Found love in a .jpeg file

The following days went on with nothing but practice for the marching on graduation day and orientation of how the Graduation ball's going to be. Since it's also  the last time she'll be seeing the faces she's seen for the past years, _____ was obliged to write graduation letters halfheartedly (except for Marie,of course).

All letters were on default, looking like this:

Dear *insert person who asked for graduation letter here*,

Hi! Congratulations to us! We're already graduating after many hardships we've encountered! feels good, right? We're already one step closer to becoming what we always wanted to be. I just wish that all your hardworks will pay off. ^^

If we won't be seeing each other for a long time, will you forget about me? I sure hope not. I'll miss you, _______. Thank you for all the wonderful times we've spent with each other :)

If you're having doubts about your future, always remember this quote: "imagine and dream. then the world will change to how you want it to be." - nAM WOOHYUN (INFINITE ♥)

God bless you and good luck.

*insert person's name here* hwaiting! ♥~ ^^



She's spent hours writing those default letters after school, and decorating them with stationary and stuff.

After every letter has been written, she sat down her desk and opened her laptop.

"I missed you" she whispered under her breath.

She opened all her accounts (tumblr,twitter, facebook and even her daum account)

"But they're the one I missed the most," she said. _______ checked every update: her eyes sparkling at every photo of INFINITE on their Japanese albums, her heart beating fast with every new Japanese she's listening to, and her fingers typing intensely, commenting on every Japanese videos they're on ('Cause she's quiet fluent in Japanese due to Japanese lessons in her school).

Her usual spazzing night went up a notch, due to lack of updates from before. Like they're really someone she knows personally and they were not together for a long time. 

"Fangirl mode: on," she tweeted enthusiastically.

Sungyeol yawned while entering their hotel room. Another tiring day, I really need to go to sleep.

He disciplined himself not to drink the 5th cup of coffee he just brewed. 

Aish! Why did I even make this if I'm not going to drink it?

Sungyeol looked at the coffee, lustily, but shaked his head; turning away.

"Ya! Myungsoo ya! Drink this cup before I drink it and not fall asleep again!" Sungyeol shouted, panicking.

Myungsoo stood from lying on his bed and looked at Sungyeol.

"I won't fall for your prank again, Hyung," he said casually.

"Ya! There's no vinegar here! Or hot sauce! It's brewed deliciously! not like muddy water!," Sungyeol said, reaching his coffee hand out to Myungsoo. "Please, just take it!"

Myungsoo looked at Sungyeol and contemplated. He knows Sungyeol too well. Giving up a newly brewed cup of coffee? Now that's not Sungyeol.

"Drink it first!" Myungsoo said "So I would know if it's not a prank"

"But you know.." Sungyeol said.

"Drink it, Hyung" Myungsoo eyed him,coolly.

Sungyeol hesitated but took a sip at the coffee. Ah, this coffee's really nice!, he thought as he was enjoying the taste of it. He drank it and decided to not give it to Myungsoo but keep it to himself but Myungsoo snatched it away.

"Hyung!" Myungsoo said "No more!"

Sungyeol whined and tried to go to sleep defeatedly.

Myungsoo went back to his bed and held the coffee with his hand. He sat on his bed,his back against the headboard, and drank the coffee slowly. Ugh! It's still hot, how can he drink it like that?, he thought. He placed the cup on the bedside table and stared at the wall blankly.

I'll just finish this coffee and go to sleep, he thought to himself. 

"It will be a waste if I'll just throw this away," he said.

"SHHHHH!" Sungyeol said from the other bed. "Someone's trying to sleep here"

"Mianhae, hyung," Myungsoo said and downed the coffee 'til the last drop.

Now, I'll sleep.

