Finding you again

Just a Phone Call Away


*Key POV*


I woke up the next morning feeling out of place. I opened my eyes slowly and flinched from the pain that was shooting through my body. The light from the window stung my eyes but soon adjusted and I could see that I was in an unfamiliar room. I sat up, confused, but instantly regretted it and lied back down because of my sore body. I tried for another ten minutes to get up and was about to give up but the door was suddenly opened.


“Oh good, your awake.” Said an adorable boy walking into the room. I tried to sit up again but only resulted in wincing in pain. “Oh please don’t try to sit up. You should rest.” The boy said.


I sighed and gave up. “W-where am I?” I asked.


The boy laughed. Such a cheerful laugh. “You’re staying at my brother and my house, silly. We found you in our shed in the backyard. Don’t you remember?”


“Oh yeah.” I said I remembered. Suddenly I remembered everything. From my first messages to Jonghyun, the fights with my father, the two boys showing up at my house, running away, and the two boys that found me. What were their names again? Taemin and Onew?


I looked over at the calendar on the wall and saw that it said. November 23. November 23!


“H-how long was I asleep?” I asked the boy.


“About a week or so.” He replied.


“A week?!” I yelled and shot right up but only cried out in pain and fell back down.


“You really need to be careful. When I found you outside, you were so cold and so skinny. You need to get your rest.” The boy said as he put the blanket around me. “You stay here as I go get you some breakfast.” He said with a smile and left.             


I sighed and just looked around the room. I saw my old, broken down phone on the desk. I moved as slowly and as carefully as I could to get over to it. I managed to get to the edge of my bed with out hurting myself. Now all I needed was to get the phone from the desk.


I counted to three and jumped from the bed, grabbed it, and jumped back on the bed. I felt the tears of pain threatening to escape my eyes. It took me a good twenty minutes before I was able to move again.


I lifted the phone to my face and turned it on. It was amazing that it still worked after all the poor phone as been through. I scrolled through all the calls and messages I have ever sent or received. Most of them were from Jonghyun.




I really missed the sound of his voice. All the old jokes that he used to tell to make me happy. Even the annoying, constant worrying.         


I missed all of it.




I loved all of it.


I love Jonghyun.


I know it’s disgusting and unnatural. But I just can’t help it. I’ve never even meet him before. He most likely has forgotten about me. But I can’t forget all that he’s done for me. And because of that…


I’ve fallen for him…




*Jonghyun POV*


I was so close. He was right there. So close that I could almost touch him. If that jackass of a father wasn’t in my way, I would have been able to meet him finally.


After the whole fight with his father, Minho and I just left him there. We made sure he didn’t need an ambulance so he will be fine when he wakes up.


When we got back to Minho’s house, I got right back to work on finding Kibum.          I could tell Minho has pretty much gotten tried of it but I wasn’t. I was going to find him once and for all. Even if I have to do it again and again.


To be honest, I miss his voice. I miss the soft laughed from the other end of the phone. I miss the cute pouting noise he makes when I say something I know bothers him. And even though I hated hearing his tears, I miss making him happy again.


Even though I’ve never meet him, only seen him for a few seconds, and beat the crap out of his father, I loved him. And I wasn’t going to stop until I finally found him.


But even after a week, I was starting to lose hope. And there was only one person that could help at this point.

I put my laptop down and called my only hope.


“Hello.” I heard from the other end.


“Onew, I need your help.”                                


I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo for the long wait. I really no excuse except that I'm tired. I'm going to be editing the other chapters too. Sorry for the short A/N but I'm kind of in a rush.

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I want to thank my subscribers for sticking with me and believing me! you guys are the best! next chapter will be up soon!


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Chapter 9: Cute story ^^
Chapter 2: OK its really not like a story I've read but I have to ask have you watched call Sinking before
mzjonghyun #3
Chapter 9: aww I love it so cute
Chapter 9: Perfect ;w;
allenra10 #5
Chapter 9: Sequel!!!!!!
Chapter 9: This was such a good story from beginning to end!!
Tae_25 #7
Chapter 9: aaawww that was soooo cute
please please write a sequel
i really like this story and want to read more of it so i think it will be a good idea to do a sequel please~
Chapter 9: Aw so cute I love happy endings
Deffo do a sequel I would read it ^^
Jongkey family ^^
Jenkeey #9
Chapter 8: Oh my, you're on a roll recently. <3 :'D I have no idea about the M thing but... Since you want to rate it M, are you going to write what I think you're going to write?! xD I will wait for that day LMFAO.
Chapter 8: Aww! So cute! ^~^ I hope you will write a bit about their life when Key has recovered, like their first date or something. >~<