Be Afraid

SHINee Texting Conversations (Part 1)


Onew: I need to inform you on a very important issue that has occurred

Key: What? Did somebody eat your chicken?

Onew: So you admit you ate my chicken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Key: No. I didn’t eat any of your chicken

Onew: Lies!!! All lies!!!

Key: Aish~~~

Key: I think it was Taemin

Onew: I wouldn’t be surprised -__-  he ate my soup the other day

Key:  Yeah he has been eating a lot more lately. Maybe he’s trying to bulk up for Minho xDDD

Onew: Cute kid xDDD

Onew: So you didn’t eat any of my fried chicken???

Key: No

Onew: Okay, I’ll let you off easy this time….but remember!!!! If you ever eat my chicken….

Key: What?

Onew: You do not need to know the rest…

Key: Oh I am so scared -__-

Onew: You should be!!!!!!

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xiaoxinxing #2
Lol Onew and his chicken addiction! XD
luhans-vaqina #3
LOL, cute.
Update soon! There's not enough. D:
Llama_96 #4
LOL the chicken!
SHINeeismybias #5
so funny!! i lol'd at minho
omg, minho LMFAO.
JojoHendrix53974 #8
"LET ME SMELL YOUR SHIRT!!" lmao i died. that sounds like something almighty diva umma would do XD