I'm Misinterpretting What I Saw. Oh Well.

A Fangirl's Dream 2: See You In Seoul

*Nicole’s POV*

I wasn’t sure who I wanted. Yesung was an amazing, sweet, caring guy, but Minho well, he was Minho.

Me: Hey(:

After twenty minutes of waiting for a reply I texted Yesung again.

Me: Are you okay? I haven’t seen you in a while.

Still there was no reply.

“Men,” I rolled my eyes and threw my phone into my purse. We were out shopping while the boys and Brianna were working. I hated shopping with the other girls because they went to many of the stores that I liked, but I couldn’t wear any of the clothing because of my annoying baby bump.

You better be worth it for the family that gets you. I scrunched my nose as I stared down at my tummy. Since I was about half way through my second to last month now, I was really beginning to show, even with my oversized clothing.

“Look at this,” Annie exclaimed, holding up this tank top (http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=21296870).

“Omo that’s adorable!” Rebecca gasped.

“I think I’m going to go try it on.”

“Do you mind if I try on one too? I love it so much!”

“As long as we don’t wear them on the same day, then I’m totally cool with it,” Annie laughed.

“Of course,” Rebecca giggled and they headed off to the dressing rooms.

I caught sight of Carolyn in the store that adjoined the one we were in by a double doorway. She was looking at this outfit (http://images0.chictopia.com/photos/iamappleorchard/2846744964/black-dress-dark-gray-military-coat-black-urban-outfitters-hat-tawny-h-m-b_400.jpg) on one of the mannequins and was trying to find the identical pieces of clothing.

“The coats are over there,” I walked up to her, pointing to the rack by the entrance of the store.

“Oh, thanks!” she looked up in surprise, but covered it quickly with a smile. She headed over to the rack and I followed her.

“Don’t you just hate when they don’t have everything in one spot?”

“Oh,” she looked up, surprised that I was till there. “Yeah.”

“I think I’ll open a clothing store. That way there’ll be at least one convenient one in the world, you know?”

“Do you want something?” Carolyn looked at me expectantly.

“What? Why do you ask that?”

“Because you’re never this friendly to me. Just tell me what it is.”

“Fine. I need you to talk to Yesung for me. He hasn’t been answering me,” I rolled my eyes.

“You like him…”

“I didn’t say that!” I snapped, but the little smirk still lingered on her face.

“Fine,” she finally gave in. “I’ll call him right now.”

“Thaaaank you.”

She found his number in her contacts and put the phone up to her ear. “Hey Yesung? Yeah, are you busy right now? … Oh, really? Because Nicole says you haven’t been answering her and she wants to talk to you. … Why not? … Okay, okay, calm down. … Right now? But- fine. Bye, bye.”

“What’d he say?” I asked, having already lost all my self respect by asking for this favor.

“He wants to meet me in the park to come talk to him right now,” she answered, shoving her phone back into her clutch.

“What?! I ask you to talk to him for me and you two schedule a date?!”

“Nicole, I’m with Taemin; it’s not a date. He said he needs to explain something to me. I’ll let you know if it’s anything important, arasso?”

“What was that? I’m not Asian.” I put my hands on my hips.

“Gosh, just be glad I did that much for you. You’re welcome.”

“Yeah, thanks.”

She finished up putting the outfit together quickly, purchased it and then, after telling the other where she was headed, set out to go meet Yesung.

*Carolyn’s POV*

When I got to the park I saw Yesung sitting stock still on a bench near a fountain. The sun was shining and there were a bunch of little children running around, but he just sat there solemnly in disguise.

“Hey,” I sat down next to him. “What is it you have to tell me?”

He didn’t respond right away, and when he did he didn’t look at me. “Nicole and Minho are back together.”

“What?!” I stared at him with wide eyes. “Who told you that?!”

“No one told me. I saw them kissing with my own eyes.”

“But Minho only just broke up with Dara-,”

“Right before they got back together. I know.”

We sat in silence for a while and I watched the children laughing and playing around in the water.


“Just tell me how. How could she just shrug me off so quickly? I treated her so well. I was the first person she told about her pregnancy! But now I’m just cast to the side so she can be back with the guy that broke her heart,” he shook his head. “She at least could’ve told me. I’m an understanding guy! I just need a reason…”

“Yesung, you have to understand. Nicole and Minho had something really special. She’s never opened up to anyone else like she did to Minho.”

“She opened up to me…”

Another silence fell over us. Finally I put a hand on his shoulder, “I’ll talk to her.”

“Please don’t. I don’t want her taking pity on me.”

“Believe me, Nicole does not take pity.”

“Great,” he sighed. “Then I guess I’ve lost her for good.”

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SHINeeOnew27's new username is now Woobear27!!!^^


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CussCookies #1
Chapter 61: okay my last comment.....LISTENING TO REPLAY ON THIS CHAPTER AND IT MADE ME CRY. THIS IS AMAZING, I wish it was real, seriously...our boys seem so happy in this story, especially with these amazing girls. :')I enjoyed this a lot. Keep writing! Fighting~
CussCookies #2
Chapter 48: poor yesung ;-;
SHINee_flamer13 #3
Chapter 61: Love it love it love it!!!
CussCookies #4
Chapter 25: I SHIP NICSUNG xD Keep up the damn stories they make me criiinge into a river of tears, laaaaugh a lot till my voice is completely gone, and they make me smile like Taemin getting his banana milk or Onew getting chicken! ;O;
Chapter 61: I love your stories and wanna say thnx for writing it, it was awsome!!! :D
Where's the first one???
anna-kpop #7
omg.... I can't believe it's' the end already.... It was a beautiful story until the very end!
Everyone is happy and, xD you really scared me with the "they now reside in Canada and live in a small cotage with their eight children."
One of my favorites stories out of all I've ever read. :D
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #8
Sad it's over because I loved this story so much but the ending was really good! Everything was wrapped up nicely! So glad that Minho and Nicole adopted Yoogeun! I was so sad when she gave him up for adoption. And everyone was married or getting married!!
Lexarvy #9
This series was so AMAZING!!
I am so sad it's over but I'm really happy about the end. =) It's so cute! X3