Saving You

Just a Phone Call Away

*Jonghyun POV* 

I was going to tell Minho to dive faster then he ever has before but I didn't really need to. He must of known who important this was to me. I didn't really know why this was important. I don't even know this kid. Heck, I've only talked to him over the phone a few times. What if he was making it up? What if this was a stupid prank that he made up? Well I was going to find out when we got there. 

"Are we almost there?"  I couldn't even hid how nervouse I was. 

"We're here." We pulled up to an old house that was falling apart. We were outside of the city in the worst part of town. I could heard screaming even before I got out of the car. 

I was at the front door in a few seconds and didn't bother to knock. 

When I walked inside I saw nothing. Well almost nothing. The house was almost empty. There were only a few peices of furnicher and pretty much nothing in the kitchen to eat.

But I didn't have time to look around I had to find Kibum. 

Finding him was pretty easy because I could hear some one yelling upstairs. I ran up there with Minho behind me. When I ran into the room I heard everything coming from, I saw an older man beating and boy about my age. 

"Get the f*** off him!" I ran at the man and tackled him to the ground. 

"Get the f*** off me!" He yelled. Funny how he pretty mush repeated what I just said. 

It soon turned out to be a fist-fight and fast. He puched me in the gut, I punched him in the nose. He kicked my knee, I through a chair at him face. Even though I seemed to be holding my ground, I wounldn't have been able to win this without Minho. 

We soon had him on the ground where Minho held him in a really uncomfterable position. I stood up and took a deep breathe. This was turning out to be a very weird day that I did not expect. 

I looked around for Key but I couldn't find him anywhere.

"Minho? Where's Key?"  I asked and he looked around too.

"I have no idea."

We spent the next hour looking for him but we just couldn't find him. "He's gone." Minho said.

No. That's not right. I didn't even got a chance to meet him. And I saved him! (with the help of Minho). How could just run off like that!? I looked around the bed room and saw that the old cell phone was missing.

I smiled. As long as he had that cell, I could find him.


*Key POV*

I couldn't stay here. Some boy about my age tackled my father and they started fighting. This was my chance. But did I want to leave? And who would fight for me? Was that Jonghyun? No it couldn't be. There was no way for him to find me.

I looked over at the fight and noticed that there was another one in the fight as well. I had to get out of here. I hate fighting. Even if they were trying to save me I just had to leave.

I picked up what was left of my old, broken cell phone and ran out of the room, down the stairs, and bolted out the front door in the poring rain.

I had no ide where I was going but I just kept running. Holding my small phone to my chest.


I was not sure if I was going to update this story or not. To tell you the truth, I'm so out over this story. I'm kind of scared to update for the fear that the other author is going to see it.

Some of you said I should talk to her and I tryed but chickened out :( I just don't know what to say! But if I don't talk to her, then there's a chance she'll find it and be mad but if I talk to her anyway she could still end up being mad! I just don't want to get kicked off this site! What should I do?!

Sorry this chapter . From now one the chapters will be short so I can finish this story. I didn't think I was going to at first. I might just end it now but I'll wait a bit longer.

Thanks for sticking with me with all my crap :) I thank you for it!

Please comment and subcribe! (if you want)

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I want to thank my subscribers for sticking with me and believing me! you guys are the best! next chapter will be up soon!


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Chapter 9: Cute story ^^
Chapter 2: OK its really not like a story I've read but I have to ask have you watched call Sinking before
mzjonghyun #3
Chapter 9: aww I love it so cute
Chapter 9: Perfect ;w;
allenra10 #5
Chapter 9: Sequel!!!!!!
Chapter 9: This was such a good story from beginning to end!!
Tae_25 #7
Chapter 9: aaawww that was soooo cute
please please write a sequel
i really like this story and want to read more of it so i think it will be a good idea to do a sequel please~
Chapter 9: Aw so cute I love happy endings
Deffo do a sequel I would read it ^^
Jongkey family ^^
Jenkeey #9
Chapter 8: Oh my, you're on a roll recently. <3 :'D I have no idea about the M thing but... Since you want to rate it M, are you going to write what I think you're going to write?! xD I will wait for that day LMFAO.
Chapter 8: Aww! So cute! ^~^ I hope you will write a bit about their life when Key has recovered, like their first date or something. >~<