




“Well Miss Hanna. What is your opinion about this? “

Twenty different pair of eyes looked directly towards the girl and she didn’t know what to say. The atmosphere in the main conference room of the observation center was suffocating. People holding high positions from our society were gathered here. Every minute someone new always came and left. Different uniforms and serious expression plastered on their faces were making her feel uncomfortable.  

“I have no idea “

She whispered quietly. Not even once in her life she had seen thing like this. In the photos they gave her she could see the contours of floating box in the water but in the next photos that were made much more closely for sure you could say that it was some kind of ship or transportation object.

“I am just a person researching the oceans. I have no idea how I can help you “

She felt lost...

What they want from her?

“That’s the thing Miss Hanna. It is affecting the ocean. This thing is destroying everything around it in the place it had fallen. “

The girl looked again at the photos. It looked like just a simple black box and now it is causing a chaos in here.

“I think you should address the navy. Maybe they could help. They have the newest…“  

Suddenly her talking was interrupted by a husky voice coming from the other side of the room. A tall and muscular man walked out from the shadows.                                                                                                      

 “Our equipment will not be useful “

His eyes were directly looking at her and she could feel the shiver running through her body. There was something frightening in him and she felt so small at the moment.

“The only way to check is to look ourselves “

His next sentence created the chaos in the room. Different opinions were reaching her ears but she just could not concentrate. The only figure that didn’t moved and said anything was the man from the shadows. All this time he was looking at her if she was his pray…

“Then it is settled. We are sending a team of people to solve the mystery. “

The twenty pair of head nodded in agreement.

“ Bang Yong Guk you are appointed to organize the group „

At the moment when the man from the shadows nodded his head she knew that from now on everything will change... 



After ending the discussion all of the uniformed people rushed out from the room in few minutes. Only her unbalanced figure was still rotted to the seat.

“They are sending people to unknown “

She whispered quietly to herself not noticing the figure approaching her and sitting in the chair next to her. Lifting her head she looked at him who was looking at the one of the board displayed with the picture of the thing he needs to solve. His serious expression was studying and looking from the weak spots.

Gathering few thing she had on the table and the photo examples in her hands she stood up but was stopped by a strong had grabbing on her wrist. Even after she flew from the room with the whiff of the wind she still could hear his words.

“You are coming with me… “ 

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lostbambi #1
Woah. This is interesting already. Do update soon!