
This is War

         Chaerin wanted to take her revenge but she still had to wait as Jiyong was going to leave the caravan for his job. Her hair was fine now, without grease as she took a shower. She was now sane on her bed, watching the news. She was worried. She didn’t care if they were talking about her. She didn’t care if they were saying she was a murderer. But she was praying that nothing bad happened to Youngbae. She didn’t want to hear his name in the news.

“Youngbae didn’t call you today?” she asked Jiyong worrying.

“Nah, it’s not his habitude. No news is good news! Always…” Jiyong replied in the kitchen. Chaerin just looked at him rolling her eyes. He was useless.

“You know I can cook too. I don’t need a baby sitter, I even bet I’m a better cook than you!”

“Oh, I thought you had domestics cooking for you when you were in Seoul?” Jiyong said with sarcasm. “I don’t want you to use my kitchen, got it? You could kill yourself! Worst, you could burn the caravan!” he added giving a bowl to Chaerin.

It was a seaweed soup. (this soup is considered as very good for health.
This soup would also help to recover from giving birth for Korean women.)


“Do you think I’ve just given birth?” Chaerin asked incredulous looking at the green soup.

“It’s good for health, so eat!” Jiyong commanded her. Chaerin made a grimace. She wasn’t used to this kind of traditional dishes. In Seoul, she could eat what she wanted like occidental food.

She began to eat her soup when she heard a car approaching the caravan outside. Jiyong heard it too as he stiffened. He glared at Chaerin and mouthed her to remain silent. He took something from a drawer quickly and moved step by step toward the door turning out the lights. Chaerin suddenly realized that Jiyong was holding a gun. There was a gun in the drawer since the beginning? Chaerin didn’t even know! They stayed in silence waiting for their unknown visitor. They had to be careful because it could be anyone, they rarely had visitors. Chaerin stayed on the bed putting her knees against her chest trembling a bit. Her arm was painful and she could hear her heart beating in her chest. Jiyong was ready to shoot, he knew how to use a gun.

Then they heard three knocks against the door and someone saying:

“Jiyong, it’s me, noona! I know I’m early, sorry!”

Jiyong was suddenly relieved as he sighed and opened the door, releasing the tension. “Yah noona, you scared us!”. A small woman appeared from outside. Chaerin didn’t expect their “noona” to be like this. It was a curious person actually. She seemed to be as young as Chaerin. She was thin, small even if she had heels. Her hair was in a bun and she was wearing a long coat. She looked fragile but cute. But in another way she seemed to be more mature as her face showed her experience. She removed her coat and saluted Chaerin.

“Hello, my name is Sandara Park but you can call me Dara unni, or just unni. I’m your friend now!” she said cheerful.

“Hello, I’m honored to meet you! My name is Chae…” Chaerin began to say

“Your name is Chaerin, Youngbae told me… Don’t be formal with me, I’ll protect you tonight!” Dara interrupted her. Chaerin doubted Dara could fight and protect her but she found her funny and she was at ease with her.

“If something happens… Call me noona. And don’t be afraid to use this…” Jiyong said solemnly giving the gun to Dara. She didn’t speak as she simply nodded knowing that the situation was dangerous. Her eyes were as cold as the ice.

“And… Can I borrow your car again?” Jiyong begged afterward.

“You should buy a new car Jiyong! You’ll have an accident one day with your bin!” Dara said crossing her arms against her chest. “Aigoo… The key is in the car!” She sighed then.

“Don’t worry about me noona, thanks!” he said in a rush taking his jacket, his cap and his cigarettes. “Take care of the rich girl, I’m leaving!”

“Why are you leaving this earlier? It’s only 8:00pm?” Dara asked surprised

“Well, now that you’re here, she doesn’t need me anymore! It’s exhausted to babysit this girl!” Jiyong said teasing Chaerin who was fuming.


“This man has no manners” Chaerin said pouting. “Why do I have to live here with him?”

“Jiyong is just playful like a young dog. it's been awhile since I hadn’t seen him like this. He’s worst usually!” Dara answered as she sat next to Chaerin. “So, I’m curious I want to know everything about you, and about Seoul! It must be amazing!”

“Well, it is! I really love this place. I always lived there and I swear I’ll return there when all of this will finish. And the nightlife is… unavoidable!” Chaerin began to say. She continued to speak about her city, stars in her eyes. She didn’t know she would miss her city that much. It was her life.

“Busan is certainly less amazing that Seoul but you’ll see it can be interested!” Dara affirmed.

“You may be right but you know I can’t leave the caravan and the Landfill… It’s the rules…” Chaerin whispered disappointed.

“I’ll speak to Jiyong, don’t worry… You’ll see Busan! There are too many things to do there… I’ll show you the beaches, the port, the clubs also!”

“I’m eager to see this unni!” Chaerin said a little more cheerful. They spoke a little more about their lives. Chaerin spoke about her childhood with Youngbae, about her mom and her dad. She learnt more about Dara too. This girl never left Busan, she never saw anything else. She never finished high school as she started to work at 17 years old. Actually her mother was sick and she had to help her parents at their shop. This girl went through difficult times too.

“You’re a nice girl Chaerin! I understand now why Youngbae is helping you” Dara exclaimed. “Youngbae is a nice boy, a faithful friend. You know I’m kinda jealous…”


This afternoon, Youngbae entered the grocery. He was hurry as he wanted to see his friend. There were some people in the shop, Youngbae saluted them politely as he knew all of them. He knew everybody in this district. People liked him as he always was nice and polite. The youngers admired him, the elders trusted him.

He saw Dara’s father behind the cash register and asked him where he could find his daughter. He finally found her upstairs in her room. He knew her house as he had visited her many times when he was just a teenager.

