Lets be friends...noona.

Falling in Love with a Celebrity.

 Jessica finally reached home from EXO’s concert but failed to find Tiffany. She walked into the house and slipped off her shoes.


“Sooyeon ah,” her mother called for her. She looked up to see her mother standing there crossing her arms, “Miyoung told me what happened,” her mother added.


Jessica sighed and slipped on her house shoes, “It’s not what you think mom,” she defended herself.


“Oh? Then why did Miyoung come home crying?” Her mother asked. Jessica shook her head and walked up to the bottom of the stairs, “It’s nothing, I’ll talk to Tiff about it,” she told her mother before retreating to her room.


She opened the door to see Tiffany on her bed crying. Jessica let out a breath of frustration and walked in. She tossed her hand bag on the single sofa in her bedroom and made her way up to Tiffany’s crying body.


“Tiff,” she called but the other girl doesn’t reply back. Jessica rubbed her temples and decided to sit down beside Tiffany. She placed a hand on Tiffany’s back before continuing, “Look, I’m sorry for dozing off during the concert,” Jessica said.


Jessica sat there waiting for Tiffany to reply back but she doesn’t.


“I’m sorry okay? What can I do to make it up for you?” she asked.

Tiffany finally looked up at Jessica while sniffling and wiping her nose, “I know Jessie,” she finally answered.


“I shouldn’t have stormed off like that, I’m sorry,” she apologized.


Jessica smiled and shook her head. She placed a hand on top of Tiffany’s head before rubbing it softly, “Unnie is sorry.”


Tiffany nodded and sniffed, “You asked me what you can do?”


Jessica nods, “Mm, I mean I feel horrible for what happened,” she told Tiffany, “so..”


Tiffany’s face lights up with a huge smile, “They’re having a fan signing event tomorrow, come with me?” she asked with a puppy face.


Jessica stared at Tiffany before breaking into a chuckle, “Sure,” she said.






Later on that night, EXO are sitting in their apartment doing whatever they’re doing. Kris was in his shared room with Lay. He had barely finished taking a shower and was now drying his hair off in his room with no shirt on and only a pair of sweats. He had a towel around his shoulders and he used it to dry his hair.


Lay walked into the room and made his way to the desk to use the laptop. Once he reaches there, he stopped and picked up Jessica’s wallet.


“Kris this isn’t your wallet is it?” Lay asked while flipping the wallet and forth. Kris looked at Lay, “Oh…I picked it up today,” he told the other man.


Lay opened the wallet and looked at Jessica’s photo, “She’s pretty,” he said.


Kris strode up to Lay and snatched the wallet from his hands, “Eh!” Lay called.


“Don’t touch it, I have to return it back to her,” Kris said while stuffing the wallet into the drawer.


Lay plopped down on the chair and pouted, “Geez gege, it wasn’t as if I was planning to steal anything from her wallet,” he said.


“So tell me gege, why do you have her wallet anyways?” Lay asked.


“She helped me,” Kris told Lay.


“Helped you?” Lay asked and Kris nodded.


“Today some fan girls wouldn’t leave m alone so she helped me to escape,” he told the other man before turning his back to face Lay.


“Hm? Interesting,” Lay told Kris before turning to stare at the monitor, “you said that you’re planning to give back to her…but how?”


“I’ll figure a way,” Kris said before walking away from Lay.




Jessica walked into her room with a towel over her head. She made her way to her bag and took out her cell phone. She slide the bar over and smiled once she saw the text message. She replied back to the message and then threw her phone on the desk. She stuffed her hand back into her hand bag searching for her wallet. Jessica noticed that her wallet wasn’t her purse so she grabbed her purse and shook it. Everything fell out but her wallet was no where to be seen.


“,” Jessica cursed and sat down on the chair, “I must have dropped it…but where?” Her eyes widen once she remember what had happen that afternoon, “Crap…I guess I’ll have to go ask him tomorrow then…” she sighed and rubbed her temples.


Her phone rang and she picked it up, “Oppa,” she called once she saw who called her.


“You’re not asleep yet sica?” the voice from the other line asked her.


“I was waiting for you to call oppa,” she told him and he chuckled.


“Practice today was very tiring,” he told her, “Our concert is coming up, will you be attending?”


