




The night was starry and peaceful. Trough the open window you could hear the waves of the ocean calmly hitting the shore. The breeze coming from the ocean as relaxing in this hot summer night…

Not far away from the beach there was small white house standing hidden in the nature. In the master bedroom of this house a figure was lying on a huge wooden bed covered with white sheets. It seemed deep in the dreamland after a hard work day but suddenly a loud phone interrupted the silence.

The figure covered its face with one of the pillows but still the annoying ringing was reaching its ears. Slowly opening its eyes the figure sighed. They weren’t planning to leave it alone…

Putting one of the legs from the covers the figure stepped on the wooden floor of the small white house. The breeze lifted the corners of white nightgown as the figure was walking to the corridor where the annoying ringing was coming from.

“It’s an emergency “

Were the first words that night she heard. The avalanche of sentences that fallowed after weren’t so important. She could not even repeat them if somebody asked…

After the message was told the figure rushed to the master bedroom. Turning the lights on she met with her reflection standing in the mirror. She looked tired as ever. Her long brown hair was messy, dark circles already started appearing under her eyes. How the hell she will meet with them looking like this?

In hurry opening the wardrobe she took the first clothing pieces in hand: pair of greenish pants, white simple t-shirt, and a jacket hanging on one of the hangers. Running her hand trough the hair she managed to create a ponytail that was quickly tied with rubber band. There was no time for makeup…

Taking her bag that was always placed on one of the chairs near her working table she raced to the main door of the home. Slipping in her most comfortable shoes the figure headed towards the car that was parked near the entrance of her home.

Piece of the phone conversation was always flashing trough her mind as the car was speeding in narrow and twisty roads leading from the small city. She couldn’t put things together…

Tonight… Ocean… Unknown object… Undetectable… Unseen…

 What the hell just happened that could bring the newest observation center and all it personal in the middle of the night on the feet? 

Her hands were shaking as she gripped the wheel harder. Never in her life had she hear the professor speaking in this shaky tone. He couldn’t put the sentences in the right way and she for sure didn’t like this at all…

The first light of the observation center reached her eyes and the hard feeling in the chest got even stronger…

She didn’t like this at all… 

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lostbambi #1
Woah. This is interesting already. Do update soon!