“Youngbae! I’m so glad to see you! It’s been a long time, what were you doing?” Dara greeted him making him sit on her bed.

“Neh, I missed you noona…”

“Aigoo, I was worried! Jiyong didn’t want to tell me where you were! It was for your job?” Dara pouted. It wasn’t a secret for her, she knew what Youngbae was doing. She knew he was a bounty hunter. At first, she didn’t approve his choice, she even scolded Jiyong because she thought he had a bad influence on him. But Youngbae was her precious friend and she would do everything for him. 

 “Neh noona… Can I ask you something?” Youngbae asked

“Of course everything! You know you can trust me!” She said punching his shoulder playfully.

“Well, I have a friend who needs our help, your help…” Youngbae tried to explain. He wasn’t good expressing himself.

“Your friend is my friend!” Dara affirmed firmly

Her name is Chaerin, Lee Chaerin. She is in a difficult situation. She was my childhood friend, and I can’t abandon her. S-she’s special to me, do you understand?” Youngbae whispered because he wanted to stay discrete.

“Oh… It’s this girl… I heard her name in the news. Youngbae, are you sure…?” Dara hesitated a bit confused.

“Dara, I thought you could understand! She’s not a murderer! Can’t you trust me?” Youngbae said standing in front of her.

“Of course I trust you Youngbae! It’s just that… I’m your friend, I just want your safety!” Dara exclaimed standing up too.

“Do it for me Dara! Y-you’re my best friend, you always helped me and I honestly thank you. Now if you want to help me, help Chaerin! She’s in a dangerous situation.” Youngbae begged

“Aigoo… Okay, I’ll help her but I can’t promise you she’ll be fine! If it’s too dangerous, I couldn’t…” she mumbled.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be quick soon…” he hugged his friend suddenly

 “Y-you’re leaving again?” Dara stammered. She was surprised by his sudden affection towards her. It had been a long time since their last embrace. The last time they weren’t just friends. She melted in his strong arms, enjoying the moment.

“Neh, I really as a friend… I’m really lucky to have you!” Youngbae chuckled caressing Dara’s hair. She didn't know how long her friend would be away, but she was used to it.

“Neh I’m lucky too…” Dara replied her head on Youngbae’s shoulder. “We’re best friend after all…” she said, clearly meaning the opposite. Youngbae, however, did not let that dampen his mood. Dara wasn’t as joyful as usually. She let him leave her again. She wanted his safety, forgetting her own happiness.


End of Flashback


“Neh, I’m thankful to him… But It seems that I don’t really know him. You’re his friend too?” Chaerin asked curious about Youngbae’s life.

“Yeah… We were really close! He was shy at first when he arrived from Seoul but Jiyong and I welcomed him cheerfully. We were just teenagers and Youngbae was a little lost. Jiyong was his opposite, he was noisy, undisciplined, playful, and a partygoer. But as we say, opposites attract. But Jiyong is also a nice guy beyond appearances and he helped Youngbae. He saved him from many fights. When his mother died, Youngbae was homeless so Jiyong proposed him to live at his house. They were like brothers actually.”  


“I helped him too as I was his confidante. We were even dating at a moment. It lasted two years but things became difficult…” Dara confessed

“Oh you were together during two years! Awww it was really serious… Can I ask you what happened then?” Chaerin asked cautiously.

“In Busan, you have the upper class and us, the modest class. It’s hard to earn a living. Young people are disillusioned and they prefer to fend for themselves. Youngbae couldn’t become a military so he became a bounty hunter. His life became dangerous and we couldn’t see him as much as before. As for Jiyong, he… He joined a gang. Well more exactly, he created a gang, with Teddy Park, one of his friends. But it became incontrollable and Jiyong left Teddy and the gang. I was relieved really but Teddy is still angry after him, that’s why he’s living in a caravan. Maybe I should be discreet and let Jiyong explain it to you properly, doesn’t it?” Dara explained.

“I won’t speak to him because he’s still a jerk! He can’t understand what I’m living… I can’t even realize it myself in fact…” Chaerin said looking down at her hands.

“You miss your dad?” Dara asked cautiously

“Neh, every time I close my eyes I can see him… His eyes are always full of pain in my dreams as if he was accusing me. I didn’t kill him but I-I feel guilty… I would have stayed with him in his office and saved him. But I don’t want people’s pity, I don’t want to show my feelings … Because I know I could break down…”

“You’re a strong girl but you can trust me, and Jiyong! Everything will be alright! Let’s watch the tv, it’s drama night!” Dara exclaimed cheerful changing the channel. Chaerin looked at her amused and thought that things could be more interesting in Busan with her new friend.




Wow, it's been a long since I update since story! I'm sorry but I was busy with my oneshots and my other story "MR. Choi's Bar"... But I won't abandon this story because I'm brave !--' Thank you for your comments, I really appreciate it =)


Next time, we'll discover Chaerin's little brother... Who is he? 

See you soon!

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skyforthedragon #1
Authornim... Update pls
cipluk #2
Chapter 17: HUUUUUFTttt
ra21ah #4
Chapter 17: Authornim pls don't abandon this. We.will help you.and give you ideas! Choose someone as your Co author. No one can continue this one like you. I'm sure of it. Pls?
Chapter 14: authornim,update this please :D
Ravaaaa #7
Chapter 16: Update soon ..
And more skydragon moment ...
Thank you
Chapter 16: aigoo Ji why you are so cold ? >.<
Bommie a little bit scary kekeke
kwonjiyon #9
Chapter 16: good that you're back <3
kwonjiyon #10
update soon <3