“I don’t know, I’ll have to check my schedule first,” she said.


He sighed, “Sica, you know I want you to be there…right?”


“I know oppa but…” through the phone she can hear his team mates calling for him, “I guess you have to go?” she asked.


“Yeah…leeteuk hyung let me off this time,” he complained, “they’re jealous that I’ve been spending too much time with you,” he said and chuckled.


Jessica chuckled as well, “Okay well I’ll talk to you another time then,” she told him.


“Alright, sleep well Sica,” he said sweetly before hanging up. Jessica pulled the phone away from her ear and stared into the screen and then shut her phone off. She lie down her bed and sighed, “My wallet…”





The next day Tiffany and Jessica both were in line waiting for Tiffany to get the autograph from EXO. Tiffany continued to sway from side to side while looking here and there. Jessica looked at Tiffany and grabbed her by the arm, “Stop moving Tiff,” she said.


“Oh sorry, I’m just excited that’s all,” Tiffany admits and stood still.


Suddenly, the girls at the front started to scream as EXO made their way up to the stage. They stood before the long table and introduced themselves.


“We are one, annyeonghasaeyo we are EXO,” they said together. The girls at the front continued to scream as the boys made their way to their seats.


“Oh my gosh, unnie,” Tiffany squealed and grabbed onto Jessica’s arm. Jessica ignored her friend and searched for Kris. “Tiff,” she started, “I don’t have an album for them to sign.”


Tiffany looked at Jessica then smiled, “I knew you were going to tell me that so I…,” Tiffany rummaged through her bag and pulled out two more copies of EXO-M and EXO-K’s albums, “I brought these for you,” she told her friend excitedly and handed the albums to Jessica.


Jessica accepted them from Tiffany and opened them, “Um…I…”


“Hurry Jess,” Jessica looked up and saw the line was already moving. She sighed and ran to catch up with Tiffany. After waiting for some minutes which to tiffany felt like hours, Tiffany and Jessica finally stepped foot on the stage. The first one to greet them was Suho who was sitting at the side. Tiffany handed him EXO-K’s album and he signed up. Jessica followed suit and looked Suho as if he was some kind of alien.


Suho looked up at her and smiled, “Um…” he started. Jessica handed him both albums, “Sorry but I don’t know which member you are and which group you’re from so if you can go ahead and find yourself in here,” she told him.


Suho looked at Jessica and then back down at the albums; he chuckled a bit before grabbing EXO-K’s album and flipped it to his page. Jessica’s eyes wandered from Suho to Kris who was busily signing the album fro another girl.

“Thank you,” Suho said and looked up at Jessica. Curiously, he followed her gaze which landed on Kris and he smirked, “Our Kris is very handsome isn’t he?” He asked.


Jessica looked back at Suho, “Uh…yeah,” she said and grabbed both albums off the table.


Jessica continued to tell the members that she didn’t know who they were so they’ll have to flip the album for their page until she reached Kris. Kris smiled at Tiffany before bowing and then looked at who was next. In front of him was Jessica, “Oh,” he said.


“Did um…by any chance you picked up my wallet?” she asked him.


“Wallet?” Kris asked and she nodded, “remember, I helped you yesterday when you were being bombarded by those fangirls?” she tried to remind him. Kris shook his head, “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he denied. Jessica frowned, “Are you sure?” and he nodded while taking EXO-M’s album and signing it.


After signing he handed it back to her, “Thank you for coming,” he said with a smile. Jessica snatched the album away from his hands and skipped the rest of the members. Lay sat there with an amused expression on his face, “Why did you lie to her for?” he asked. Kris chuckled, “I’m not sure why,” he told Lay.




Tiffany squealed and jumped up and down, “Jessie!! Oh my gosh I’m so happy right now I can die!!”


“I don’t even know how you can like those fakes,” Jessica exclaimed while walking behind her friend.


“Fakes? EXO aren’t fakes,” Tiffany defended them. Jessica rolled her eyes, “Right whatever, here,” she hands the album back to Tiffany, “You can keep them,” and with that she walked off.


Tiffany looked at the four albums in her hands before stuffing them into her bag and running after her unnie, “Wait up Jess!!” she shouted. Jessica looked behind her, spun her head back around and continued on but slowly. Tiffany caught up to Jessica and panted while walking beside her, “I know you,” she said between pants, “you don’t act or say bad things about random people unless they did something to you.”