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What is this sorcery? Haha. I'm too excited for Infinite's comeback!! :D


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Since he had experience being in Japan for his filming schedule of a Japanese drama, Myungsoo is better at speaking and understanding Japanese than his fellow group members. It seems like another unsuccessful attempt for her to get her message across to this so-called roleplayer of Myungsoo. Words have no emotional content to them when they're not spoken. That explains why he doesn't seem to be affected by them from reading it. Since his English isn't very fluent here, that excuses him for being unable to completely understand what she messaged him. He is being genuine by not acting friendly when he really isn't being that way. This is proving to be a real challenge to go up against someone who is not fluent in English.

The only Japanese that I know are from watching anime (with English subtitles) and reading manga. I just don't know how to read kanji since I've never learned it.
Maybe she's so eager to go home right away to check her Facebook feed. It is weird to see Myungsoo "obsessing" (according to Hoya) over udon. If I have to continue eating the same thing over and over again, I'd grow tired of it easily and not want to eat it for a while. The other food that he's addicted to is kimchi. He does carry a small amount of it in his personal carrier bag wherever he goes. It's obvious that Sungyeol doesn't want Myungsoo to get the sheets dirty. They practically share the bed while rooming with each other. Sungyeol's definitely "married" to a Taeyeon roleplayer of Facebook. Since there's no chance of that happening in real life, he could have that fulfilled in his own dream world. That makes him no different from typical guys that daydream about their ideal girls. That status change shouldn't be a big deal since it's no secret that he has a big crush on Taeyeon. Sungyeol does have a thing for younger girls. Although she is older than him, Taeyeon does have a youthful appeal about her that makes her seem young for her age.
Yes, it does look like you're stalling for time here. This is slowly building up to the point where she'd get to meet with Myungsoo face-to-face. I don't know what "PBB Teens" is about since I've never heard of it.

Maybe it's fate reaching out to her feelings by randomly playing those sad songs. It might be a way of getting her to re4alize what she's feeling deep down.

Girls with long hair must look more appealing/attractive to him than those with short hair. Everybody has their own preferences. In reality, it's really the heart that matters when it comes to love.

It's true that there's no perfection in anything in life. There's always the good and the bad. Life is full of obstacles.
Ch. 14 mistakes (Part 3):

"April one's our concert in Korea," Myungsoo answered.
Correction: "April first is our concert in Korea," Myungsoo answered.

"We'll go back, 2 days before, I guess."
Correction: "We'll go back two days before that, I guess."

2 days before a schedule, they'll go there, when there's enough time.
Correction: Two days before a schedule, they'll go there when there's enough time.

But if the schedule's way too strict, it's hours after the schedule before.
Correction: If the schedule's way too strict, it's hours after the schedule before.

It's the 5th week of March, and they're practicing intensely everyday for preparation.
Correction: It's the fifth week of March. They've been practicing intensely everyday for preparation.

They went over each dances and practice them.
Correction: They went over each dance routine and practiced them.

From Comeback again to Covergirl, every step should be perfect or else it's back to the first track again.
Correction: "Come Back Again" to "Cover Girl,"

"This is life," Myungsoo sighed under his breath.
* A period should be in place of the comma since sighing is not a verbal action.

Everything seems to have a pattern, everyday is like a routine, nothing's new.
* The conjunction "and" should be added before "nothing."

And although he enjoyed what he is right now; though he smiles at the thought that everything's working perfectly fine, he can't help but smile wider at the mishaps, an alarm to let him realize nothing's ever perfect, it makes him feel.. human, to find the proper word.
Correction: Although he enjoys doing what he is right now and smiles at the thought that everything's working perfectly fine, he can't help but smile wider at the mishaps, an alarm to let him realize that nothing's ever perfect. It makes him feel.. human, the proper word to describe it.
Ch. 14 mistakes (Part 2):

Although I've never really gotten a hang with most people in our school, they still hold a special place in my heart.
Correction: gotten to hang

She feels like she has an unfinished business, although she doesn't really know what it is.
Correction: She felt like she has some unfinished business; although, she didn't really know what it is.

Then suddenly, the rain poured.
Correction: Suddenly, the rain poured.

it was sunny just milliseconds ago, Why must rain pour now?
Correction: It was sunny just milliseconds ago. Why must rain pour now?

