stop being so mean, Hyung ,you know girls don’t like violent boys”

“uhhm No I don’t have a boyfriend, but I already have someone I like “you said.




/AN : yaay I finished Chapter 3 and even though I didn't hit 10 subcribers I still updated because I didn't want to let my 9 subcribers wait too long  ^-^.

So yeah this chapter is a little bit longer than the previous ones because I got 5 comments yay *dances around* ~(^-^)~ soo 1500 words this time .

aaaaand I'm especially happy about the long comments from 
SHINees_Lucifer and CatAttack1020 ( who also made 2 comments ).

And also thank you for the shorter comments and my new subcribers : MelodyTeenTop ,miyoung-sshi ,SHINees_Lucifer and maxine1513


please continue to give my story love and comment and subcribe <3

Tea_Lover ~~

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-notyourself #1
Chapter 4: update soon *-*
hae_lyn154 #2
pls continue the story cu'z it is so interesting.....i love it
TilDeath #3
its a cute story like like you ;D (im sorry if i scaare you with my randomness, but corny lines are coming out because of my boyfriend. blame him)
Liliubel #4
This story is so great *^*
I think a lot of things are gonna happen in the next chapters
I will wait patiently for the next update

random comment: I LOVE that 2 of my biases are part of th story *Himchan and kiseop let me love you *3**
YoongiholicAnonymous #5
whoa it's party time :D
a new chap is now updated^^
never ever think that i would unsubscribe to your story!!
i/we love your story and you should know that :)
ok back to your chap:
1.yay a long chap
2.... idk i forgot haha
but himchan should confess!^^
and it was so sweet of the rest of B.A.P that they tried to support him
tcha hyemi that's bad luck :P haha
update soon ;)
YoongiholicAnonymous #6
yay a longer chapter^^
as for me every chapter could be as long as this or even much LONGER :D
update soon :)
you should get lots of cookies and comments for your work^^
she like someone and it's himchan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SHINeeShaowl4life #8
My friend asked me to read you story and I like.
Please excuse my english. I cant speak it well. I subscribed to you now. :)
MelodyTeenTop #9
Hyemi is such a horrible friend!
Update soon!
you're welcome.........

my gosh!!!!!!!hyemi flirting at himchan what about minah?
