
Is It Only Me?

The reruns of variety shows I've already seen seemed to be endless. I checked my phone for two reasons--the time and to see if Jiho had called or texted yet.

2:47am, and no missed calls or new messages.

I sighed. How long was Jiho going to be gone?

Fixing my eyes on the TV, I couldn't take it. My eyelids felt too heavy to be kept up and my body too tired to even press a button on the TV remote to change the channel.


It wasn't long before I heard the jingle of keys, the door unlock and click open, then click closed again and locked again.

"Jiho...?" I called with a tired voice, turning the TV off  from earlier before.

"Yeah?" He answered, coming into the living room and settling down next to me.

The couch dipped at the weight and I rested my head on his chest. I stayed quiet for a while, liking the warmth of his body, hearing the beat of his heart.

"Where were you?" I asked in a soft whisper.

Jiho's hand my hair.

"With Kyung. We were writing songs again," he chuckled.

My bit my bottom lip.

He stopped my hair.

"Why? What's wrong?" He asked, noticing my change of expression.

"Nothing. It's just that..." I started, taking a small breath in between. "You never called back. Or even texted. I got worried."

Jiho scoffed jokingly.

"Why should you be worried? It's not like I'm out drinking and being surrounded by girls," he said in a cocky, playful tone.

That tone... With that sentence. Not exactly the greatest timing either. I was already tired, having not slept. I'd slept literally three hours the past couple of nights, just waiting for Jiho to come home.


"Jiho, are you really going to be like this now?" I ask, a tinge of impatience in my voice.

This wasn't the first time we were fighting, but this time, I was really getting annoyed. I hated it when we fought. It was just too disappointing. When we fought--actually, if we fought things could get really out of hand. The last time we fought, I broke his phone. 

My mom used to say  things "get out of hand" because people's personalities are too similar. She says too many similarities are bound to have things be off balance, then both people will fall.

I shudder as Jiho's voice brings me back to the moment.

"I am like this." He said, trying to keep his cool.

I inhaled sharply, almost bracing myself for him to call me out on something else.

"I am like this, don't you remember?" He said softly. "Because this is why we started seeing each other. When you said you liked my personality, yeah?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Of all times, you chose now to bring that up? Really? What does that even have to do with this now?" I answer, my tone obviously spotted with disappointment.

"It has everything to with this fight! And there you go again, always disappointed with that eye-roll," he half-yelled, trying to keep his cool.

"Well maybe if you just left, I wouldn't be disappointed!" I yelled.


I quickly clasped my hand over my mouth. What had I just said?

Jiho looked my directly in the eyes for what seemed like forever. His gaze was filled with a mixture of anger and sadness... Maybe even a little bit of fear. I couldn't help but wonder if he was as scared as I was at that very moment. Scared that we might lose each other.

I heard a barely audible, "Fine," escape his mouth as he turned towards the door to leave. He didn't even bother to take his stuff with him.

Silently and fearfully, I watched as he draped his jacket over one shoulder and slammed the door shut. 

"I'm so stupid," I say, sinking down onto the hardwood floor. "I'm so stupid."





"So what happened?" Kyung asked Jiho as he sunk down into a rotating office chair in the small studio they owned.

Jiho shrugged. "I don't really want to talk about it. Not this time."

Kyung shrugged, as he opened the mini-fridge and took out a bottle of water.

"You want one?" Kyung asked.

Jiho planted his face in his hands, answering a slightly muffled, "Sure."

Kyung handed the water to Jiho's hand.

"Dude," Kyung said, noticing Jiho's trembling hand, "You're shaking."

Jiho's eyes fixed on his own hand as he wiped the sweat on his hand on his pant leg.

His eyes went back up to Kyung and he nodded, but Kyung pulled the water bottle back.

"Maybe you should have a beer instead," Kyung said with a small, reassuring smile. "Just to calm you down."

Jiho nodded, unsure but willing to go along with his friend's advice.

Kyung put the water back and grabbed two beer bottles, popping the caps off on the desk nearby. He handed one to Jiho and took a sip.

As Jiho lifted the cool glass up to his lips, he stopped. The chilled glass let off a soft, cool air against his bottom lip.

"Why should you be worried? It's not like I'm out drinking and being surrounded by girls."

It pained him, really. He took a sip of the beer, then another and another, hoping to feel full again. But it wasn't working. He still felt as empty as ever.

Why am I so stupid? He asked himself.










Yeah. So hi. Chapter one is up. :D By the way, the background has nothing to do with the story. My friend asked if the stain was blood and this was one of those dark murder-involved angst stories. XD Nah, I just thought the texture was nice.


ENJOYYY! And know I love you.  ♥ Do comment, please. Make my day. :D

Okay, done.


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I feel like I've abandoned this story. I just wanted to say thanks for all the support! I hope I can get back to writing this soon! /cries tears of joy


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aish~ aish~~ nice~ nice~
Chapter 2: wow your old writing xD yes stalking you~
my condolences kknokki :-( i pray your friend and you will feel better that he has now reached our Creator, you'll have my prayers gurl :)
haroomingkki21 #4
Sorry to hear about your brother.. :( Hope you feel better soon ^^ Please update. I like the story..
kangnam #5
really sorry to hear that! D: feel better soon! ><
kyungsquishysoo #6
so sorry to hear that!! ): I hope you feel better soon!
I'm so sorry to hear that. I know how you feel, my uncle passed away a month ago :( Hope you feel well soon..
You might SEE or HEAR this message a lot but, please don't stop!
I like this story for the fact that it isn't -themed and yet, it's so spine-tingling, so -uhh yeah
pleaseeeee continueeee
hiiing >______<
toush18 #10
UPDATE! ;D I want to know what Zico will do :P