Jessica gave Tiffany a quick glance before looking straight again, “No nothing,” she said rather quickly. Tiffany frowned, “You liar, spill out unnie,” she said loudly and stopped Jessica in her tracks by stepping in front of her, “tell me,” she whined and pinched Jessica’s cheeks.


“Ow!” Jessica yelped and pried Tiffany’s hands away from her cheeks and then rubs them, “you pinch hard mushroom.”


Tiffany laughed and grabbed Jessica’s hands, “Come on, we can have cakes and coffee in this café while you tell me what happen,” Tiffany decided without Jessica and pulled the brown hair girl into the café.


Both girls sat in a booth and across from each other. The waitress placed two strawberry cheesecake in front of them, bowed and left the two alone. Jessica grabbed her drink and sipped it while eyeing her cheesecake. Tiffany looked at Jessica and then back down at the cheesecake in front of her unnie, “So are you going to tell me what happen or continue to glare at that poor cheesecake until it surrenders to you?” Tiffany asked.


Jessica snapped out of her thoughts and looked up at Tiffany, “Say what?” Tiffany sighed and rolled her eyes, “Tell me what happened…you know.”


Jessica took another sip from her cup and then set it down next to her cheesecake, “Nothing really,” she began, “but you remember how yesterday I told you that I needed to go use the restroom before the concert?”

Tiffany nodded while drinking from her cup, “Well I ran into one of EXO’s member,” Jessica said and Tiffany gasped loudly.




“Um…tall, blonde hair…er…” Jessica tried describing Kris, “I don’t remember if he told his name to me or not.”


“Tall…blonde hair…ah! Kris!” Tiffany shouted which earned them some stares from the other customers in the café. Tiffany sheepishly smiled and sunk into her chair, “Kris,” she whispered.


“Uh…yeah Kris.”


“So, continue,” Tiffany said in an excited tone of voice. Jessica gave Tiffany an awkward look before continuing with her story, “Anyways, so I ran into him and some fangirls who bombarded him,” Jessica stopped to see if Tiffany had anything to say to which she didn’t so she continued, “anyways, so I told the fangirls that the concert was about to start and so they left him alone. That was the first encounter with Kris at the conert.”


“Wait, you encountered Kris twice in one day?” Tiffany asked and Jessica nodded.


“The second was when I ran to find you after you had ran out on me at the concert,” Jessica said and Tiffany nervously smiled, “after I failed at finding you, I found Kris again with the same fangirls. Without thinking twice, I grabbed his hands and drag him off to some random place and we hid until the fangirls disappeared.”


“Oh~ so romantic~” Tiffany squealed.


“Stop Tiff, you’re scaring me.”

Tiffany laughed and rubbed her forehead, “Sorry, but continue.”


“Anyways, so after that incident, I went home and talked to you about what happened at the concert. Later that night I find out that my wallet wasn’t with me so today a little while ago, I had asked him, er Kris if he had seen my wallet and he told me no and…”


“You lost your wallet?” Jessica nods.

“I think he might have picked it up.”


“But how sure are you?” Tiffany asked. Jessica picked up her cup and drank it then shrugged, “I don’t know, but I have a feeling he did.”


“So…you’re mad at Kris because he told you that he didn’t see your wallet…right?”

Jessica nodded.


“Aish Jessica, why are you mad about that? What if he really didn’t pick up your wallet? What if you left it somewhere in your house or bedroom?”


“I didn’t Tiffany, I remember pulling it out earlier yesterday, and anyways, after knowing that I had lost my wallet, I searched my whole bedroom and the house and yet I failed to find it.” Jessica sighed into her cup, “But I guess it was wrong of me to get so hot headed,” she breathed out slowly, “it’s just that my whole life is in there.”


Tiffany nodded, “I know.”


Jessica sighed, just then her phone vibrated in her pocket. She pulls it out and Donghae’s name flashes on the screen. Jessica smiled and slides the bar over, “Hey oppa,” she greeted him.


“Hey Jess are you free?” he asked.


“Mm…kind of, why?”


“Come over to SM building.”


“But aren’t you guys practicing?”

“We are but then I want to see you.”