Another farewell, my love song, She thought.
Correction: Another "farewell, my love" song, she thought.

"What gives?," She said, then clicked "next"
Correction: "What gives?" She asked and then clicked "next."

Sheez, she thought, then clicked "next" again.
Correction: Sheez, she thought. Then she clicked "next" again.

Yes, I love this song, she smiled.
Correction: Yes, I love this song. She smiled.

"What's wrong with you, iPod?," she whispered, Good thing no one sat beside her yet.
Correction: "What's wrong with you, iPod?" She whispered. Good thing no one sat beside her yet.

"Hyung! When will we go back to Korea?,"
* Unnecessary comma

They were all seating on the floor of the practice room of the hotel that they rented.
Correction: They were all sitting on the floor of the practice room in the hotel that they rented.

Resting, wiping off their sweats, and drinking water and supplements.
Correction: They're resting, wiping off their sweat, and drinking water and taking supplements.
Ch. 14 mistakes (Part 1):

Because of the news, ________ decided to go home early, to announce it to her parents.
* The extra comma after "early" should be removed.

Unexpectedly, the bus wasn't full as usual which had ________ thanking her lucky stars again.
* Comma after "usual

The ride home has always been slow. Since she lived cities away from her school.
Correction: The ride home has always been slow since she lives cities away from her school.

_______ was impatient because suddenly she feels like it'll take the bus forever to keep moving plus the broken airconditioner where she was seated, wasn't helping either.
Correction: _______ was impatient because she suddenly felt like it'd take the bus forever to keep moving. Plus, the broken air conditioner where she was seated wasn't helping either.

Today was normally hot, and her long hair's making her feel even hotter.
Correction: Today is really hot and her long hair's making her feel even hotter.

Though her country's well known for having a warm temperature, she decided not to get her hair cut whenever she's being offered to.
Correction: Though her country's well-known for having a warm temperature, she decided not to get her haircut whenever she's being offered to.

She was preparing it for when she'll see L, whose ideal type HAS to be someone who has Long & wavy hair.
Correction: She is preparing it for when she'd see L, whose ideal type HAS to be someone who has long and wavy hair.

She looked for a scrunchy or perhaps a pony tail in her bag but she can't find any so she sighed defeatedly.
Correction: She looked for a scrunchy or perhaps a hair tie in her bag, but she couldn't find any, so she sighed defeatedly.

She leaned and stared at the window while listening to songs in her iPod.
Correction: She leaned back and stared out the window while listening to the songs in her iPod.

Wanting for that person to comeback
Correction: come back
Advancing to second place on the honor roll is a great leap toward improvement. All that studying and hard work must've paid off for her.

It seems that Sungyeol still hasn't learned his lessons about drinking coffee before going to sleep. He really is naive to not be completely aware of it. Myungsoo seems more like the hyung than he is in their relationship because of his maturity level. He actually is a deep sleeper in real life. I read from somewhere about Myungsoo revealing that he and his fellow group members take about ten minutes each to shower. Though, I don't know about him taking a little longer than that. Since he does tend to drift off into his own world when he's having some quiet time to himself, he's bound to not be conscious of the time slipping by.

This time, you're revealing facts about Myungsoo in the story rather than in author's notes.
Ch. 13 mistakes (Part 3):

Despite his sculpture-like exterior and his godly face, Myungsoo's still human, over fatigue & lack of sleep can really be bad for the health.
Correction: Despite his sculpture-like exterior and his godly face, Myungsoo's still human. Fatigue and lack of sleep can really be bad for the health.
"I couldn't sleep last night,hyung," Myungsoo said casually.
Correction: Hyung

You're inlove?
Correction: in love

Our cold-hearted prince is inlove~~~", he shouted.
Correction: Our cold-hearted prince is in love~~~" He shouted.

