Baby Steps.

Baby Steps


Is this it? Is this the ending of our story? Tell me. I need an answer. Please tell me. We loved each other for so long. We both stood by each other’s side for years. Now you’re going to let it go all to waste like a flash of light? Why? What did I do wrong? I loved you with all my heart. I gave you everything…everything. Please explain to me.


Help me someone…anyone, help me. I loved him so much. I had this image of us in the future where the both of us were happy together. Always together side by side.


Help me someone…anyone, help me. I asked him if he wanted to go down this kind of road…this road that separated the both of us. He took in a deep breath and answered, “Yes,” and like that he took off. He took off and left me behind. Can’t you see? Can’t you see the pain in my eyes? Can’t you see me hurting inside? Please return back to me, come back to my side.


Help me someone…anyone, help me. He left me all alone and I don’t know what to do. He abandoned me. I cry all alone at night calling out for his name. Every day when I wake up, I feel like a dead person walking. I miss him so much. I miss his touch, the way he caresses me. The way how he whispers into my ears telling me how much he adores and loves me. I miss everything about him. I miss our days together, our happy moments.


As days passes and weeks becomes into months. Springs become summer and summer becomes fall. The leaves turn in the color of yellow, orange, red, and brown. It falls slowly off it’s branches and lands on the cold concrete cement. Fall has now turned into winter. A season where everything around me is cold.


I look back into my life that I once shared with him, pick myself up and continue to walk on. Slowly with each baby steps I shall walk on and continue down my road. Slowly, steps by steps, I’m taking baby steps…to wherever it leads me….




. . . . . . . . . . .




“Luhan…,” a voice softly calls for him. Luhan spins around to face the person he once missed so much. In front of him stood Sehun with someone else beside him, it pained Luhan to see the person who once cared for him.


“Sehun ah,” Luhan called and then his lips broke into a smile, “how have you been?”


Sehun nodded, “Hyung this is my fiancé,” he pointed to the person beside him and introduced her to the smaller man.


Luhan nodded this time, “Hyung has to get going now, we’ll meet again,” he told the younger and walked off leaving everything that he once cared for in the past.


“Goodbye Sehun…”

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Chapter 1: poor Luhan!
Hunhannie813 #2
Chapter 1: :( I know.your busy, author-nim,but I want a sequel. :(((