Jessica giggled, “Okay I’ll see you in a bit oppa,” and she hung up. Tiffany looked at Jessica before grinning, “Donghae oppa?”


Jessica nods and picks up her bag; “I’ll see you later then,” Tiffany nodded and watched as Jessica left the café.




EXO had finished their fan signing event and were already on their way back to SM Ent’s building. Kris sat in the front while looking outside the window. His fellow group mates sat around him chatting happily and noisily. Their van stopped in front of the building and the door opened. Each boys exited the van one by one and made their way to the entrance of the building. They walked in to be greeted by their sunbaes, Super Junior.


“How was the fan signing event?” Donghae asked Kris and slung an arm around the taller boy’s shoulder.


“It went well hyung,” Kris told him and sat down in the empty chair before him.


The door opened and a staff walked into the room, “Donghae your sister said she’s here to see you?”


Donghae smiled, “Tell her that I’m at the usual place,” the lady nods and leaves the room.


“I didn’t know you had a sister,” Kris said. Donghae sat down beside Kris, “She’s not my blood related sister but a childhood friend of mine,” Donghae explained, “we’ve known each other for a long time now and well…”


“Oppa!” Jessica shouted happily and ran into the room. Donghae looks up, smiled and was pounced by Jessica’s hug. He laughed and hugged her back. Kris looked up and his eyes widen, “Hyung!” he shouted.


Donghae and Jessica both pull apart from each other and face Kris to which Jessica gasped loudly, “YOU!” she said while pointing at Kris.


Donghae looked at the two, “You two know each other?” he asked. Jessica looked at Dongahe and scrunched up her nose and shook her head, “No.”


“Then why did you react that way?”


“We ran into each other…that’s all,” Jessica explained and turn back to glare at the Chinese boy in front of her. Kris sat there with a smile plastered on his face. Jessica stopped glaring and looked down instead at Kris because she was trying to hide her blushing face.


“Donghae hyung,” someone called from the door way. He spun around to see Kyuhyun standing there, “Manager hyung wants to speak with us for awhile,” Dongahe nodded and motioned for Kyuhyun to go on first.


“I’ll be back later,” he told Jessica and patted her shoulder before leaving her alone with Kris and the rest of EXO members.


“Hey,” Kris said. Jessica looked at Kris and pouts, “I have a name,” she told him.


Kris chuckled and leaned back into his chair, “Jessica…Jung…Jung Sooyeon right?”


“How…how do you know my English and Korean name?” she asked rather surprised.


Kris smirked, stuck his hand into his white jacket and pulls out her wallet, “Because I accidently ran into this,” he told her. Jessica’s eyes landed on her wallet and she gasped loudly, “You! Give that back to me!” she shouted and tried to snatch her wallet away from Kris.


Kris stood up just in time and held it up in the air, “No fair, you’re much taller than me,” Jessica complained. Kris chuckled, “What do I get for returning your wallet?” he asked.


“What? You get nothing,” Jessica told him.


“Well then, my wallet,” Kris said and stuffs the wallet into his jacket. Jessica stood there pouting while her arms were across her chest. She stomped her feet, “Fine, what do you want in return?”


Kris smirked, “Are you sure Jessica…noona?” The words noona ran through Kris’s lips like music to her ears which made Jessica’s whole body tingle from her head down to her toes, “Yea…yeah,” she stuttered.


Kris leaned in, both of their faces centimeters apart, “Lets me friends from now on…noona.”


LOL. Yes I finally updated. Finally got my motivation to do so. :D

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Chapter 3: so krystal is working with exo, hmm, I sense kaistal is coming <3 muahaha okay, leave me alone I'm delu 8D

lol kris is such a seducer and I never thought Jessica wud react that way. I thought she wud be like gave him the cold shoulder haha
Yuuki-chan #2
Chapter 3: Haha I love them so much!

Update soon
HaeSicaistheBest #3
Chapter 3: aaahhh kris is a jerk he does tricks on sica >///<
aww i love haesica tbh hae is a very very very VERY nice guy here omg
but idek why i wanted krissica just now
updaaaaaate ok n___n
This is so cute >3< I can't wait for your next update XD
daragon_pikoot16 #7
pLease update soOn >.<
Smile3107 #8
update plz T.T
icefishy #9
shidae9 #10
Update this please. ;_____;