[Chapter 1]

∞Love Triangle∞


Kim Jieun’s story:

(You) Kim Jieun and Kim Daniel are actually a wealthy, rich and half of the royal’s blood generation. But they are not so close to the Royal family because they were hidden by their parents. Their parents passed away when Kim Daniel was just 8 months old. They had a car accident when they were just about to arrive to the castle. Kim Jieun and Kim Daniel were sent to the orphanage but their aunt decided to take care of them. She is warm-hearted, kind and always treats them like her own children. Now she decided to let them go and had to send them to Korea. Kim Jieun actually had this childish behavior and many people like her.


>>Kim Jieun’s POV<<


It was 7:30 in the morning. We had to pack our things and move to Korea. Hmph, I wish I could stay here in US with Daniel forever. My friends are going to miss me so much and I’m going to miss them more. We finish packing and headed to the airport. Our aunt helped us carrying our bags and book for the flight. We say goodbye to Imo and set off.

[A/N: *Imo is aunt in korean]

>>Fast Forward<<


We landed at the Seoul International Airport. It was so crowded and I almost lost Daniel in the crowd. We manage to get out for hours and Daniel saw a sign that says “Kim Jieun and Kim Daniel” while pulling my shirt. It was our driver that aunt gave us. “Are you Kim Jieun and Kim Daniel?” he asked. I nodded and he led us to the car. The driver took us to this big mansion. I was so shocked to see the mansion. “I’ve always wanted a mansion,” I said with a soft voice.

The driver went out of the car and opened the door for us. He helped us took out things out and led us to the mansion. We went inside and Daniel has an owl face that made me smile. The driver gave us the keys and a card. “Call me if you want to go somewhere or need anything, ok?” he said. “Ok, we’ll give you a call.” I replied. He went out and leaves the two of us alone. “Daniel, do you want to go round the mansion?” I asked him excitingly. He nodded and holds my hand.


We went round the mansion and they were some workers who actually work here. They greeted us and we greeted back. When we were walking around, Daniel stopped and has an owl face again because he saw a huge playground. He rushed to the playground excitingly and I cried a little. “Daniel, noona will round the house, ok?” I called him and asked. “Arasso noona, I’ll wait for you here,” he continued playing after he finishes talking. I went at the back of the masion and I was amazed by the scenery.

So I walk around and I saw this beautiful garden with so many different kinds of flower. As I walk out to the beautiful garden, I picked up some flower and put it on the small pot. I arranged it properly and put in the soil. I brought the pot inside and went straight to my room.


As I placed the pot to my room, I remembered that I left Daniel in the playground. When I was in the playground, Daniel was playing at the swings. I was relieved and sat at the swings beside him. “Daniel,” I asked as I continue. “Do you want to stay here forever?” Daniel shook his head up and down.

We went straight to his room and changed into his favorite pajamas. He went straight to his bed and I sang to his favorite song 'Into Your World' by EXO-K. His eyes were blinking as he slowly went to sleep. I went back to my room too and water the flowers. I looked at it as I admire how beautiful the flower was. I change my clothes to something comfortable and went through some notes that aunt gave us.

[A/N:Daniel's Bedroom..]

>>Fast Forward<<

I went to bed as the clock says 12 in the morning. Tomorow is gonna be a new day for me and Daniel. The first time excersicing outside the beautiful pathways lined with trees and purple azaleas and having a delicious breakfast made by the chef. 'Although Imo's breakfast is deliocious too' I thought.


[>>A/N POV<< :D]

  How's my story? ok? does it bored you? I need your opinion on my first chapter..COMMENT OK? *im not saying harshly. :(  btw I'm gonna post my 2nd chapter tomorow cause today I have to sleep early for tomorow as always (*sigh ) and I appriciate you guys for reading my story. And I bow to you 90 degrees cause I'm a bad writer and I'm not so good at it AND keep you guys waiting. :( Miannaeyo T.T

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In Chapter 3, what is that picture of Chanyeol? The first one? Why does he have long hair?! Is that pre debut or something?! O_O