Aish this Hyung.
* Comma after "aish"

Don't he know that coffee really does that? , Myungsoo thought,scratching his head.
Correction: Doesn't he know that coffee really does that? Myungsoo thought, scratching his head.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have a date with this little miss called Americano~~", Sungyeol beamed & went out to get his drink.
Correction: "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a date with this little miss called Americano~~" Sungyeol beamed and went out to get his drink.

He dragged himself to the bathroom and showered for 12 minutes or so.
Correction: twelve

He also brushed his teeth & put on some BB cream.
* The symbol should be replaced with "and."

Myungsoo walked lifelessly & wore his usual clothes (a dark colored t-shirt + black jogging pants)
Correction: Myungsoo walked lifelessly and wore his usual clothes: a dark colored t-shirt and black jogging pants.

"Another day," he sighed.
Correction: "Another day." He sighed.

Myungsoo fixed himself breakfast with a bowl of udon & waited for Hyowan, their manager, to call him if it's time already.
Correction: Myungsoo fixed himself breakfast with a bowl of udon and waited for Hyowan, their manager, to call him when it's time already.
Ch. 13 mistakes (Part 2):

I'll just wake him up after I'm done showering, this kid kinda takes time on the shower.
Correction: I'll just wake him up after I'm done showering. This kid kinda takes his time in the shower.

He showered for approximately 7 minutes, and wrapped a towel on his waist after he's done.
Correction: He showered for approximately seven minutes and wrapped a towel around his waist after he's done.

He was almost leaving to get his morning americano coffee from the cafe downstairs when he realized Myungsoo was still sleeping.
Correction: Americano
* It's a brand name, so it must be capitalized.

How deep could this kid sleep?
Correction: can

* Unnecessary comma

He jumped to his bed and tackled him, playfully.
* Unnecessary comma

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!",Sungyeol screamed his familiar dolphin scream which expectedly did the trick.
Correction: "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Sungyeol screamed his familiar dolphin scream, which actually did the trick.

"I'm up!," Myungsoo said, "now get off me!"
Correction: "I'm up!" Myungsoo exclaimed. "Now get off me!"

Sungyeol smiled but then his face turned serious,
* A period should be at the end instead of a comma.

Though they've been rooming together for days, he was never used to non-make up Myungsoo.
Correction: Though they've been rooming together for days, he is never used to non-makeup Myungsoo.
Ch. 13 mistakes (Part 1):

She beamed to class with her usual smile, without knowing why her classmates were smiling back.
Correction: She beamed to the class with her usual smile without knowing why her classmates were smiling back.

"Congratulations, ______!," Lilian said while patting her on the shoulder as she was settling to her seat.
Correction: "Congratulations, ______!" Lilian exclaimed while patting her on the shoulder as she was settling into her seat.

She look at her, confusingly, Why is she congratulating me?
Correction: She looked at her confusingly. Why is she congratulating me?

"Yeah! Let's celebrate!," Patrick said.
Correction: "Yeah! Let's celebrate!" Patrick exclaimed.

"Huh? What's happening?," she asked them innocently while smiling.
* Remove the comma and capitalize "she."

"You don't know? You're the salutatorian!," Jimmy, their valedictorian said, shaking her hand enthusiastically.
Correction: "You don't know? You're the salutatorian!" Jimmy, their valedictorian, announced while shaking her hand enthusiastically.

* Unnecessary comma

"Congratulations bestfriend! From the 3rd spot, you've managed to be on the second spot, just in time for graduation!"
Correction: "Congratulations, best friend! From the 3rd spot, you've managed to be on the second spot just in time for graduation!"

"Wow...," __________ just said.
* Unnecessary comma

It was unexpected, she only wanted to pass her year and she never really bothered about the rankings and now, she's the second highest in her Thank you, my 7 lucky stars.
Correction: It was unexpected. She only wanted to pass her year and she never really bothered about the rankings, and now she's the second highest in her class. Thank you, my seven lucky stars.

8 am was their call time but it's already 6:30 and Myungsoo hasn't risen up from his bed yet.
Correction: 8 AM is their call time, but it's already 6:30 and Myungsoo hasn't risen up from his bed yet.